2024 Supporter
- Sep 18, 2012
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If you look through the gospels at Jesus' use of the term faith, you will see that Jesus does not define faith as doctrine, beliefs, or theology about Himself or God Faith is a trust or confidence in God to meet our basic physical needs, and more importantly, our spiritual needs, the foremost of which are forgiveness, hope and Life. Faith is more than a mental belief that God exists...it is an actual trust in His Person to meet my most important needs, and the greater our faith, the more we will know Him and thus see our greatest needs have little to do with material things.
Now many bible people will react against this truth and say that Jesus teaches much about the importance of beliefs. They are sincere in this objection, but sincerely wrong. Jesus does say, many times, to "believe in me". This phrase means the same as "have faith in me" as far as Jesus' Words are concerned. When Jesus urges someone to "believe" something, he urges them to either believe what He says, or believe in him. Jesus does not say believe the Bible or the OT (unless it was an accurate saying about Him!), or Paul, or anyone or anything else (unless we are repeating his Words or teachings!). Rather he plainly and simply says believe what I say and believe in Me.
Jesus himself says that faith in his Father and Himself is what brings a person into salvation, not intellectually accepting a bunch of beliefs (or partaking in a bunch of rituals), even if those beliefs contain the words or teachings of Jesus.
Luke 7:50
50 Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.â€/(NIV)
Did he say, your beliefs about me saved you? Did he say, your doctrine has saved you? Did he say, your correct bible understanding saved you No, he did not say these things. Rather, he plainly says that the woman's faith in him saved her...that her faith in him as who He says He is. Faith is a trust in someone or something, and Jesus says that eternal life is given to those who have faith in his Father and himself as He reveals his Father and himself - and thus live according to the Light's Words. It is important to understand the distinction. I believe it is possible for a person to have both real faith and wrong beliefs, and still be saved. In other words, a person can have real faith (and be saved) in spite of having wrong beliefs about Jesus. This would be true of most people since when they first enter into salvation, they are relatively ignorant of Jesus and don't know him well.
I believe that people who have heard the basic teachings of Jesus, there is only one belief that a person needs... working with real faith in order to be saved. That belief is that Jesus is who He says he is...the only Way to heaven, all the Truth that really matters, and the source of salvation. If a person has true faith and has received those truths from Jesus, then they have salvation, period. However, it is not possible for a person with no true faith, and yet who has a more proper intellectual understanding of Jesus' teachings, to have salvation.
If this is true, (and Jesus says it is), then what about the person who thinks that having proper bible doctrine or knowing the scripture is the way to salvation? They are even further away from the Truth, who is Jesus alone, and thus from properly knowing the real truth. These are those who search the bible and think that having proper religious or bible doctrine is the way to heaven, and yet they refuse to come to the Messiah as He prescribes with his own words... simply, as a small child.
Most of the people who push doctrine, teach and proclaim that if a person has the correct set of beliefs about Jesus and the bible, then they are acceptable to God and are saved. The bible is a big book with many moral truths and human wisdom. There are tens of thousands of bible sects in the world today. Each sect identifies a certain truth or truths from the bible (or worse yet adds more "revelations" from more men and quote books other than the Bible they claim contain revelations from God, or say that the Holy Spirit has revealed such truths to them.) They say that their truth/doctrine set is what is needed to be believed in order to be saved. They then defend their doctrine set against the other groups who identify a contradiction (or even a perceived discrepancy) in what the scriptures actually say, and their doctrine. Sometimes even discrediting the scriptures in favor of what their favorite author has said, or claiming a special revelation from the Holy Spirit. they run to their fav author and cut & paste, or write many words in order to produce the intellectual slight-of-hand and double-speak to convince them no contradiction exists between their doctrine and scriptures.
Once they are justified in their belief that the contradiction is not actually a contradiction, they say that the other person or sect cannot see that 'truth' because of x,y,z reasons. Those reasons usually include things like, they don't have the Holy Spirit, or, they are blinded by Satan to this critical doctrine, or some such. There are many condemnations to be sure, but it results in what covers the earth at this time...the bible-religious organizations all divided and fighting for their own religious power and influence over other people!
The truth is that a person's faith and resultant love for, and obedience to God is what makes a person both pleasing to, and accepted by the Father and the Son, not their beliefs about God! A reasonable question to the truth (that a person can have wrong beliefs about Jesus and yet still be acceptable to God), is what then is the motivation to continue to seek Jesus and receive more truth? The simple answer is because Jesus tells us to. He commands that we ask, seek and knock, and that eternal life itself is to know him and his Father. To know him and his Father means we need to really know him by His Words, and more importantly, to receive them. This happens over time and requires diligence, discipline and effort, along with much prayer...perseverance through failures. He warns us many times to not be misled or deceived, and falsehoods mislead and deceive us.
Another important reason that we ought to continue to seek Jesus and know the Truth better, is because our faith can be built up by the Truth. In other words, the better we know the Truth, the more we can be DOING what he says, and this leads to an exercising of our faith in a way that is pleasing to the Father, which should be our goal. It is important to understand that our faith is not caused by truth...it merely has opportunity to exist or grow from our hearing the truth. By hearing the truth, we know what to do and whom to place our trust in. But placing our trust in the Father or the Son is what faith is about, and truth will not cause us to do that. Rather, it can only point us to whom we ought to be trusting in...whom we ought to have faith in, Jesus! In like manner, our faith can be harmed by falsehoods we believe. The falsehoods can encourage us to remove our faith in the Father and the Son, but holding those falsehoods in our mind will not necessarily cause us to do so. Only when those falsehoods cause us to reject and deny Jesus and his Father, as Jesus revealed them (not as the rest of the bible or some so-called prophet reveals them), do they play a role in destroying our faith. But ultimately, if we did have true faith to start with, we must stop trusting in the Father and the Son in order to be rejected by them.
Understanding these things about faith - which are directly taught by, or deduced from, the teachings of Jesus - will encourage us to fulfill the teaching of Jesus of not judging others. In terms of understanding where another person is at spiritually, the best we can do as followers of Jesus, is to determine if another person has correct intellectual understanding of Jesus' words and teachings and is willing to try and do what Jesus says. What we cannot determine is whether they have real faith or not if they intellectually profess to believe in him. True faith is primarily demonstrated by our actions, our life, not described by our words. So, we should not judge whether another person has true faith or not, for we cannot determine that by their beliefs.
Most religious people are deceived by beliefs that contradict Jesus's words while at the same time saying that is not the case. For example, a person says they believe Jesus's words that we are to love our enemies, while at the same time saying is it right to listen to a government who tells them to take a weapon and kill an enemy. In this case, they are not listening to the real teachings of Jesus, but a doctrine of their own falsehoods. This is an indication that the real Jesus is not their Master. In cases of people believing contradictions, they usually use religious relativism to justify their disobedience to Jesus saying that people can legitimately interpret that teaching of Jesus (for example, love your enemy) in different ways. Again, this is an indication that they do not yet love the Truth!
Real faith is typically exercised when we are in a position of helplessness where our physical life or someone or something we highly value is endangered. What faith is shown by going to church once a week to partake in the services? This is not good, for those who make a practice of outwardly declaring that they represent Jesus, and yet disobey him, are in a very bad place. Does this mean they don't have any real faith? No, it doesn't, and we should not condemn them for pushing doctrine. It does mean, however, that we should rebuke them, and if they don't listen to Jesus, stay away from them or we will be misled, for Jesus warns us of this.
Matthew 24:11
11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people./ (NIV)
In conclusion, we should understand the difference between faith and mental beliefs (doctrine). This understanding should lead us to avoid judging a person's faith, for we cannot know for certain how much faith a person has. This should lead to less condemnation of others (a favorite hobby of self-righteous religious people and the thousands of sects they represent), and more of doing what the Light says.
Jesus never said it would be easy to follow him...in fact, he said it would require turning away from all that the world says is valuable, and instead following him. And to follow him requires faith as great as a mustard seed. On the other hand, it is quite easy to think I have all the right bible doctrine, and yet not have any real faith. The easy way to death is to fit into any of the thousands of denominations & bible sects and adopt their doctrine as your own, and continue a life which manifests a love for this world.
Our loving Father wants what is best for us, but we have to be willing to do what His Son says in order to experience that love and thus to know Him. We have a clear choice given by the Son. May we be wise after our King, and judged as stupid by the world...especially the religious world...I hope this makes sense. Sorry so long, but this has been bugging me since I have been on this forum, and read so much bickering and hostile words about things that are supposed to be simple, yet they are confounded by doctrine pushers. As a little child shall you approach God and have faith brothers and sisters, that's all.
Now many bible people will react against this truth and say that Jesus teaches much about the importance of beliefs. They are sincere in this objection, but sincerely wrong. Jesus does say, many times, to "believe in me". This phrase means the same as "have faith in me" as far as Jesus' Words are concerned. When Jesus urges someone to "believe" something, he urges them to either believe what He says, or believe in him. Jesus does not say believe the Bible or the OT (unless it was an accurate saying about Him!), or Paul, or anyone or anything else (unless we are repeating his Words or teachings!). Rather he plainly and simply says believe what I say and believe in Me.
Jesus himself says that faith in his Father and Himself is what brings a person into salvation, not intellectually accepting a bunch of beliefs (or partaking in a bunch of rituals), even if those beliefs contain the words or teachings of Jesus.
Luke 7:50
50 Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.â€/(NIV)
Did he say, your beliefs about me saved you? Did he say, your doctrine has saved you? Did he say, your correct bible understanding saved you No, he did not say these things. Rather, he plainly says that the woman's faith in him saved her...that her faith in him as who He says He is. Faith is a trust in someone or something, and Jesus says that eternal life is given to those who have faith in his Father and himself as He reveals his Father and himself - and thus live according to the Light's Words. It is important to understand the distinction. I believe it is possible for a person to have both real faith and wrong beliefs, and still be saved. In other words, a person can have real faith (and be saved) in spite of having wrong beliefs about Jesus. This would be true of most people since when they first enter into salvation, they are relatively ignorant of Jesus and don't know him well.
I believe that people who have heard the basic teachings of Jesus, there is only one belief that a person needs... working with real faith in order to be saved. That belief is that Jesus is who He says he is...the only Way to heaven, all the Truth that really matters, and the source of salvation. If a person has true faith and has received those truths from Jesus, then they have salvation, period. However, it is not possible for a person with no true faith, and yet who has a more proper intellectual understanding of Jesus' teachings, to have salvation.
If this is true, (and Jesus says it is), then what about the person who thinks that having proper bible doctrine or knowing the scripture is the way to salvation? They are even further away from the Truth, who is Jesus alone, and thus from properly knowing the real truth. These are those who search the bible and think that having proper religious or bible doctrine is the way to heaven, and yet they refuse to come to the Messiah as He prescribes with his own words... simply, as a small child.
Most of the people who push doctrine, teach and proclaim that if a person has the correct set of beliefs about Jesus and the bible, then they are acceptable to God and are saved. The bible is a big book with many moral truths and human wisdom. There are tens of thousands of bible sects in the world today. Each sect identifies a certain truth or truths from the bible (or worse yet adds more "revelations" from more men and quote books other than the Bible they claim contain revelations from God, or say that the Holy Spirit has revealed such truths to them.) They say that their truth/doctrine set is what is needed to be believed in order to be saved. They then defend their doctrine set against the other groups who identify a contradiction (or even a perceived discrepancy) in what the scriptures actually say, and their doctrine. Sometimes even discrediting the scriptures in favor of what their favorite author has said, or claiming a special revelation from the Holy Spirit. they run to their fav author and cut & paste, or write many words in order to produce the intellectual slight-of-hand and double-speak to convince them no contradiction exists between their doctrine and scriptures.
Once they are justified in their belief that the contradiction is not actually a contradiction, they say that the other person or sect cannot see that 'truth' because of x,y,z reasons. Those reasons usually include things like, they don't have the Holy Spirit, or, they are blinded by Satan to this critical doctrine, or some such. There are many condemnations to be sure, but it results in what covers the earth at this time...the bible-religious organizations all divided and fighting for their own religious power and influence over other people!
The truth is that a person's faith and resultant love for, and obedience to God is what makes a person both pleasing to, and accepted by the Father and the Son, not their beliefs about God! A reasonable question to the truth (that a person can have wrong beliefs about Jesus and yet still be acceptable to God), is what then is the motivation to continue to seek Jesus and receive more truth? The simple answer is because Jesus tells us to. He commands that we ask, seek and knock, and that eternal life itself is to know him and his Father. To know him and his Father means we need to really know him by His Words, and more importantly, to receive them. This happens over time and requires diligence, discipline and effort, along with much prayer...perseverance through failures. He warns us many times to not be misled or deceived, and falsehoods mislead and deceive us.
Another important reason that we ought to continue to seek Jesus and know the Truth better, is because our faith can be built up by the Truth. In other words, the better we know the Truth, the more we can be DOING what he says, and this leads to an exercising of our faith in a way that is pleasing to the Father, which should be our goal. It is important to understand that our faith is not caused by truth...it merely has opportunity to exist or grow from our hearing the truth. By hearing the truth, we know what to do and whom to place our trust in. But placing our trust in the Father or the Son is what faith is about, and truth will not cause us to do that. Rather, it can only point us to whom we ought to be trusting in...whom we ought to have faith in, Jesus! In like manner, our faith can be harmed by falsehoods we believe. The falsehoods can encourage us to remove our faith in the Father and the Son, but holding those falsehoods in our mind will not necessarily cause us to do so. Only when those falsehoods cause us to reject and deny Jesus and his Father, as Jesus revealed them (not as the rest of the bible or some so-called prophet reveals them), do they play a role in destroying our faith. But ultimately, if we did have true faith to start with, we must stop trusting in the Father and the Son in order to be rejected by them.
Understanding these things about faith - which are directly taught by, or deduced from, the teachings of Jesus - will encourage us to fulfill the teaching of Jesus of not judging others. In terms of understanding where another person is at spiritually, the best we can do as followers of Jesus, is to determine if another person has correct intellectual understanding of Jesus' words and teachings and is willing to try and do what Jesus says. What we cannot determine is whether they have real faith or not if they intellectually profess to believe in him. True faith is primarily demonstrated by our actions, our life, not described by our words. So, we should not judge whether another person has true faith or not, for we cannot determine that by their beliefs.
Most religious people are deceived by beliefs that contradict Jesus's words while at the same time saying that is not the case. For example, a person says they believe Jesus's words that we are to love our enemies, while at the same time saying is it right to listen to a government who tells them to take a weapon and kill an enemy. In this case, they are not listening to the real teachings of Jesus, but a doctrine of their own falsehoods. This is an indication that the real Jesus is not their Master. In cases of people believing contradictions, they usually use religious relativism to justify their disobedience to Jesus saying that people can legitimately interpret that teaching of Jesus (for example, love your enemy) in different ways. Again, this is an indication that they do not yet love the Truth!
Real faith is typically exercised when we are in a position of helplessness where our physical life or someone or something we highly value is endangered. What faith is shown by going to church once a week to partake in the services? This is not good, for those who make a practice of outwardly declaring that they represent Jesus, and yet disobey him, are in a very bad place. Does this mean they don't have any real faith? No, it doesn't, and we should not condemn them for pushing doctrine. It does mean, however, that we should rebuke them, and if they don't listen to Jesus, stay away from them or we will be misled, for Jesus warns us of this.
Matthew 24:11
11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people./ (NIV)
In conclusion, we should understand the difference between faith and mental beliefs (doctrine). This understanding should lead us to avoid judging a person's faith, for we cannot know for certain how much faith a person has. This should lead to less condemnation of others (a favorite hobby of self-righteous religious people and the thousands of sects they represent), and more of doing what the Light says.
Jesus never said it would be easy to follow him...in fact, he said it would require turning away from all that the world says is valuable, and instead following him. And to follow him requires faith as great as a mustard seed. On the other hand, it is quite easy to think I have all the right bible doctrine, and yet not have any real faith. The easy way to death is to fit into any of the thousands of denominations & bible sects and adopt their doctrine as your own, and continue a life which manifests a love for this world.
Our loving Father wants what is best for us, but we have to be willing to do what His Son says in order to experience that love and thus to know Him. We have a clear choice given by the Son. May we be wise after our King, and judged as stupid by the world...especially the religious world...I hope this makes sense. Sorry so long, but this has been bugging me since I have been on this forum, and read so much bickering and hostile words about things that are supposed to be simple, yet they are confounded by doctrine pushers. As a little child shall you approach God and have faith brothers and sisters, that's all.