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I have been looking in the bible about ghost hunting, and there is nothing in there about ghost hunting. Ghost hunting is not agaist the bible and it's not summoning demons or spirits.
Ghost hunting is a science and it's about debunking and finding the proff if ghost really exist.
It's not about satan, it's about EMF and EVPs, . I tired of some christians it's agaist the bible , it's demons and talking to the dead.
Using a ouija board is agaist the bible , satan worshiping is wrong,. GHOST HUNTING is a science
So don't knock down Ghosthunting and ghost hunters
** Boo ** .... You have a spooky job ! ...... :o

So how exactly do you hunt for ghosts ?? ... :chin :confused

By the way, demons can often appear in the form of ghosts .. You're stoking the pits of hell ... :crazy
By the way, demons can often appear in the form of ghosts .. You're stoking the pits of hell ...

I agree.

Besides there is no such thing as a disembodied Spirit existing on Earth, read your Bible (Ecc, 3:20-21).
True enough. There is a verse, I believe it might be in Hebrews, but I can't think of the reference off-hand, but it states that it is appointed for men to die and after death comes judgment. Therefore, after one dies, one is judged, so the idea that one can be walking around here on earth as a disembodied spirit is just false.

Not to say that there aren't some spiritual mysteries out there that perhaps ghost hunters can come across, but most of them are probably demonic in nature. I would guess that the biggest aim of these demons dressed up as ghost and giving vague hints of the after life would be to draw men away from the truth of the text I just quoted.
Ghost hunting is using a emf meter and digital voice recorder and digtal camreas and digital camcorders, and some other basic tools.
You ask only basic questions whwn interactive with spirits, and you don't provoke spirits you don't temp them or invite them into your life.

And to tell you the truth God is a paranormal enity or spiit.
when you pray to god your interacting with his paranormal spirit.
Anyone who says God speak to you though the bible is ready for the asylum.
Books can't talk, thier nothing but unanimated ojects
not everything in the bible is not true..
And to tell you the truth God is a paranormal enity or spiit.
when you pray to god your interacting with his paranormal spirit.

Very true.

Anyone who says God speak to you though the bible is ready for the asylum.
Books can't talk, thier nothing but unanimated ojects
not everything in the bible is not true..

Well, sign me up for the white coats and butterfly nets, because God has spoken to me through His word for the last 30+ years yet.

Just because He hasn't done so with you doesn't negate the truth of His doing so with countless Christians throughout the past 2000 years.

A word of warning about interacting with demonic spirits: they are excellent liars and they like to act as though they are angels of enlightenment. Unless you know what you are doing, it's really best to leave them fully alone. Trying to capture their voices is a good way to lead them on to further deceiving you, and methinks they've already succeeded in deceiving you a bit already, your comment about God not speaking to us through the Bible being an example.
LOL, Ghosts hunters don't believe inwhat they say, Like I said it's all science.
But I ask you this, If God told you to kill your self you self would you do it?
Besides God is old school , start trusting in christ.
So far they haven't proven that heaven really exist , right now it just known as a deadzone dream state
Besides Ghost Hunter do a lot research and read about the hauntings
it's known fact that your demons or ghost siting is mostly result from effects from EMF exposure causing the person to see scary optical illusions , so that debunks your beilfs in demons and ghosts.
I don't believe in demons or ghosts , but if you do than you got no one to blame but God for it.
Why ? because God made satan and demons , Yes and it says so in the begaining of the bible that it was God's fault .
Beside I don't listin to Satan and demons, and after I lost my mom I don't trust God yet.
anyway before you go off screaming demons demons , you get a EMF dector and check too see if there high readings of EMF.
remenber there is alway a reason why you think you hear or see demons
TreasureHunter, I'm not sure where to begin, because I'm not sure what your belief set is. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. That had to be hard. My wife lost her mother when she was 8. I'm wondering if you had faith before she died and if it's affected your belief.

That said, I can't tell if you accept Christianity. You seem angry at God, blaming Him for creating Satan and the death of your mother. You reject a lot of the Bible. Dabbling with spirits is risky business to say the least. We are to seek God with our hearts and souls, not test for Him with instruments. I know you're testing for "ghosts", but you also said God is a spirit and talked about testing for Him in that way. Fortune tellers supposedly try to reach out to spirits, but the Bible tells us not to engage in that.

You seem convinced that there's nothing wrong with it, but there is. And, no, you're not going to find anything about "ghost hunting" specifically in the Bible. God will reveal Himself as He sees fit and will send angels upon his command, not yours.
Well I just don't trust him yet , I don't like his misjudging and pointing fingers at people.
and your talking about using an ouija board, beside I believe no one has the right to pass judgment not even God, if God wants to speak than let him physicly talk.
You can can have all unknown faith you can get and not get involved with ghost , but you will be haunted
but the most the time it's the affects of high EMF. another thing if your christain you really should stop believing in to devel and demons. Besides Ghost hunting is only a small hobby of mine I'm really a student cartoonist and I'm mostly invlove with treasure hunting with my metal dector. I'm head is not stuck in some bible and thinking of doom and gloom.
And you better know that God has an anger problem , Do you want to spend the rest of spiritual life with a very ageressive god? And leave the Ghost Hunters alone they know what thier doing,
Ghost hunting does not fall under what the bibles says, beside when god ilegaly takes your life you be ghost your self.
Thy shall not kill, God killed over 1000 innocent animals and people.
thy shall not pass faulse judgment of any sort, God passes faulse judgment on you.

Did you know that ghost hunters belive in christ
rethink before you say something wrong with ghosthunting.
And there is nothing being angry at God for what happened to your love one.
He has to hear your complaints and pain and know how you feel.
And the only he can hear you if you scream and yell at him
TreasureHunter said:
Thy shall not kill, God killed over 1000 innocent animals and people.
thy shall not pass faulse judgment of any sort, God passes faulse judgment on you.

Did you know that ghost hunters belive in christ
rethink before you say something wrong with ghosthunting.
And there is nothing being angry at God for what happened to your love one.
He has to hear your complaints and pain and know how you feel.
And the only he can hear you if you scream and yell at him
uh now, fyi i was into witchraft, and now some things of astral projection, though i never did that. how to read and see auras. and see spirits.

i would also do other things. not using any spells. empathy was my thing along with attacking others.

i know much of what they believe. one cant beleive in the christ of the bible and deny what the christ of bible says is true.the bible denies the souls of the lost floating around wandering on the earth.

you have much anger, i wont pick apart that logically facally of yours
TreasureHunter said:
I have been looking in the bible about ghost hunting, and there is nothing in there about ghost hunting. Ghost hunting is not agaist the bible and it's not summoning demons or spirits.
Ghost hunting is a science and it's about debunking and finding the proff if ghost really exist.
It's not about satan, it's about EMF and EVPs, . I tired of some christians it's agaist the bible , it's demons and talking to the dead.
Using a ouija board is agaist the bible , satan worshiping is wrong,. GHOST HUNTING is a science
So don't knock down Ghosthunting and ghost hunters

As a Christian, I believe that man is intolerantly mortal, and there is no "soul" floating about (or with Christ) until the resurrection. So if you are looking for dead people, IMO is a fruitless effort.

However, demonic entities, aka the "poltergeist" can manifest itself. I agree there is "something there" which may even be able to be read on EMF meters or whatnot, but we are jumping the gun in assuming what it is, especially if we assume that it is a disembodied "human soul".

This, of course, gets into angelic-human hybrids we often see posted on these forums and people argue about which is what these entities apparently are. We can argue the theology all we want, but in the practical sense, when I see chairs and other things picked up and flying about, even a staunch atheist will believe. That's why you never see an atheist in a haunted house! These things exist, but they are not human spirits, so be careful. :D
TreasureHunter said:
I have been looking in the bible about ghost hunting, and there is nothing in there about ghost hunting. Ghost hunting is not agaist the bible and it's not summoning demons or spirits.
Ghost hunting is a science and it's about debunking and finding the proff if ghost really exist.
It's not about satan, it's about EMF and EVPs, . I tired of some christians it's agaist the bible , it's demons and talking to the dead.
Using a ouija board is agaist the bible , satan worshiping is wrong,. GHOST HUNTING is a science
So don't knock down Ghosthunting and ghost hunters

Main Entry: 1me·di·um
Pronunciation: \?m?-d?-?m\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural mediums or me·dia \-d?-?\
Etymology: Latin, from neuter of medius middle — more at mid
Date: 1589

1 a : something in a middle position b : a middle condition or degree : mean
2 : a means of effecting or conveying something: as a (1) : a substance regarded as the means of transmission of a force or effect (2) : a surrounding or enveloping substance (3) : the tenuous material (as gas and dust) in space that exists outside large agglomerations of matter (as stars) <interstellar medium> b plural usually media (1) : a channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment — compare mass medium (2) : a publication or broadcast that carries advertising (3) : a mode of artistic expression or communication (4) : something (as a magnetic disk) on which information may be stored c : go-between, intermediary d plural mediums : an individual held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits e : material or technical means of artistic expression
3 a : a condition or environment in which something may function or flourish b plural media (1) : a nutrient system for the artificial cultivation of cells or organisms and especially bacteria (2) : a fluid or solid in which organic structures are placed (as for preservation or mounting) c : a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter
usage see media

Do you see where I'm going with this? Does the fact escape you that the electronic medium that you are using is no different than an actual psychic medium? It's still all the same thing.

That's something for you to seriously consider in your search for the truth.
If your looking for God than your ghost hunting, If your talking to God than your interacting with a ghost. your also getting involved with the super natural.

My mom died died of internal ijuries cuased by some did not put railings on both sides the back yard stairs and the place was falling apart where we rented and the back sundeck was so dry routed
i almost fell though.
you who is to blame for this? yep! the Mormons they keep putting things off and never get things done.
1 of God's people killed my mom and now must answer up for her death.
TreasureHunter said:
If your looking for God than your ghost hunting, If your talking to God than your interacting with a ghost. your also getting involved with the super natural.

My mom died died of internal ijuries cuased by some did not put railings on both sides the back yard stairs and the place was falling apart where we rented and the back sundeck was so dry routed
i almost fell though.
you who is to blame for this? yep! the Mormons they keep putting things off and never get things done.
1 of God's people killed my mom and now must answer up for her death.

How do you know it was the Mormons? Maybe it was the Illuminati?
You can't always believe what you read.
look in your bible , it says that God wants you to eat paper and swollow it.
Some of the words in the bible don't make a lick of sense..
And why do you believe a Book can can talk to you ?
If God told you to jump of a bridge would you do it ?
Don't knock down ghost hunting , because your getting the wrong idea.
If ghost hunting is so important to you then you will have an easy time answering this question.

Why are there so many sad, lonely, mentally delusional people in the world today?
TreasureHunter said:
Ghost hunting is using a emf meter and digital voice recorder and digtal camreas and digital camcorders, and some other basic tools.
You ask only basic questions whwn interactive with spirits, and you don't provoke spirits you don't temp them or invite them into your life.

And to tell you the truth God is a paranormal enity or spiit.
when you pray to god your interacting with his paranormal spirit.
Anyone who says God speak to you though the bible is ready for the asylum.
Books can't talk, thier nothing but unanimated ojects
not everything in the bible is not true..

I love to watch those "ghost hunter" programs on TV. They're so funny! They creep through the different areas of the "haunted" building, each one searching for some sign of ghosts, and even talking to them "What do you want here?" "Who are you?" Never get any answers. Then they "feel" something touch their shoulder, or their hair. Or they hear something. Then you hear "Did you hear THAT!" But there's never anything to hear. Later on, they replay the recordings they made and all you even hear is the wind, or old houses "settling."I've often wondered just what those guys are hyped-up on before they start. But, I will say - it makes an entertaining, humerous program to watch.

I guess I'm ready for the asylum myself. God showed signs and wonders to the people to convince the nation Israel of His power and might. Since the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is no need for signs and wonders. Those who "hear" the voice of God are the ones who need help. God speaks to us clearly through His Word (the Bible). And, don't kid yourself - everything in the Bible IS ABSOLUTELY true! The Bible always confirms itself. 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us "ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God ...." God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Therefore the ENTIRE Bible is absolutely true. You might want to give up "ghost-hunting" and do some "God-hunting."

God Bless.