Interesting idea. But our freedom comes precisely because we can choose the evil. Not because we could NOT think about it. It's exactly because we have choice between good and evil. It's this choice that makes us free -
Here's the problem I have with this line of reasoning. God didn't want us to choose between good and evil. That's why He made the knowledge of good and evil off limits.
So if we are to call freewill the ability to choose between good and evil, then it would be honest to say, that Satan gave us freewill not God. God is a Higher power. He precedes us as our Creator. This cannot be disputed. We therefore began as He made us, free in our wills because we were innocent, and not the lie that we are free in our wills because we know good and evil and choose freely between the two.
But since Satan is a subtle liar, He said that we could be equal to God, which implied a form of freedom to decide for ourselves. But of course it was not freedom, it was slavery to sin to think it was. Which is why God Who doesn't lie, said we would die if we partook of that knowledge.
Some facts to consider in opposition to freewill doctrine:
If Love is Eternal, then Love has always existed and is Holy. Anyone therefore pondering that there must be an alternative to Love so as to be free, is actually pondering that there is someone or somewhere better to serve than God. See the prodigal son.
People don't choose to be righteous. People who have Love, do act righteously, so as to not hurt others. Spare me the choose Life scripture as proof of freewill. Anyone who believes they can choose life through the law, as the law states, cannot be under grace.
If righteousness could be freely chosen. then the law would bring righteousness. For by the law we choose life. But since the law cannot make one righteous, then righteousness does not come by the law, only condemnation can come from the law. This is what Paul meant by, not by works of the law can we be saved.
Sin is not rational. It makes no sense to want to hurt anyone.
Love is not a decision it is a Spirit. So spare me the statement that we can choose to not Love, you are conflating a decision with an option. Because Satan provides an alternative through temptation, a choice then becomes inevitable.
There is no act of goodness that doesn't require Love.
Repentance doesn't happen without first being sorry. No one chooses to be sorry, it's an emotion that comes because of Love.
True worship is not a choice pondered in the mind. True worship is drawn out by the object of worship. That's why scripture says He's worthy of all praise. You can't decide God is not worthy of praise and call it your freewill choice. Let's face it, you have mistaken worship for patronizing. If you think you do choose to worship, and could choose not to, you might as well stamp a label on your head, saying you don't know Him.
This all means that God doesn't give us a choice to Love Him. We love Him for Who He is and so we can't help it. Just like our family.