The bible tells us that everything was created "after its kind".
So, this means, "completely formed", and does not mean...."after some evolution".
The way i think of it, is like this........God is as artist who painted life using His word, and His Word is Jesus.
God said.."let there be", and by using words alone, God painting existence into being.
God said...."let there be", and this was like a painter painting a living landscape.
God said..."let there be", and this was like a painter painting a living sky full of stars and planets and galaxies.
Every time God said "let there be", He was using His imagination, through Jesus, to create in real life everything that is....
And as Jesus is the Word through whom all things are created .. then Jesus is the actual brush, stroking into existence <> existence itself, as all things that exist were created by and through Him... John 1:3 ... Colossians 1:16