moredetails said:
[quote="Brutus/HisCatalyst":280b2]Well now wait a second, just because we are affiliated doesn't mean we have the same features. In fact, every PHP style board will have the same quote button. They have a blessings system where you get points for posting. We don't. We have rules that are inforced regularly, while they've only proven to me that they'll warn users when there site traffic is in danger.
As you go around mesage boards, you'll see I'm at a lot of them. Some as BHC, some as Timothy, some as various other names. Out of the boards I participate on, this is the one of the best sites of it's size.
Alright, don't worry--I'm not calling you guys twins.
I just think some aspects are "familiar" so I can see how maybe similar creators worked on the sites.
That blessings system ends up being a big pain. It seems cool and I understand why they have it, but then it just seems like.. I don't know, everyone's motives are questionable.
Sorry about the bashing. Don't kick me off!