I think abortion is immoral (usually....), but I think it should be kept legal. Abortions have been performed ever since humans figured out ways to make it happen...and many women have died as a result of unsafe abortions. If its legal, at least the woman can walk away safe and maybe have a baby at a later date.
This isn't the political forum.
This isn't about how to dance around morality and try not to suffer consequences from sinful, immoral, dehumanizing actions .
Abortion is murder...pure and simple. It's premeditated murder. It's blood guilt.
It's all about how people can not be inconvenienced by a less than perfect baby or an untimely pregnancy...so they murder those that can't speak for themselves.
Someone shoots a rat and gets 10 years for the atrocity. Spank your child these days and then CPS comes and charges you for assault and puts your child in foster care...but commit abortion and you are a person who is responsible and makes good decisions? That's insane...the living definition of insanity.
And people wonder why I'm doing this thread.
"Killing babies for Jesus" is the very definition of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
Killing babies because you want to finish school, you want to be married first, you want a better job and etc all show that you believe you, yourself are more important than God's laws. You become your own god at that moment.
And those mothers who murdered their own babies do feel the guilt... contrary to what the feminist movement says. They carry it forever. They never forget how they murdered their own child/children.