You want Jesus to come up to you and tap you on the shoulder and say “Here I am, now do you believeâ€. That is not how God works. He wants us to come to him as a little child, believing in him without all the, I got to see to believe it. I know that you don’t want Bible text but in John chapter 20 Jesus says to Thomas,
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. John 20:29 (KJV)
We believe in the resurrection of Christ not because somebody convinced us of it, but because we ourselves have come to know the Risen Christ through our inner experience. We have come to believe not because we saw God, but because we have felt His real presence in our hearts.
The skeptical mind of contemporary man says: “Unless I see I will not believeâ€. But we say: “I believe even though I do not seeâ€. If everything in religion were visible, tangible and provable, why and in what would we need to believe? If there were not any mysteries in religion, how would it be different from everything else in our earthly life?
You want Jesus to come up to you and tap you on the shoulder and say “Here I am, now do you believeâ€. That is not how God works. He wants us to come to him as a little child, believing in him without all the, I got to see to believe it. I know that you don’t want Bible text but in John chapter 20 Jesus says to Thomas,
Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. John 20:29 (KJV)
We believe in the resurrection of Christ not because somebody convinced us of it, but because we ourselves have come to know the Risen Christ through our inner experience. We have come to believe not because we saw God, but because we have felt His real presence in our hearts.
The skeptical mind of contemporary man says: “Unless I see I will not believeâ€. But we say: “I believe even though I do not seeâ€. If everything in religion were visible, tangible and provable, why and in what would we need to believe? If there were not any mysteries in religion, how would it be different from everything else in our earthly life?