Dorothy Mae
After many discussions regarding free will, I thought I would give a view that might be helpful to some who know it is true but cannot think how to defend it. Now the camp that says there is no such thing as free will tend to go through an infinite regression type of thinking to lay all the blame on God. There are some impressive statements and terms in this journey like First Cause and so on. Atheists insist on this as well and some of the arguments against their position are similar.
Now the believers in this camp insist on a "Man has free will" in the Bible or it is not there. What are the problems with this? Well, there are many things that are quite true and obvious and not in the Bible because the are obvious. I have used the obvious, thou shalt drink water to live. No Bible tells us to drink water or fluid of some kind or we die. No Bible tells us to sleep at night and lack of sleep will kill you faster than no water. This list goes on and on of truths, life saving truths that no Bible author wrote. Why not? Because it is obvious. It does not need to be said.
The state of having a free will is equally obvious as soon as God told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If God told him that, he must have had free will to do so nor not do so. This is obvious. There is another verse that is not at all popular,
"Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." (NIV)
What is God saying? That the laws he gave Moses are not too difficult for their free will to do. He did not say he is making them do it so no worries nor did he say that those laws are beyond them in any case. So free will is assumed in every page of the Bible.
Now I am trained as a scientist and so I test theories in real life. That is what we do. This is true in my theology as well. Free will is an easy one to establish in real life. No one who thinks there is no free will actually believes it. How do we know? Every time they get angry at someone who offends/hurts/wrongs them, and not angry at God, they show that they believe the other offending party had free will to make the choice they did. No one who believers there is no free will would tell the legal system where they live to abandon punishing offenders because the real Offender or "First Cause" is God and so any wrong choices a man makes is really God's fault and not the offender. No, those who live in a just society are glad the justice system can find and deal with offenders assuming there is free will and that offender chose to do as they did with few exceptions. They actually believe the offender made a free will choice and they need to receive the just punishment due. Not a single one of them would like to live in a society where there were no police as it is never the offenders fault as to their choice. It was not free and so punishing them is unjust and the police can abandon their posts. Ergo, no one who espouses there is no free will actually believes it because it does not fit real life. It would be interesting if the spouse of one of those "there is no free will and God ordains everything" used that in every marital disagreement they had. I might try that on some posts here. What I wrote was God's will as he ordains everything so why complain? It is not my position and so I am free of that box.
Now some of you complain that there are too few verses in what I write. Well, in general I often weave the thought into the text without the bold color blinking heads up so you do not dare disagree which you otherwise might. The reason is I notice that people in the church have less and less of an ability to actually think. God told us to love him with our minds but there is a tendency to turn the mind off and just accept what is being fed. That is what, indoctrination is, btw.
I would that people took what they believe and applied it in life and see what happens. This is how I have learned a great deal of truth and how my faith grew. It grew by actually doing the teachings of Christ and I found that the are true and rock solidly so. That is, actually, what Jesus said the wise man does. The foolish man reads his bible, hears the preaching, etc., but never actually applies any of it to his real choices. I guess convincing yourself that God is manipulating those choices and he has no free will is a way out of doing so but it still makes the believer foolish and when trouble comes, the house of his life caves in and I have seen this happening.
Now the believers in this camp insist on a "Man has free will" in the Bible or it is not there. What are the problems with this? Well, there are many things that are quite true and obvious and not in the Bible because the are obvious. I have used the obvious, thou shalt drink water to live. No Bible tells us to drink water or fluid of some kind or we die. No Bible tells us to sleep at night and lack of sleep will kill you faster than no water. This list goes on and on of truths, life saving truths that no Bible author wrote. Why not? Because it is obvious. It does not need to be said.
The state of having a free will is equally obvious as soon as God told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If God told him that, he must have had free will to do so nor not do so. This is obvious. There is another verse that is not at all popular,
"Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." (NIV)
What is God saying? That the laws he gave Moses are not too difficult for their free will to do. He did not say he is making them do it so no worries nor did he say that those laws are beyond them in any case. So free will is assumed in every page of the Bible.
Now I am trained as a scientist and so I test theories in real life. That is what we do. This is true in my theology as well. Free will is an easy one to establish in real life. No one who thinks there is no free will actually believes it. How do we know? Every time they get angry at someone who offends/hurts/wrongs them, and not angry at God, they show that they believe the other offending party had free will to make the choice they did. No one who believers there is no free will would tell the legal system where they live to abandon punishing offenders because the real Offender or "First Cause" is God and so any wrong choices a man makes is really God's fault and not the offender. No, those who live in a just society are glad the justice system can find and deal with offenders assuming there is free will and that offender chose to do as they did with few exceptions. They actually believe the offender made a free will choice and they need to receive the just punishment due. Not a single one of them would like to live in a society where there were no police as it is never the offenders fault as to their choice. It was not free and so punishing them is unjust and the police can abandon their posts. Ergo, no one who espouses there is no free will actually believes it because it does not fit real life. It would be interesting if the spouse of one of those "there is no free will and God ordains everything" used that in every marital disagreement they had. I might try that on some posts here. What I wrote was God's will as he ordains everything so why complain? It is not my position and so I am free of that box.
Now some of you complain that there are too few verses in what I write. Well, in general I often weave the thought into the text without the bold color blinking heads up so you do not dare disagree which you otherwise might. The reason is I notice that people in the church have less and less of an ability to actually think. God told us to love him with our minds but there is a tendency to turn the mind off and just accept what is being fed. That is what, indoctrination is, btw.
I would that people took what they believe and applied it in life and see what happens. This is how I have learned a great deal of truth and how my faith grew. It grew by actually doing the teachings of Christ and I found that the are true and rock solidly so. That is, actually, what Jesus said the wise man does. The foolish man reads his bible, hears the preaching, etc., but never actually applies any of it to his real choices. I guess convincing yourself that God is manipulating those choices and he has no free will is a way out of doing so but it still makes the believer foolish and when trouble comes, the house of his life caves in and I have seen this happening.