Re: israel
Quath said:
blueeyeliner said:
Please check out these sites on the exodus:
I have been through a lot of Christian web sites before. One thing I notice is that there is a lot of bad information out there. Every relic of Jesus has been shown to be a fake. However, I have people ask me to check out a page of Jesus relics. It takes awhile to go through a website of "proofs" and show the documentation that they are all fake.
So I can not go through 5 websites and show the problems in any reasonable amount of time. So it would probably be better to present one thing for debate. (Maybe in its own thread.)
It was the Romans who did the actual killing
That is what I pointed out to the Christians that hated the Jews. However, logic rarely overcomes emotion.
[quote:899d3]God does not promote hate,although if we all read the scriptures the way you do,it might confuse us,but we don't. No offense to you at all,but the way you interpret the bible is not the way most of us who believe it interpret it,and thats what I mean by that.
I know that most Christians see their God as good. They have a hard time in the Bible when God acts in an evil manner. Some just say that God was recorded wrong then.
My mother use to be Presbyterian. However, her preacher said two things that made her leave the church. The first was that the wife had to obey the husband. Even if it involved committing a crime or a sin. The second was tha the Hawaiians that never heard of Jesus went to hell. She did not want to worship a God like that. So she rejected many of the teachings of the OT and focused instead on the NT.
However, where do you put an end to your personal morality and follow the rules of the Bible? Where do you draw the line between believing and not believing parts of the Bible? If you believe it all, you are forced to accept that God would send 2 bears to kill 42 children for making fun of a bald man. Or your God would kill a child because his father had an affair. Or God would want many men tortured to death for working on a day of rest.
Now maybe you can look at those acts and say they must be good in some manner. But I think you really have to twist your concept of "goodness" to allow for such behavior.
Quath,what is a Jesus relic? I don't own pictures of what some claim Jesus looks like. It's wrong to try to draw Jesus or have pictures that claim to have the face of Jesus on them. Many people do not know this yet.
It also seems to me that you believe the pagans were the true christian,and that the first christians were the Romans.
Quath,we are not to question God. When you look at the word of God the way you look at it,you will be confused.
I don't believe that women must take abuse from her husband,and I don't believe she must listen to an evil man who claims to be a christian man.
The only men who have the right to have a wife that obeys them are those who truly do love God and won't abuse anyone,not even an animal.
a woman cannot be expected to listen to those men who are wolves in sheep's clothing.
The reason a woman wants to obey a righteous man is because he has earned her trust. When a man is truly devoted to God,he will be devoted to his wife and children. He will be dependable,and worthy of trust. Women are naturally kind and good to men who are kind and good to them if they are christian women.
It's not hard for a christian man to have a wife that trusts in him and obeys him because he leads with a gentle hand,not an iron fist.
Q',you have to learn that there are many who claim to be christians who really are not true christians at all. In this world today it is hard to tell the difference between the true christians and the false christians.
And Yes,we all need to change our idea's about what is right and what is wrong. We all must humble ourselves to God,and get past ourselves.
People did all sorts of things that God didn't say they should do. We have examples in the bible of this.Yet,God still loves us.
God is God! We are not better than him,and we are not equal to him. We are made in his image,or likeness. I take this to mean that we are three in one like he is,a body,a mind,and a spirit,yet we are not great as he is. God knows far more than we could ever amagine. God knows the motives of our hearts,and he knows what we need and what is best.
It may not go along with what we think is best,or what we want at the time,but one day we will see that it was for our very best.
Some people actually thank God for un-answered prayers years later!
I don't blame your Mother for getting away from that Preacher,I would too.
I believe what the entire bible says,the old and the new testaments.
The way God made us has a natural order for our own goodness sake. It blesses God and a man and a woman in marriage if they are both doing their part. If you do it God's way,you learn this,but both people must be willing to try before they can see the excellent results. Children have a much happier life with both parents when they obey God.
A man or a woman cannot rule a home with violence or demands.They must both agree to listen to what God says. The only reason the man should take the lead is because someone needs to. It use to be a more natural role for a man. If a man and woman cannot agree on something,then the husband should make the final choice,but out of love,not by force. If a woman cannot trust her husband to lead her and the family,why would she marry him.
Trust is very precious in marriage,and this is why we shouldn't rush into marriage or take it lightly,but we also shouldn't fornicate while we wait for the right person to come along either.
When you look at God's word the way it was intended,you see a different story unfold.
God allows the man to be the protector and provider to be a blessing to the woman and the children,not to keep her down.
In the old testament,the men wanted to find all sorts of excuses to divorce their wives,but God made rules to protect women. If a man accused his wife falsely of having an affair,God would show that he was a liar,and most woman back then were no doubt more trustworthy than women today,I am sure of it,because things were so strict,and women were stoned for adultery back then.
Many men wanted to leave their wives,but God made it harder for them to get away with it. If they had more than one wife,many paid a heavy price for it.
The mens hearts were hardened,just like today,so many woman have also become hard too.
Many men today do not want all the responsibility of a wife and a family,they just want the easy sex.
Sex was not meant for the un-married. It was meant to be a pleasurable gift to the married. there was a time when marriage was envied,and desired,and marriage was once honored by people.
My parents were divorced when I was almost 13teen years old. They were not bible readers,and rarely ever went to church. My Mother left my Father for another man. After that,she had many boyfriends.
After many years of the worldly life,she chose to be baptised and began to go to church. She started going to church about three or four years ago. She is a Pentecostal.
After my brother died of A.I.D.'s,she developed greater faith in God. She claims God showed her something. I believe it because she's never been the same since.
My brother died one month before his 31'st birthday. Most Mothers would be bitter,but she wasn't bitter. That's an odd thing for my Mother,because she use to be a bitter woman. When she saw my brother in the casket,she just knew he wasn't in his old sick body anymore that had been ravished and torn up by that disease and so many i.v.'s,and operations. She felt he was with God. He is,because he was saved three years before.
My Mothers life changed!
She believes that God comforted her.
In my own family,the women controlled the men,not the other way around.
It was a great thing when God began to work in me.
I was first saved as a young girl. I started living worldly when I got older,and before I knew it,I was a big sinful mess,but God never,ever left me. In 1993,God sent someone to my house to teach me the word of God. I had been searching for the truth for awhile,but didn't know where to find it. Finally I started receiving the truth. Don't ask how I knew,I just knew it was the truth. I realized then and there that if you are truly wanting to know God,he will even send someone to you,and he did in my life after I got away from all kinds of false religions,ect....
I finally just let God do it instead of trying to do it myself. All I did was desire to know him,and care what he thinks. He'll do the rest.