I think the saying is to beat the dead horse, though a cow would be better for beef. :biggrin
Looked like a cow to me, LoL. The more Biblical expression would be beating a dead ox or beating a dead donkey, as the expression "stiff-necked" referred to both (
Exodus 32:9;
Exodus 33:3 Deuteronomy 9:6 2 Chronicles 36:13 Jeremiah 17:23, etc.), but the latter carries such bad connotations in the modern vernacular that you can't really use it without seeming "off color."
I really love how this forum is kind to one another. It really touches my heart to see this verse in practice. I pray this in my own life as well as I work with kids at school, my husband and kids at home, and in my relationships online and offline.
I'm getting better at it. Righteousness is part of the armor of God, and a Christian is what might be referred to as "tooth-fully unarmed" if they allow debate to make them unkind in their posts. I used to. The problem is, I'm usually very honest with all my responses, thinking that an honest answer will do others more favors than hiding what I'm actually thinking. But that's where the rub comes in, as honesty is not always well received. So it's a matter of putting things as kindly as one knows how.
I think part of what makes forums like this one nice is because they're smaller, and the less traffic you have the easier it is to keep that community feel, like a true family. The question however becomes who do you let in and who do you not, as each person plays a more significant role than at larger communities where it's like a revolving door and you can hardly keep track of who's coming and going. Kinda like the difference between a country town and a big city. People know each other more so there's a different atmosphere, and a different expectation on those who are let in.
It is nice here, however. I'm wading in slowly, however, as I'm not sure how well I'd be received. As they say, I'm a "tough marry," LoL.
(Not a lot of time, though, as I said, so wading in the kiddie pool is about all I can manage right now anyway).