A spot in the visual field where one cannot see? I don't see the advantage.
> Yep. That's the defect. You see in other kinds of eyes, such as those of
> cephalopods, the eye isn't wired backwards, and there is no blind spot.
This is a very interesting point. Firstly, the eye is wired backwards in vertebrates for good reason even aside from metabolic needs. Cephalopods are water creatures, they need only see in water. Due to the fact they see in water, they are unable to see great distances and thus have no need in resolving objects that are a long distance away. Simple high-school grade optics, will show you that the "wired-backwards" design cuts down on optical image interference when resolving objects at long distances. Thus both vertebrate eyes and cephalopod eyes show good design.
Secondly, the blind spot cannot be said to be a defect. Firstly it allows an increased blood flow to the complex retina and other working parts of the eye needful of this supply. And secondly, we have too little understanding of how the brain interpets what it gets from the eye. It maybe that the brain uses the blind-spots in the eyes as static reference points as part of a mechanism to quickly align the eyes when moving rapidly from one object to the next at various distances (It may not be, but the point is, we don't know).
This is called "confabulation". Your brain, lacking evidence about what is in that area, makes up information to compensate. It's not a problem, unless there happens to be something there that you need to know about.
There would most likely only be a problem if you had one eye closed, and(/or if it's out of the field of vision of one of the eyes) the object suddenly appeared at a distance of about 12 inches from your face!
Actually, they don't much of the time. And if you have one eye, it becomes a permanent problem. It's a small defect, but a persistent one.[quote:0029d]
Furthermore since the right eye can see whatever lies in the left eye's blind spot and vice versa, the two eyes together provide complete vision. Perfect.... definitely looks like design to me!
They do indeed most of the time, except when things are very close (and at a certain distace) to your face at strange angles. A small simple optics diagram showing optical overlap of the blind spot ranges of the eyes can easily demonstrate this, which you will no doubt be able to draw for yourself (I suggest using plano-convex lenses for this excercise, it will make things more simple to draw), such an excercise will also prove this point that I am making very easily to yourself too.
Actually, Darwin showed how it could have evolved in a series of steps. He asked a rhetorical question about the development of the eye just before he answered it. The less honest creationists take the quote and remove the part where he explains how, so as to make it appear that Darwin thought something he did not. Apparently they fooled you.
Yes I know what Darwin wrote all very well, and nobody fooled me. It is true that Darwin gave explanation of how he thought (emphasis placed) that the eye could evolve, but he by no means showed how it could evolve past an initial idea. You may be thinking that I'm being pedantic, but I'm not at all and I'll explain why toward the end of this post. When you read this chapter of his book in context, then you realise why the statement is not a rhetoric question. I'll explain, Darwin didn't hold his theory as fact, he held it as a theory that had the possibility of being proved wrong just like other scientific theories do. There is evidence for this even in that same section on the eye, where, just after giving an account of how he thought the eye could evolve, he said "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case." The point is, because he could find no such case, it didn't mean that he thought that his theory could never be proved wrong. He was confident in his theory, just like any serious scientist that publishes a theory, but he also realised that the explanation that he was about to give sounded absurd. His explanation of how the eye could evolve, was given by terms of natural selection. When one realises this, one also realises that his statement "To suppose that the eye, [with so many parts all working together] ... could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." was not a rhetorical question, but a statement about the explanation he was about to give. In what seems to me a real fear of discussing the scientific weaknesses of evolution and the scientific strengths of creation, it seems it has become fashionable among anti-creationists to accuse creation scientists of misquoting authorities. If you're concerned about misquotation, see Dr. Gish's thorough book documenting evolutionists' misquotations, Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics.
Anyway. Moving on, lets take a look at your Darwinian style model of how the eye could have evolved. As a point to note, you are using examples within different kinds, and not of the same kind. For this reason, an evolutional path cannot be traced, and so from a scientific standpoint what you are showing proves absolutely nothing, it only shows that some kinds are more complex than others (which is what we see today, what the Bible says and what the fossil record has always said too). However, since it is unfair to expect it of you to provide evidence of such variation within a single kind (partly because fossil records give no or little information about the workings of the eye (and even if they did, I doubt they would help you much), and partly because it could be argued that the fossil record doesn't go back far enough) I'll be kind and ignore this point, valid though it is.
So your first example, the limpet. If you mean primative in the evolutionary sense, then I'd say no, fossil records agree with creationists, that limpets have always been... yes, you guessed it, limpets. I take it you mean primative in terms of complexity as a comparitive study?
Notice that it is not much but a few sensitive cells in a depression. It has a limited amount of acuity, in that it can tell from what direction the light is coming.
Nautilus eye:
Notice that it's pretty much like the limpet "eye", except that the depression has deepened, and the tissue has grown over the depression to make a primitive "iris" and "pupil".
Wow! Wait one second! Not much different? It now has a retina, and the photoreceptor cells are very different - it's even able to see polarized light. Together with the other changes you have mentioned, these changes would require a huge amount of successive micro-evolutional changes which mean a growth in the gene pool; unless that is, that this information is already in the gene pool, but we'll come to that later.
Much more useful, and capable of forming a crude image by diffraction, much as a pinhole camera works. A lens is nice, but unnecessary.
I agree that in the case of the Nautilus that a lens is unnecessary, it has no requirement for better vision, but in the case of resolution requirement for most vertebrates to function as they do, a lens is required. Furthermore, I agree it is also true that this arangement is more useful for a nautilus over the optical arrangement the limpet has. So far all this shows to me is design that meets requirements.
As a note on the side though. I don't know who told you that a pinhole camera works by diffraction; but this is certainly not true. It works by limiting the range of incident parallel photons that reach the cameras image plate to the diameter of the pinhole. Though diffraction of photons can occur at the pinhole itself, this is not what forms the image, it only forms a diffraction pattern relating to the wavelength of the incident photons, the grating separation (or in this case apature size) and the distance of the imaging plate to the grating/hole. This pattern bears no ressemblance to the object the camera is imaging.
Snail eye
Not much different, except the cuticle has grown over the opening to provide a transparent protection for the pinhole, preventing it from being damaged or clogged.
Again, a huge amount of difference when you look at the detailed differences between these eyes, requiring huge amounts of micro-evolutional change. Have you studied any of these examples that you are giving in any depth at all???
Squid eye:
Not much different, except the cuticle and epithelium have thickened over the pinhole to form lenses.
Aside from shape, and a couple of other features this eye couldn't be much more different! I bet I could list more differences than you could list similarities!
Ah, but the greatest leap is, how do you get from the cephalopod to the vertebrate eye? The photoreceptors in the retina of the vertebrate eye consist of rods and cones. Rods are responsible for collecting dim intensities of light and are the main photoreceptors in night vision. Cones on the other hand, collect high intensity light and are responsible for producing color vision. Cephalopods, lack rods and cones, and instead have photoreceptors called rhabdomeres.
Within each rhabdomeres are pigments that are structurally and functionally different than those found in the vertebrate's rods and cones. Thought the main visual pigment in both eye types is a rhodopsin, the amino acid structure of each animal's rhodopsin is different. Their secondary pigments are different as well. The secondary pigment of a cephalopod is retinochrome, which is located toward the basement membrane of the outer segment, while the vertebrate's secondary pigment, photopsins, is located within the cones of their retina (Campbell et al. 1999, Davson 1972, Wells 1978).
In the vertebrate retina, besides photoreceptor cells, their are ganglion, bipolar, or amacrine cells (Campbell et al 1999, Davson 1972). However this does not mean that the retina of the vertebrate eye is any more advanced or functionally superior to the cephalopod retina. Both have the ability to collect light and transmit action potentials equally well. Cephalopods in fact, do not completely lack the cell types mentioned above. The different cells have instead been placed in the outer layers of the optic lobe (Wells 1978). Depending on the species, the cephalopod optic lobe has anywhere from four to five parts. There is an outer cell body layer, a neurophil layer, another cell layer, and then another neurophil layer followed by a cell body layer, or a central medulla (Ichikawa et al. 1994). Again, there are huge differences between the cephalopod eye and the vertebrate eye. Furthermore the design of the cephalopod eye is well fitted to the cephalopod in the environment in which it lives, where low light levels for the most part mean colour vision is not useful, and the same for the vertebrate where colour vision is useful. In order to get from the cephalopod to the vertebrate, one would need to completely redesign the inner workings of the eye. This is no small task, and would take a absurdly huge amount of mircro-evolutional changes. Ah, but you may say, the vertebrate eye didn't evolve from the modern cephalod eye, but they descended from different ancestors. The point is, that these ancestors must have evolved from a common ancestor at some point. Therefore we come back to the same reasoning and options that we came back to the other day...
1. That the original kind (or ancestor) has a lot more genetic information than the descendants, carrying many dormant genes and chromosomes, allowing for the descendants to come without any additional genetic information.
2. That the original kind (or ancestor) was less complex, and that the descendants gained genetic information over a period of time by “evolutional forcesâ€Â, becoming distinct kinds in their own right through natural selection and other means, even “fathering†new kinds their of their own.
Which will you choose?
This latter view has been excused by the evolutionists that have really thought about it and studied it. Why? Well it comes down to the only mechanism that can in anyway give new genetic information, mutation. In fact it doesn't even do that, it only makes variations (alles) of what is already there. So why can't this be a mechanism for macro evolution?
To clarify (I have taken this from a book called The Facts of Life, by Dr Gary Parker - it's very good and informative, I strongly recommend you get a copy, it's where I have started with much of my response so far!).
The modern evolutionist is called a neo-Darwinian. He still accepts Darwin's ideas about natural selection, but something new (neo-) has been added. The modern evolutionist believes that new traits come about by chance, by random changes in genes called mutations, and not by use and disuse.
We have abundant evidence that various kinds of radiations, errors in DNA replication, and certain chemicals can indeed produce mutations, and mutations in reproductive cells can be passed on to future generations. Some of the changes that have been brought about in fruit-fly wings because of mutations: shorter wings, very short wings, curled wings, spread-apart wings, miniature wings, wings without cross veins. Students in genetics classes work with these fruit flies each year, crossing different ones and working out inheritance patterns. The mutations in the wings can be produced by X-raying fruit flies.
According to the modern, neo-Darwinian view, mutations are the source of new traits for evolution, and selection culls out the fittest combinations (or eliminates the "unfittest") that are first produced just by chance. Mutations certainly occur, but are there limits to extrapolating from mutational changes to evolutionary changes?
Do they produce evolutionary changes? Do they really produce new traits? Do they really help to explain that postulated change from molecules to man, or fish to philosopher?
The answer seems to be: "Mutations, yes. Evolution, no." In the last analysis, mutations really do not help evolutionary theory at all. There are three major problems or limits (and many minor ones) that prevent scientific extrapolation from mutational change to evolutionary change.
(1) Mathematical challenges. Problem number one is the mathematical. I will not dwell on this one, because it's written up in many books and widely acknowledged by evolutionists themselves as a serious problem for their theory.
Fortunately, mutations are very rare. They occur on an average of perhaps once in every ten million duplications of a DNA molecule (10 to the 7th power, a one followed by seven zeroes). That's fairly rare. On the other hand, it's not that rare. Our bodies contain nearly 100 trillion cells (10 to the 14th power). So the odds are quite good that we have a couple of cells with a mutated form of almost any gene. A test tube can hold millions of bacteria, so, again, the odds are quite good that there will be mutant forms among them.
The mathematical problem for evolution comes when you want a series of related mutations. The odds of getting two mutations that are related to one another is the product of the separate probabilities: one in 10 to the 7th power times 10 to the 7th power, or 10 to the 14th power. That's a one followed by 14 zeroes, a hundred trillion! Any two mutations might produce no more than a fly with a wavy edge on a bent wing. That's a long way from producing a truly new structure, and certainly a long way from changing a fly into some new kind of organism. You need more mutations for that. So, what are the odds of getting three mutations in a row? That's one in a billion trillion (10 to the 21st power). Suddenly, the ocean isn't big enough to hold enough bacteria to make it likely for you to find a bacterium with three simultaneous or sequential related mutations.
What about trying for four related mutations? One in 10 to the 28th power. Suddenly, the earth isn't big enough to hold enough organisms to make that very likely. And we're talking about only four mutations. It would take many more than that to change a fish into a philosopher, or even a fish into a frog. Four mutations do not even make a start toward any real evolution. But already at this point some evolutionists have given up the classic idea of evolution, because it just plainly doesn't work.
It was at this level (just four related mutations) that microbiologists gave up on the idea that mutations could explain why some bacteria are resistant to four different antibiotics at the same time. The odds against the mutation explanation were simply too great, so they began to look for another mechanism--and they found it. First of all, using cultures that are routinely kept for long periods of time, they found out that bacteria were resistant to antibiotics, even before commercial antibiotics were "invented." Genetic variability was "built right into" the bacteria. Did the nonresistant varieties get resistant by mutation? No. Resistant forms were already present. Furthermore, certain bacteria have little rings of DNA, called plasmids, that they trade around among themselves, and they passed on their resistance to antibiotics in that way. It wasn't mutation and asexual reproduction at all, just ordinary recombination and variation within kind.
Bacteria can be made antibiotic resistant by mutation, but biologist Novick {9} [1445] calls such forms "evolutionary cripples". The mutation typically damages a growth factor, so that the mutationally crippled bacteria can scarcely survive outside the lab. The antibiotic resistance carried by plasmids results from enzymes produced to break down the antibiotic. Such bacteria do not have their growth crippled by mutation. Their resistance is by design.
But why, you might well ask, would God create antibiotic resistance? It's possible God designed antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and antibiotic production by fungi, to balance the growth of these prolific organisms in the soil. Only after the corruption of creation did some bacteria become disease causers, making antibiotic resistance "inadvertently" a medical problem.
Contrary to popular opinion, drug resistance in bacteria does not demonstrate evolution. It doesn't even demonstrate the production of favorable mutations. It does demonstrate natural selection (or a sort of artificial selection, in this case), but only selection among already existing variations within a kind. It also demonstrates that when the odds that a particular process will produce a given effect get too low, good scientists normally look for a better explanation, such as the plasmid explanation for resistance to multiple antibiotics.
At this point, evolutionists often say that "Time is the hero of the plot." That's what I used to say to my students. "Sure, the odds are low, but there is all that time, nearly 5 billion years!" But 5 billion years is only about 10 to the 17th power seconds, and the whole universe contains fewer than 10 to the 80th power atoms. So even by the wildest "guesstimates", the universe isn't old enough or big enough to reach odds like the 1 in 10 to the 3,000,000 power that Huxley, an evolutionist, estimated as the odds against the evolution of the horse.
Way back in 1967, a prestigious group of internationally known biologists and mathematicians gathered at the Wistar Institute to consider Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution. {10} [1445] All present were evolutionists, and they agreed, as the preface clearly states, that no one would be questioning evolution itself. The only question was, could mutations serve as the basis--with natural selection--as a mechanism for evolutionary change? The answer of the mathematicians: No. Just plain no!
Unfortunately, we also have evidence that the transcendent ingenuity and design Denton sees has been marred and scarred. In that sense, mathematics isn't even the most serious challenge to using mutations as the basis for evolution.
(2) Upward or downward? Even more serious is the fact that mutations are "going the wrong way" as far as evolution is concerned. Almost every mutation we know is identified by the disease or abnormality that it causes. Creationists use mutations to explain the origin of parasites and disease, the origin of hereditary defects, and the loss of traits. In other words, time, chance, and random changes do just what we normally expect: tear things down and make matters worse. Using mutations to explain the breakdown of existing genetic order (creation-corruption) is quite the opposite of using mutations to explain the build up of genetic order (evolution). Clearly, creation-corruption is the most direct inference from the effects of mutations that scientists actually observe.
By producing defects or blocking the normal function of certain genes, mutations have introduced numerous genetic abnormalities into the human population. The hemophilia (bleeders' disease) that afflicted the royal houses of Europe may have arisen as a mutant of a clotting-factor gene in Queen Victoria, for example; and the dread Tay-Sach's Disease may have arisen in Czechoslovakia in the 1920's as a mutation in the gene for producing an enzyme crucial to brain function.
Some people like to call mutations "the means of creation." But mutations do not create; they corrupt! Both logically and often observationally, as in the examples above, the ordered state must come before mutations can disorder it. Mutations are real, all right, but they point to a corruption of the created order by time and chance.
As a matter of fact, human beings are now subject to over 3500 mutational disorders. Fortunately, we do not show as many defects as we carry. The reason they do not show up is that we each have two sets of genes, one set of genes from our mothers and another set from our fathers. The "bad genes" we inherit from our mothers' side are usually covered up by our fathers' genes, and vice versa. We can see what is likely to happen when an animal is born with only one set of genes. Fig. 18, See figure 18, based on a description in a genetics textbook, represents the rare case of a turkey that was hatched from an unfertilized egg, so it had just one set of chromosomes. The poor bird couldn't hold its head up; instead, it bobbed up and down from a neurological disorder. The feathers were missing in patches, and it finally had to be transferred to a germ-free chamber because its resistance to disease was so low.
(See Figure 18: Mutations are mostly harmful, and, as time goes on, they impose an increasingly heavy "genetic burden" on a species. The turkey above, lacking a second set of genes to mask its hereditary defects, could scarcely survive. Creationists use mutations to help explain the origin of parasites and disease. Some evolutionists still believe that time, chance, and occasional favorable mutations provide the raw material for "upward-onward" progress, but the "post-neo-Darwinists" are looking for other means to explain evolution.)
Now here's the basis for a good horror story. Picture a mirror at the end of a dark hall. You claw your way through the spider webs to reach the mirror, and then you press a button. The mirror then splits you in two halves, so you can see what you would look like if you had only your mother's genes or only your father's genes. In the next scene, you're writhing there in agony, your hair turning white as you fall over backward and die of fright! Unfortunately, that picture exaggerates only slightly what mutations have done to human beings and to the various kinds of plants and animals as well. If it weren't for having two sets of genes, few of us would be able to survive.
Evolutionists recognize, of course, the problem of trying to explain "onward and upward" evolution on the basis of mutations that are harmful at least 1000 times more often than they are helpful. No evolutionist believes that standing in front of X-ray machines would eventually improve human beings. No evolutionist argues that destruction of the earth's ozone layer is good because it increases mutation rates and, therefore, speeds up evolution. Evolutionists know that decrease in the ozone layer will increase mutation rates, but they, like everyone else, recognize that this will lead only to increased skin cancer and to other harmful changes. Perhaps a helpful change might occur, but it would be drowned in the sea of harmful changes.
Because harmful mutations so greatly outnumber any supposed helpful ones, it's considered unwise nowadays (and illegal in many states) to marry someone too closely related to you. Why? Because you greatly increase the odds that bad genes will show up. By the way, you also increase the odds of bringing out really excellent trait combinations. But did you ever hear anybody say, "Do not marry your first cousin or you will have a genius for a child?" They do not usually say that, because the odds of something bad happening are far, far, far, far, far greater.
That would not have been a problem, by the way, shortly after creation (no problem for Cain and his wife, for example). Until mutations had a chance to accumulate in the human population, no such risk of bad combinations existed. Mutations are often carried as "hidden genes" (recessives) that are difficult to eliminate by selection, so they tend to build up in populations. The build-up of mutations with time poses a serious problem for plants and animals, as well as for human beings, and time, evolution's "hero", only worsens the problem of mutational decay.
Geneticists, even evolutionary geneticists, refer to the problem as "genetic load" or "genetic burden." In their textbook on evolution, Dobzhansky et al. {12} [1445] state clearly that the term is meant to imply a burden that "weighs down" a species and lowers its genetic quality. In an article paradoxically titled "The Mechanisms of Evolution", Francisco Ayala {13} [1445] defines a mutation as "an error" in DNA. Then he explains that inbreeding has revealed that mutations in fruit flies have produced "extremely short wings, deformed bristles, blindness, and other serious defects". Does that sound like "the raw material for evolution?"
It's not that beneficial mutations are theoretically impossible. Bacteria that lose the ability to digest certain sugars, for example, can regain that ability by mutation. That's no help to evolution, however, since the bacterium only gets back to where it started, but at least the mutant is helpful.
I would put in more, but I'm sure I could be in breach of copy write laws (even though my version of Online Bible that it is contained in doesn't seem to say so).
After a short study, I'm sure you'll realise why evolutionists are unable to give an explanation as to how such an instrument could have evolved - it is too perfect.
I've spent a lot of time on it.
I don't doubt that you have spent time looking at these things, but you haven't gone deep enough. Maybe I shouldn't have said "short study". You should try spending a bit more time looking a little deeper at all the differences and thinking about how these differences can be reconciled in a common ancestor. Furthermore, is there any evidence that this common ancestor ever existed? The eye itself is complex, but it is not an irreducable machanism. Even so, it still reveals these fatal problems to the serious evolutionists. If you want something really challanging to tackle, try helping them to find an answer.
And the answer turns out that nothing is perfect, and we can show how the "sorta perfect" evolved.
It is obviously far harder to show than you realise according to lead evolutionists that cannot give a mechanism that gives rise to the required micro-evolutional changes for marco-evolutional scale - mutation certainly can't explain this!
I like your snake example, although it doesn't help you at all, its only using genes that are already there in the gene pool of snakes. This is not macro evolution, it's just diversity in kinds.
The point is that it isn't the same snake. It's an entirely different organism, one that can hunt in darkness, and "see" heat.
No, it's not an entirely different organism, it's still a snake, that is only genetically using information it already has.
Chimps and humans differ by much less than garter snakes and rattlesnakes.
It now seems you are making things up here, since this is obviously wrong!
This is the dilemma of creationism. If the evolution of boid snakes is not evolution, then the common ancestry of humans and chimps isn't either.
Where is the dilemma? Evolution of boid snakes, is not evolution (in the sense of the theory of evolution) at all, it is just the use of genes that are already pre-existant. As I say, it's not that much different at all to other snakes, it is only a snake using the diversity of genes they already have. Thus it is harldy evidence for macro-evolution.