Caroline H
- Jul 9, 2008
- 5,830
- 7
The issue of Global Warming is a touchy one for some....personally I think it is a fad that is making some people VERY rich. This article was written by a man named Phillip Brennan, I encourage you to read it, it's not long. ... 25766.html
Here is just a part of it: ... 25766.html
Here is just a part of it:
Goldenberg writes, "For many Americans, the report released today, entitled ‘Global climate change impacts in the U.S.,’ provides the most tangible evidence of the economic costs of climate change  from the need to relocate airports in Alaska built on permafrost, to the increased need for pesticides in agriculture, to an electrical grid straining to meet the increased demand for air conditioning in summer and ageing sewer systems brought to bursting point by heavy run-off in 770 American cities and towns."
Wow! Scary, huh?
Well, not really. In order for all that nasty stuff to happen, the planet has to keep warming at an alarming rate. If we deal with climate change now, the report warns, "the average US temperature will rise 0.4C-1.83C (4-6.5F) by the end of this century." If we don't, "average temperatures could rise by about 2.1C-4.3C (7-11F) with catastrophic consequences for human health and the economy."
A lot of ifs, totally unsupported by reality.
Let's get this straight. The planet is not warming.
What warming there was stopped over 10 years ago. Moreover, it is now apparent that the proof that the planet was warming comes from largely from temperature readings which meteorologist Anthony Watts warns are unreliable.
He photographed and visually inspected 850 stations in the U.S. and extrapolated their findings globally and learned that fully 89 percent failed to meet the National Weather Service's location requirements.
Many of the locations, wrote Watts, "were located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering hot rooftops. And near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat."
But let's not argue. The planet was warming since the end of the little ice age. It stopped in 1998, and over the past decade, it's been getting cooler.
In some places, a lot cooler.