Hello fellow posters~
Well, I wrote an essay a few semesters ago that point out (with sources included) some well known facts about evolution. I include it here, certainly, even the Darwinists are troubled over the failures of this defunct model to validate its claims. However, whether or not it is against the law to teach creationism is addressed, and I cite the current law. So if you are up to it may the Lord bless your reading...
Evolution Revolution
Darwin’s modern theory of evolution currently endorsed in the majority of science textbooks and taught in science classrooms across America is highly controversial. This debate began with the first radio broadcasted trial in 1925, defeating the Butler Act, an anti-evolution statute in Tennessee. In the 1980’s, debates flared again when scientists discovered DNA and microbiology. This research both provided possible mutational natural selection examples for common descent, and reversely unveiled the structured complexity of living cells; offering credence to both modern evolution and intelligent design theories. Evolution icons used in textbooks, have suffered decline and in some cases complete refutation. However, no overarching resolution has authorized comprehensive corrections to textbooks or obtained new science standards across the board. Therefore, one state after another is going to court to decide individual rulings for new science standards, and some are besieged with intelligent design confusions. This dispute is costly; one small town in Dover recently paid one million dollars in court fees when it began teaching intelligent design, because its school board feared indoctrination of its students into modern evolution theory. In opposition, the brochure for a recent book Science Evolution and Creationism, offered by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) may place modern evolution on an irrefutable pedestal by declaring in January of 2007 that, “There is no scientific controversy about Darwinian evolution. [Darwinism is] so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter it†(NAS 5). What would cause the most influential science organization in the country to state this during so much disagreement? Many Americans recognizing evolution’s flaws and the accumulating doubt about its evidential reality reignite the dispute, yet the NAS says there is no controversy and the theory need not be altered. Supporters of modern evolution theory claim that science standards must not be changed because criticism of evolution in the classroom will undermine science education in schools, while dissenters state that evolution theory problems are numerous and well-known, and that science textbooks indoctrinate students by continuing to use falsified icons to validate the fossil record, common descent, and natural selection, therefore science standards must mandate text modification and critical analysis of evolution theory.
The National Academy of Science uses a plea to fear in its recent book Science Evolution and Creationism stating that, “Criticizing evolution will undermine science education in our schools, and introduce non-scientific concepts about evolution into the classroom†(NAS 4). However, is the entire theory of evolution being doubted as to its validity, thereby undermining it? That depends on what one means by the word evolution. If one simply means small changes over time or even that living things are related by common ancestry there is no argument. Moths change color, bacteria build up resistance to antibiotics, domestic cats and leopards come from common ancestors. However, the concepts of universal common descent and of natural selection produced by random genetic mutations now form the core of modern evolutionary theory. It is true that other theories such as intelligent design, have sought to invade the science classroom. Although every attempt has been refuted and removed by the legal checks and balances in place in U.S. legislation. In his decision in Pennsylvania recently, Judge Jones III wrote,
"Darwin's theory of evolution is imperfect. . .however, the fact that a scientific theory cannot yet render an explanation on every point should not be used as a pretext to thrust an untestable[sic] alternative hypothesis, grounded in religion, into the science classroom†(Jones III).
Modern evolution theory predicts life origins as an unpredictable and purposeless process without discernable direction or goals. Yet, it is now clear that the failure of Darwinian natural selection and random mutation cannot account for much of the highly-ordered complexity we now see in biology. This is the crux of the fears projected by the NAS. A recent tact by the NAS to protect evolution theory’s position; was to use a poor analogy in their recent brochure comparing the theories of gravity and evolution saying, “Evolution stands on an equally solid foundation of observation, experiment, and confirming evidence as the theory of gravity†(NAS 8). However, even without a science degree reason designates gravity as an observed reality; to contradict it anywhere is disastrous. Although to criticize Evolution in the science classroom can build a solid analytical foundation for students, just as this type of inquiry does for all academics. Science must remain uncensored, and open to probing debate to thrive.
From evolution theory’s inception the fossil record has revealed ever widening informationless gaps which usurp the plausibility of common descent. Charles Darwin was aware of the many gaps in the fossil record and thought the best evidence to support his theory came from embryology. He surmised that early vertebrate embryos were very alike and as they developed became increasingly diverse. He concluded that this was not just evidence for common ancestry, it was, “by far the strongest single class of facts in favor of [his theory]†(Darwin). But the fact is that vertebrate embryos actually start out looking very different, and then look fairly alike midway through their development before becoming different again as adults. In the 1860s, German Darwinist, Ernst Haeckel, made drawings of vertebrate embryos to illustrate Darwin’s theory. Haeckel misrepresented the midpoint of development as the first stage. He then distorted the embryos to make them look much more alike than they really are. His drawings of the vertebrate embryos of: fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals look extremely alike and provide false evidence for the evolutionary tree of life transitions extending from fish to man. However, actual photos of these early stage vertebrate embryos presented as evidence in Michael K. Richardson’s article; Anatomy and Embryology, show striking differences between them. Mr. Richardson was interviewed for Science in 1997 and said; “It looks like it’s turning out to be one of the most famous fakes in biology†(Richardson). Sadly, biologists have known this fact for over a century. British embryologist Adam Sedgwick wrote in 1894 that the claim that, “[Vertebrate embryos are most alike in their earliest stages] is not in accordance with the facts of development†(Sedwick).
Among revered scientists who hold Darwinian evolution as a philosophy, there is strong dissent to the incredible allowance of this highly controversial “evidence†being presented to uninformed students; thus records Stephen Jay Gould in his article for Natural History in 2000. “We do, I think, have the right to be both astonished and ashamed by the century of mindless recycling that has led to the persistence of these drawings in a large number, if not a majority, of modern textbooks†(Gould). Two textbooks currently used in Ohio science classrooms still employ the Haeckle illustrations (see bibliography, with relevant page numbers) listed by the Discovery Institute Website these are: Kenneth R. Miller & Joseph Levine, Biology: The Living Science (Prentice Hall, 1998, p. 223), and Albert Towle, Modern Biology (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1999, p. 291) (Staff). Is this an exception to the rule for biology textbooks currently used? No, a complete listing of ten textbooks used in U.S. classrooms is included in the attached reference in this essay.
A main factor in Darwin’s theory proving natural selection depends on the evolution of “beneficial†changes in species anatomy. The standard icon used in biology textbooks of a change that benefitted a species is the peppered moth story. These moths were predominantly light gray in the 1800’s before the industrial revolution; after pollution darkened tree trunks, the dark variety of peppered moths became more common. Bernard Kettlewell, a British biologist, theorized in the 1950’s that this change proved natural selection. The hypothesis he claimed was that the darkened moths were camouflaged to birds that normally ate them as the moths rested on darkened tree trunks. Kettlewell released captive peppered moths (both light and dark gray) by placing them onto nearby tree trunks and observed as birds ate the more visible ones. He then recaptured and counted the moths, finding the darkened moths more numerous. These experiments provided evidence for his hypothesis, and became the classic model of natural selection at work in biology textbooks for evolutionary theory which are often illustrated with photos of peppered moths resting on tree trunks. Tens of thousands of moths have been counted since Kettlewell’s experiment. In the 1980’s, biologists revealed through rigorous and repeated observations that peppered moths only rarely rest on tree trunks. University of Massachusetts biologist Theodore Sargent and his colleagues wrote in 1998 that “[although the classic story might be partially true] there is little persuasive evidence, in the form of rigorous and replicated observations and experiments, to support this explanation at the present time†(Sargent 318). What is most disturbing is that although this inaccuracy is documented, peppered moth camouflage-predation is still the primary example used in many science classroom textbooks across the nation. Also, since peppered moths do not normally rest on tree trunks, the photos in student texts are staged (dead moths are glued or pinned to tree trunks) to provide unavailable natural field evidence.
The recent discoveries in DNA have enlisted support for evolutionary natural selection stemming from genetic mutations. In theory mutations provide the changes in species not gradually possible in Darwin’s theory, but are necessary to the theory of common ancestry between species. Four winged fruit flies, genetically engineered, are another iconic example in science textbooks used throughout the United States. Fruit flies normally have two wings and two appendages that are balancers for flight. Four wings have been genetically engineered using the balancers on these insects, and appear in photos to offer evidence of how one insect evolves into another. Yet this mutant fly is no more than a crippled bug that cannot mate and has great difficulty flying. The inability to breed would soon eliminate this mutation should it ever occur outside the laboratory; therefore it provides no beneficial evidence for natural selection theory. A member of the National Academy of Science, Lynn Margulis, refutes mutations as a source for evolutionary specie development; “Mutations, in summary, tend to induce sickness, death or deficiencies. No evidence in the vast literature of heredity changes shows unambiguous evidence that random mutation itself, even with geographical isolation of populations, leads to [new species]â€Â. Modern evolution relies on random mutations selected by a blind and unguided process, none are meant to be “fashioned†in a laboratory. Biologists hoped that DNA evidence would reveal a grand tree of life where all organisms would be clearly descended. However, Jonathan Wells reveals weaknesses in DNA tree of life concepts in his book, Icons of Evolution saying; “Trees describing the supposed inherited relationships between organisms based on one gene or biological characteristic generally conflict with trees based on a different gene or characteristic (Wells).†This clearly challenges modern evolutions theory of universal common descent presuming that all organisms share a single common ancestor.
The icons of modern evolution theory are now discredited; the fossil record with its tree of evolutionary life is fractional, illustrations and photos in current science textbooks are frauds, gradual natural selection is biologically too complex, and mutations are proven of no benefit to validate the theory. All these weaknesses in modern evolution theory provide a very sparse evolutionary tree indeed. Especially as the complex specified engineering of organic cells bears down its evidential weight on the 150 year old theory of random mutations. Finally, adding to the drama, in February 2008 the Florida State Board of Education approved standards written by educators that overhaul the entire science curriculum, and mandate the teaching of evolution without criticism in Florida public schools. Further, the decision the Texas State Board of Education makes on the science curriculum this November will determine what every public school student in Texas learns about science for the next ten years. Also Jesse Hyde reports in the Dallas Observer that, “Because Texas buys more textbooks than every other state except California and publishers would rather not create separate editions for smaller states, the books ordered [t]here will end up in classrooms across the country†(Hyde). In further recognition this board's power, according to Hyde’s article, “In addition to overseeing the $25 billion Permanent School Fund (a perpetual endowment established in 1854 to help finance public education), the state board [in Texas} also reviews curriculum and approves textbooks†(Hyde 3). Soon, national science education may be a divided unruly mess of curriculums and agendas. In science, the truth or falsity of a theory is ultimately determined by comparing it with the evidence. It looks as if the public is ready to make some enormous changes, but will each ruling be fair? Teaching evolution theory objectively ought to be the goal of the revision of current science standards in all states and truth in science must also mandate removal of false evidence from every textbook.
Word count 2,989
Works Cited
Darwin, Charles. Origin of the Species. The Online Liturature library 23 May 2005. 10 March 2008 <hhtp://www.litureture.org/darwin-charles/the-origin-of-the-species/>.
Gould, Stephen Jay. Science and Culture. article, Natural History 2000. Discovery Institute 12 March 2008 <http://www.discovery.org/>
Hyde, Jesse. Battle Against Teaching Evolution in Texas Begins :Should creationism win out, textbooks throughout the country-not just Texas-will challenge the theory of evolution in science curricula Dallas Observer [Dallas, Tex.]
20 Mar. 2008, Alt-Press Watch (APW) ProQuest. San Jacinto Library, San Jacinto, CA. 5 Apr.2008
Jones III, Judge. Focus on Science not Ideology in Setting science Standards Tampa Tribune 20 Mar. 2008, Ebscohost. San Jacinto Library, San Jacinto, CA. 9 Apr.2008
National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Internal Medicine of the National Academies (corporate author) Science Evolution and Creationism (brochure) 14 March 2008. 20 March 2008 <http://www.nasonline.org/>
Richardson, Micheal K. Science and Culture, Anatomy and Embryolog. article, Science 1997.
Discovery Institute. 14 March 2008
Sargent, Theodore. Science and Culture, Evolutionary Biology article, 1998. Discovery Institute 12 March 2008 <http://www.discovery.org/>
Sedwick, Adam. Early Embryo Development. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (1894): p.35. Science and Culture, Evolutionary Biology article, 1998. Discovery Institute 12 March 2008 <http://www.discovery.org/>
Staff, Discovery Institute. Science and Culture, 10 February 2008. Discovery Institute 14 March 2008 <http://www.discovery.org/>
Wells, Jonathan. Icons of Evolution, why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong. Berkeley: Regnery Publishing, 2000. Discovery Institute 12 March 2008 <http://www.discovery.org/>
Biology textbooks currently using the fraudulent Heackle illustrations in science classrooms: These texts have a ten year curriculum usage beginning in 2003.
I. Peter H Raven & George B Johnson, Biology (5th edition, McGraw Hill, 1999)*
The textbook uses a colorized and slightly edited version of Haeckel’s original fraudulent drawings. This version obscures the differences between the earliest stages of embryos as egregiously as Haeckel’s original drawings did.
The text states: “The patterns of development in the vertebrate groups that evolved most recently reflect in many ways the simpler patterns occurring among earlier forms. Thus, mammalian development and bird development are elaborations of reptile development, which is an elaboration of amphibian development, and so forth (figure 58.16).†(pg. 1180)
II. Peter H Raven & George B Johnson, Biology (6th edition, McGraw Hill, 2002)* (same as above text)
III. Textbook III. Douglas J. Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology (3rd ed, Sinauer, 1998)
Haeckel’s original faked drawings are shown with a caption implying that vertebrate embryos are very similar at early stages: "An illustration of von Baer's law: three stages in the development of several vertebrates. All the vertebrates share many common features early in development; many distinguishing features of the classes and orders appear later." (pg. 653)
IV. Cecie Starr and Ralph Taggart, Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life (8th edition, Wadsworth, 1998)
This textbook uses colorized versions of drawings derived from Haeckel’s earliest embryo stages that obscure the differences between the embryos.
The textbook states:"From comparative embryology, some evidence of evolutionary relationships among vertebrates. ... Adult vertebrates show great diversity, yet the very early embryos retain striking similarities"
V. Joseph Raver, Biology: Patterns and Processes of Life (J.M.Lebel, 2004, draft version presented to the Texas State Board of Education for approval in 2003)
The text displays a graphic derived from Haeckel's original drawings, which fraudulently obscure nearly all of the differences between the various embryo forms.
The caption reads, “All vertebrate embryos closely resemble one another in early development.†(pg. 100) The implication is that this provides evidence for common ancestry.
VI. Cecie Starr and Ralph Taggart, Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life (Wadsworth, 2004, draft version presented to the Texas State Board of Education in 2003)
VII. William D. Schraer and Herbert J. Stoltze, Biology: The Study of Life (7th edition, Prentice Hall, 1999)
The drawing is not as bad as the others, but is still clearly derived from Haeckel’s drawings. (For example, the newborn chicken in the graphic is nearly identical to the newborn chicken in Haeckel’s drawings.) The differences between embryos are obscured, though not to the extent that Haeckel obscured them.
The section then uses the drawings as evidence for the modern theory of evolution, stating in the caption: "Similarities in the early stages of embryonic development suggest a common ancestor for these vertebrates." (pg. 583)
VIII. Michael Padilla et al., Focus on Life Science: California Edition (Prentice Hall, 2001)
The text uses a graphic which is essentially a colorized adaptation of Haeckelâ€â¢s original drawings, and it obscures the differences between early embryos just as much as Haeckel did. The text states: “When biologists classify an animal, they look at the structure of its body and the way it develops as an embryo at the very beginning of life. The more similar two animals are in those characteristics, the more closely they are probably related.†(pg. 372)
Just a few pennies into the pot here... bonnie :D