- Dec 4, 2010
- 15,569
- 2,789
I agree with all of this, BUT....
1)"We should never debate the scriptures"
Really? I am unsure of what is wrong with doing so. Can you explain? I think I am reading into your statement something you don't mean, but Im not sure.-
You are coming off a bit on the legalistic side but I am going to ignore that you have presented yourself as somewhat of a Bible scholar and I missed this before but I'll answer, even though to have been polite you should have reposted them.
We absolutely must never, between Christians, debate a scripture. In the first place the only, real, value in debating is one sharpens their skill at pressing their point home. That is not a scriptural activity for a Christian to exercise on another Christian. Now, every, and I do mean every, saved man, woman and child is indwelt with the Holy Spirit. If you and I have differing points of view on any given scripture and we are both being led by the Holy Spirit, both points will reconcile and each will compliment the other. If they do not reconcile and complement, it is then, very, possible that both of us need to be in prayer for understanding from the Holy Spirit. Either we are both quenching the Spirit or one of us needs to do an immediate Spiritual Inventory because the holy Spirit in both Christians and He never disagrees with Himself.
2) I can't use the Bible to settle an argument?
Why not? Can't I go to scripture to........... well, I'll just let you answer. I think I might agree with you, and I also think I might disagree.
If you had read my post in it's context, I answered this question. Now, as most of the old timers here know, I was supposed to be dead already... by a couple of years. I, like Hezikia, am a living miracle of God. I have been in the final stage of MS for over a decade now. In post ¿289? I pointed out that I recall not the scriptural address but on one of my read throughs of the Bible the Spirit gave me a new Life Application of the passage and it is not to do as the heretics and use the Bible by singling out this or that scripture to use it to prove your, personal point, it is a misuse of the Holy Word.