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Giving up smoking?

Did you give up smoking yet?

  • Yes, completely

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Yes, more or less

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Have tried, but not successfully

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never smoked at all

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • Rather not say

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters


Total amount
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Maybe we should have a "Would you give your pet Dog or Cat a piercing or tattoo?" thread:lol


I would have thought that giving up smoking and giving up a tattoo or a piercing involve rather different methodologies.

(Simply removing an earring is by far the easiest, I would have thought...)
Re: Giviing up smoking?

My major concern with smoking is a question of idolatry and dependence on it for satisfaction apart from God. If a man cannot control his desire for something, then that something has control of him and he is enslaved to that thing. Your thoughts? I don't mind tobacco products though I don't use them much (cigar rarely). Tobacco was created by God; however, so was alcohol and we are warned about drunkenness in scripture. If it is so hard to quit smoking then is it wise to start? To me it is equivalent, for analogies sake, to going to a bar to meet a woman. Meeting a woman is not bad. The bar, in and of itself is not bad. But bars can be places people go to get drunk, hook up, and probably isn't the ideal place to meet a woman.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

My major concern with smoking is a question of idolatry and dependence on it for satisfaction apart from God. If a man cannot control his desire for something, then that something has control of him and he is enslaved to that thing. Your thoughts? I don't mind tobacco products though I don't use them much (cigar rarely). Tobacco was created by God; however, so was alcohol and we are warned about drunkenness in scripture. If it is so hard to quit smoking then is it wise to start? To me it is equivalent, for analogies sake, to going to a bar to meet a woman. Meeting a woman is not bad. The bar, in and of itself is not bad. But bars can be places people go to get drunk, hook up, and probably isn't the ideal place to meet a woman.

Interesting analogy, I guess.

What about women who smoke. Does this mean they are looking for men? I think a married woman can both smoke and love her husband dearly.

But the comparison is interesting, anyway.
I used the analogy to show the dangers that lurk around good things. Tobacco is good but some tobacco products are addicting and harmful, especially if used often. A woman is good. A bar is good if used as a place for food and for appropriate quantities of alcohol...however, many people use smoking for a high or stress reliever and many people use bars as a place to get drunk and hook up with people without biblical pursuit of love. It wasn't my intention to imply that those who smoke can't truly love their spouses or that smoking means you are looking for a partner. Sorry if that was how it came off.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Well i had the help of the Lord...

I smoked for about 11 years Ya know the preaches kid that does what she is told not to of my brothers had a birthday i said what would you like for your birthday... he said for you to quit smoking so i did.... I learned how much smoking was HABIT... A couple weeks FINELY get over i was a bad word for a bit... we had friends over for cards they smoked with out a thought, just automatic i picked up the cigarette took a deep drag and Praise the Lord i bout choked to death... Easy? i still fight the battle some times they stink some times they smell wonderful ... Sin has its good looking outside... dont be fooled by the cover of the book..
I used the analogy to show the dangers that lurk around good things. Tobacco is good but some tobacco products are addicting and harmful, especially if used often. A woman is good. A bar is good if used as a place for food and for appropriate quantities of alcohol...however, many people use smoking for a high or stress reliever and many people use bars as a place to get drunk and hook up with people without biblical pursuit of love. It wasn't my intention to imply that those who smoke can't truly love their spouses or that smoking means you are looking for a partner. Sorry if that was how it came off.

Hey, fine, HumbleOurselves; I was just musing around your interesting comparisons.

Moderation is indeed Scriptural. I'm probably better off myself in abstaining altogether.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Well i had the help of the Lord...

I smoked for about 11 years Ya know the preaches kid that does what she is told not to of my brothers had a birthday i said what would you like for your birthday... he said for you to quit smoking so i did.... I learned how much smoking was HABIT... A couple weeks FINELY get over i was a bad word for a bit... we had friends over for cards they smoked with out a thought, just automatic i picked up the cigarette took a deep drag and Praise the Lord i bout choked to death... Easy? i still fight the battle some times they stink some times they smell wonderful ... Sin has its good looking outside... dont be fooled by the cover of the book..


Well, I see... :)

Sounds like you really liked smoking.

But you didn't want to be a smoker...
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Smoking is not a good thing for anyone... I don't stand by a pile of burning leaves and breath deeply. I would n't go to fire and pay to breathe in the smoke filled air.. Smoking is about as dumb as it gets.... Nothing about smoking glorifies the Lord. I believe it to be ,in most cases , sinful , we know the wages of sin is death... Smoking kills the spirit and the body. It takes years off your life causes wrinkles and makes you and everything around you stink. Yup i dont smoke any more but yup i do deal with other sins.
Farouk i am offended at what i see as a very subtle twist of my words.
no what she said is the truth about all sins. i could reword that with porn. sin looks delightful at times and enticing. that is until the devil comes to collect his wages for that "fun" then its sorrow and misery.
Re: Giviing up smoking?

Smoking is not a good thing for anyone... I don't stand by a pile of burning leaves and breath deeply. I would n't go to fire and pay to breathe in the smoke filled air.. Smoking is about as dumb as it gets.... Nothing about smoking glorifies the Lord. I believe it to be ,in most cases , sinful , we know the wages of sin is death... Smoking kills the spirit and the body. It takes years off your life causes wrinkles and makes you and everything around you stink. Yup i dont smoke any more but yup i do deal with other sins.
Farouk i am offended at what i see as a very subtle twist of my words.


Oops; unintended; I guess I misconstrued your words "they smell wonderful"; so I'm sorry for whatever I misunderstood.

there is no health advantage in the smoking, nor nutritious, neither taste, and it may cost more than $1800 per year (1 pack of $5 per day = $1825 per year) - it's not worth

Re: Giviing up smoking?

.. I acknowledge that there are some who are not addicted to nicotine who can smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a week and possibly not do as much harm to their lungs or to the people around them. My prayer is that your freedom will not cause those of US who are the weaker brethren to stumble, including children and teens who may emulate you. And I pray for you to use Godly wisdom. Personally, I envy you your freedom.


Sounds like in different circumstances you might like occasionally to smoke 1 or 2 a week?

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It's been more than 3 months now, and I still crave smokes. :tongueuppydogeyes
Will it ever stop?


It's probably because you stopped suddenly.

Some people can manage to do it. Others will successfully cut down, limiting themselves with determination, and from one or two per day they may cut down to one or two per week, and so forth.

But I know that when some people suddenly quit completely, they are determined not to have any cigarettes in the house. Other people have managed to develop the maybe happy situation of being able to keep a packet in the house, but never, or almost never, feeling the wish to smoke.


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