- Jun 5, 2003
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- 2,511
Barbarian I want to address your major issue, you have been studying this for a long time and following him but how is it you do not understand Genesis and evolution do not mix.
For one God created the day and describes it.
Genesis 4&5
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Okay but lets say you don't believe that which you don't,
I do. I agree with the early Christians who realized it wasn't a literal history, but a description of the categories of creation. The fact that the text speaks of a morning and an evening with no Sun to have them establishes that it's not a literal history.
You believe whales evolved from land animals, same with seals, this is what evolution teaches. But God says in Genesis he created the whales and sea life before the land animals.
And if it was a literal history, then reality and Genesis would be at odds. But that isn't a problem.
So your excuse will be not only can you not take the days seriously but the order in what he created.
Genesis Theistic Evolution
Ocean before land Land before Ocean
Earth before stars Stars before earth
There are many more fatal contradiction between the two.
How can you not see that?
As St. Augustine pointed out, the literal meaning of Genesis is what God intended it to be, not a literal history.
And you say the YE creation is the one that don't believe it all and add stuff to it.
Yep. The "life ex nihilo" doctrine of YE creationism is in direct contradiction to God's word in Genesis.
YE was invented by the Seventh-Day Adventists at the beginning of the last century. It's well-documented. Some Christians thought the world was young in ancient times before the evidence was in, but later, evangelicals were quite comfortable with the evidence. Charles Spurgeon freely admitted millions of years, and the creationism at the Scopes trial was old Earth (being before the Adventists had spread their doctrine to other Chistians)
Then you keep saying God created us as apes.
According to Genesis, we were brought forth from the Earth like other animal, but God gave us a soul directly, making us an entirely different sort of being. Even if our bodies were the result of evolution.
Come on now your contradictions are all over the place.
Don't see how. It's all logically consistent.
And like Jesus says if you can't believe Moses how can you believe him.
I can't think of anything Jesus said that contradicts science.
Galatians, Barbarian whatever you have been at this same thing for what like 12 years and still claim your beliefs fit Genesis. Too many contradictions.
It's still true that there are no contradictions in this view.
Back on topic can you show me a animal changing from its own kind, say a land animal turning into a whale or sea life or something of that nature?
Sure. The evolutionary history of whales is well-documented. Pakicetus is basically an ungulate with the head of a whale, and a few other whale features. Ambulocetus retains many ungulate features, but is partially aquatic, and the skull is more whale-like than Pakicetus. The line is pretty much continuous. The gradual movement of nostrils from the front of the skull to the top is well-documented. Want to see that?
Cause that is what evolution teaches. And not what the Bible teaches.
The Bible doesn't talk about evolution. Doesn't talk about genetics, either. Lots of things are true, that aren't in the Bible.
Natural selection is survival of the fittest, so it kills off the weaker animals not create new body parts and etc...
Actually, it does. It's so efficient at that, that engineers are now copying evolution to solve problems that are too complex for design. God, as usual, knew best.
Natural selection of artificial breading may remove a trait that is already present but never create new information in the DNA and new genes.
Every new mutation adds information. Would you like me to show you the numbers?
It will not add fur flippers and etc...
Flippers are easy. Evolution of a repressor that stops the apoptotic process in hands and feet will do that.
Mutations only change one code, of DNA out of billions and to think mutations of thousands of codes in perfect order is how we got here is not logical.
They aren't in perfect order. It's a mess. We have old, inactivated genes, bits of viruses that were inserted and broken, and stuff that started as one thing and is now another.
We see changes in a kind but never between a kind.
Do you think humans and apes are different "kinds?" I'm asking this because there's a couple of imporant facts we need to look at. It's not a trap, but it does matter.
All I have received so far is nothing evolves now because the niche is filled.
Sometimes. But we also see that when a pioneer population gets into an environment with many unfilled niches, an explosion of speciation occurs. This happened in the "Cambrian explosion", after the dinosaurs died off, when insects finally managed to get established in Hawaii, and when birds arrived in New Zealand.
you might want to get your contradictions in Genesis straight
No contradictions.
if you cant't believe Genesis how can you believe the rest of the Bible as literal.
Some of the Bible is literal, some of it isn't. Jesus is not looking forward to sorting livestock at the Judgement.