Dorothy Mae
- May 23, 2020
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- #41
Yes, this view matches real life. So God forces salvation on some but not on others, right? That one decision is not a free choice but others are, is that right? Is that your view? Those who do wrong are doing it on their own and same with those who do right, except that one time life.No. If I am calm and reflective, I might blame Adam (it is his curse) … but mostly I see people as responsible for their own bad choices. Drawing from personal experience, I committed very few sins in ignorance: I usually knew right from wrong and deliberately chose wrong because it seemed better for ME at that moment in time. I generally suspect the same of others.
You do realize that Job spoke face to face with God. He actually got answers and they were fairly complete. What you say "colorful conversations" do you mean he talks to you or is this really a monologue?I blame God for the things that seem beyond human control. He and I have some colorful conversations from time to time. I always figured that God already knows what I am thinking and feeling, so there is little point in adding hypocrisy to my many other sins. If I am angry or hurt, I might as well be honest with God about it and we can deal with it. Of course, I have as much success demanding answers from God as Job did.
Yes the mercy of God is awesome. I think the development of an addict or our choices runs along this line.What I find incomprehensible is why God should forgive anyone. People say they are sorry, but usually mean they deeply regret the consequences they are suffering (if events had turned out different …). Have you ever dealt with an addict? They absolutely and genuinely want to be different and to stop doing the drugs, and they make resolutions and they make a new start … and they ALWAYS return to the drugs. The addiction is stronger than their love or desire for anything else. People are really more like “sin addicts” than is comfortable to discuss in polite company. God must find us all exhausting.
… but JESUS SAVES. A stupid simple phrase that holds more truth than man can ever fully comprehend.
Choices become habits
Habits become character
Character becomes our destiny.
This is what I have seen in observing people. There was always the one first choice to do something or respond in a certain way and that became a habit. With time it was who they were.
Does that help?