Heya TanNinety!
TanNinety said:
I did not mean I have the same experiences as the rest I have mentioned. To be patriotic you don’t have to go through what a soldier or all the citizens of a country go through of their experiences to have your feelings be identified with them. All I meant was I have at different points of my life been able to identify myself with the knowledge I have gained with a different group of people ..i.e, religionists, atheists, agnostics and now Christians. Unless I learn contrary knowledge that pulls me away from Christianity I will remain so. Any knowledge I have gained thus far didn’t lead me to discredit Christianity. Fundamental rhetoric churchianity has always kept me on my toes though, having me dig deeper into the truth of God than take words of men on the pulpit at face value.
I'm curious. Have you gained any knowledge that 'discredited' the other religions you've participated in? Did you gain this knowledge before or after being a Christian? Is it possible that there is any knowledge that will 'pull you away' from Christianity, or is it infallible?
Ancient greeks believed in lots of gods, do you believe in those gods?
Do I personally? No, I don't believe in any god. But how does that make them any less valid?
No, you will ask for a personal proof when it comes to God. That is exactly what I was saying, unless I experiment with the possibility I have no way of getting that personal proof. All I was trying to say was science flourishes because people choose to follow possibilities. Since you tend to use logic to come to conclusions of God is evil or that He doesn’t exist I was merely trying to preface that there are other possibilities that one can conclude and choose to follow other than God being evil or non-existing.
There sure are other possibilities. For example:
1) Many gods exist and are evil / good,
2) A god exists and he is apathetic,
3) A powerful being exists that has deceived us into thinking he is god.
There's plenty more. How could we test these to see if they are true?
I know earth is round because I was willing to pursue the possibility that religion is wrong and science was right when I was 8 years old.
After the scientific evidence kept piling up higher and higher, the Christian church did finally admit that the Earth was round after years of strong opposition to the idea. Yes, Flat-Earthers exist today, but only the most radical extremist fundamentalist churches will hold to that belief. Were you a member of a church like this when you were 8?
I agree with you. My wife still says that every now and then when she gets frustrated with life that she did not ask to be created. The situation becomes worse when these created beings who were never asked to be created in the first place are supposed to grasp the truth of life in the finite amount of time they spend on earth and failing that should suffer an eternity being tormented. That is what I call churchianity. But fortunately I follow Christianity...He did not say blessed are the “Christian merciful†or the “jewish merciful that shall obtain mercy. He said the merciful obtain mercy.
I find your version of 'Christianity' much more palatable than the popular version. ;)
To me zapping satan is God abusing His creation, which unfortunately you think is the perfect solution.
If you could kill one man to save the lives of 15 million others as a direct result, would you? Most people probably would, especially when they realized that this one man's name is Adolf Hitler.
So it is with your God. If he could destroy one being to eradicate the combined evil and suffering of this world - a 'thing' that is far, far, FAR greater than merely 15 million human lives - then he would be insane not to.
Actually we can create and destroy at will. The creation process might take 9 months but destroying process will take mere seconds.
I think you know what I meant. :P Can we create as your god does, willing things (not only humans) into existence? Can we destroy entire planets? No, we cannot. We are not omnipotent, all-powerful, or anything remotely close.
God doesn’t create and destroy at will (I am assuming at will with a meaning of as He fancies without taking His creation into consideration). God created adam and eve ..not adam and eve and steve and suzanne and cathy and so on. After God created adam and eve He told them to reproduce and replenish the earth. Men on the other hand create and procreate at will and then destroy at will. “guns don’t kill people, people kill people†Isn’t that man being able to create and destroy at will? On the other hand God is very careful about His creation and the reasons why He destroys. He is more just in His creation and destruction unlike man.
Your interpretation of man's creative and destructive 'power' is lower than child's play when compared to an all-powerful being. That is why I do not believe we can reasonably be held to the same standard as we can hold your god.
Even though there seems to be a deliberate delay on the destruction of satan I believe ultimately it is going to play out for the good of humanity.
This is not Hollywood, unfortunately. What reason do you have to believe that we'll all live happily ever after, especially given the evil, unforgiving world in which we live? Remember some of the points that I posted in the original post of this thread.
You have rightly assumed that God has the power to eliminate evil but are wrong(well wrong according to me) in assuming He does not. He has given us clues about when this end is going to come. One major clue is “the end shall be like the days of noahâ€Â. Well when we go back to Genesis the days of noah were pretty bad. Every thought of man was wicked (not just few random thoughts), continually wicked.
That doesn't help. Why should we have to wait until 'every thought of man' was wicked? Why should we have to wait until man is continually wicked? Isn't there PLENTY of suffering and evil already around today? Why should we have to suffer through this evil, waiting for the total amount of evil to reach some arbitrary 'evilness barrier' described by your god?
These questions and others like them are among the biggest issues I have with the Christian god. One can describe the end times all one likes, but the fact remains that evil and suffering are
unnecessary in the face of an all-powerful, all-good being.
Ok, I created a creature A and B. Now this creature A rebelled against me. So I tried to destroy it.
You're all-powerful, right? How did you fail to destroy something?
But creature A said “just because you created doesn’t mean you can destroyâ€Â. So I make creature B more powerful so it can destroy creature A? That will not make me just. It wasn’t B’s battle at all.
If creature A (Satan) being destroyed would better the universe in every possible way, it is therefore everyone's battle to destroy creature A. No one has anything to lose, and all existence would become better after A's destruction. Why is the creator unable to destroy creature A?
Now I create a creature C and love it as much as I have loved creature A and B. This creature is a lower model of A and B. Creature A which now hates me knows that me being “just†wont destroy it, frolics in its fortunate luck and tries to turn creature C against me. Once creature C start resisting it creature A gets irritable and starts attacking it. But creature C being obedient eventually gets an upgrade from me which enables it to fight back creature A and eventually gets rid of creature A. I think we are Gods “creature Câ€Â. LOL
LOL indeed. ;)
My blueprint and the builder and house analogy works. You have the blueprint the bible, the builder God and the house ..which is the new earth where there is no more wicked. You do not see the new earth where there is no more wickedness and you say the builder is not capable of building. You want a snap your fingers God. God of magic.
The god of the Old Testament sure seems that way. He snaps his fingers and turns into a burning bush, or destroys a city, or smites all the firstborn. How come he doesn't do these things anymore? Did he change? Is it possible for an all-powerful being to change?
Someone who sits on His pandoras box and goes abraca dabra and now there is no more satan all the wicked people have been annihilated now the rest of us righteous can live happily ever after.
Quite frankly,
YES! A god who wiped evil and suffering off this planet would truly be all-good. But he could make this world good without annihilating the 'wicked people', he could instead make them good again. All things are possible, by definition, with an all-powerful being. I will repeat: an all-powerful being that does NOT eliminate evil can only be viewed as evil himself.
But no, that’s is not what the God of the bible is about. He is one who sends His Son to go through the same struggles we go through with satan yet be obedient and sinless.
There's another big problem I have with Christianity. Creating something, then sending it to get killed by your own creation in order to save your creation from your own wrath seems, quite frankly, to be the very definition of insanity.
For an omnipotent guy like your god, there had to have been a better way. Even me, with my mere human mind, can think of any number of better ways to have gone about this - ways in which no one was beaten or tortured, no one had to be killed, and no one would live their lives without hearing about it. Why did your god do things so inefficiently?
Be hated of the world for proclaiming not the “churchianity god of scriptures†but the true image of God. Be brutally beaten and crucified and stabbed, thereby defeating satan on his conditions.
Yech. An all-good god would desire a world in which evil and suffering were minimized, right? Like I said, if a mere human mind like mine could have done it all without that evil and suffering yet had the exact same effects, why the needless suffering?
The biggest case that satan could possibly build against God is “I am not faulty. Your creation is faulty. The works of your hands are faultyâ€Â.
If god were all-knowing, he would know what case Satan would build before Satan was even created. If he were all-powerful, his creation was not faulty by accident - he knew, via his omniscience, that his creation would be faulty before he even created it. And yet he chose to do so anyway. I don't see how Satan's argument is at all workable.
Why was he bent on tempting eve in the garden? So he could prove God that His creation is prone to evil.
Why does an all-knowing being need proof of anything? Furthermore, how could he not already know that his creation is prone to evil?
Now what did Jesus do? Well shatter satans case. Establish that Gods handy work is not at fault. How did He do that? By choosing and making right decisions in the face of evil and death coming His way.
Millions and millions of people, throughout the ages, have made right decisions in the face of evil and death. Jesus was not the first, nor was he the last.
What is so great about it? Well God has given His spirit without bounds to Jesus for accomplishing this and whoever Jesus judges righteous to him He will give this eternal life. What happens to the rest of the wicked? Well they will be judged unrighteous suffer their punishment of not inheriting eternal life. What are we waiting on? Well the schedule in the bible. The blueprint to take its natural course. The end time.
How is it determined who is righteous and who is not? Does it require belief in your god? How about Jesus? Can you believe in only one or the other and still be righteous? What about the people who would actually prefer to go to hell?
I said if I didn’t seek the truth I would have never become an atheist from being a hindu. Its no “no true Scotsman†there. I wasn’t saying I have become a Christian seeking truth. I said I became an atheist seeking the truth when I was a hindu. I never said everyone seeking truth will end up in Christianity. So your assumption that I claimed Christianity is the only religion that holds the answers is not my “no true Scotsman†but your straw man at best
You became an atheist because you felt that atheism was where the 'truth' could be found, right? And presumably then Christianity for the same reasons?
You said you read the bible and not take what everyone else says about God. So please show me the scripture that says God knows everything that there is to know?
God calls Himself the Almighty many times throughout the Bible (Genesis 17:1; 35:11, etc.). He has all the power there is, and no being can exercise any power unless God allows it (Romans 13:1). Again, only God is omnipotent, for only one being can have all power. First Timothy 6:15 describes God as "the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords." The saints of God in heaven will proclaim "Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth" (Revelation 19:6). God beautifully describes His great omnipotence in Job, chapters 38 to 41.
The only limitations God has are those He willingly places on Himself or those resulting from His moral nature. Since He is holy and sinless, He abides by His own moral limitations. Therefore, it is impossible for God to lie or contradict His own Word (Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18).
Psalm 139:1-6 teaches us that God knows everything, including our movements, thoughts, paths, ways, and words. Job confessed, "I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee" (Job 42:2). God has complete knowledge of everything, including foreknowledge of the future (Acts 2:23). Like omnipresence, omniscience is an attribute that belongs solely to God. He is "the only wise God" (I Timothy 1:17). The Bible does not identify any other being (including Satan) who can read all the thoughts of man, foresee the future with certainty, or know everything there is to know.
Sure seems to me like the bible says god is all-powerful, and all-knowing. This scripture aside, I don't think I'm saying anything new when I say that most - just about ALL - versions of Christianity take god to be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good.
Bible says satan was PERFECT, until the day wickedness was found in him.
How could he be perfect? Wouldn't he then be god?
And how could he be perfect if "wickedness was found in him"?
Ezekiel 28:15 What? If God knows everything that is to know then how can something be found later on? If God foreknew the evil in satan then satan never had a chance in being called perfect in Gods eyes.
Did god call satan perfect? If so, he is not all-knowing because satan is clearly not perfect. If not, then the bible appears to be incorrect.
I guess it is evident that I don’t believe God needs to know everything that there is to know.
That's fine with me. I just want to point out that most Christians would probably disagree with you.
Well I am not re-defining anything. I am just pointing out what God has revealed Himself of to me from the bible. Re-defining is when you don’t take God at His word and you ascribe your definition of “He knows everything†because someone preaches you so.
Isn't re-defining also defining god to be your own personal interpretation? Like I said, it doesn't really matter to me what your interpretation is, but the commonly accepted interpretation sure seems to be that god is all-knowing.
Sorry the bible that I have never talks about this scenario not even in the appendix. Does not matter what churchianity preaches, what matters is, is that really what the scriptures say? ..or even better is that really what God says. I don’t think He ever said “I know everything that there is to knowâ€Â, so why create a straw man and beat Him up with it?
If god is all-knowing, he knew, before Adam was even created, that Adam would be tempted and fall. He knew that Satan would successfully tempt Adam. He knew all of this, but decided to create Adam anyway. Therefore, he must have intended it to happen.
This is not in the bible, nor has this been 'preached' to me - that's your own strawman. This is merely a
direct consequence of god being all-knowing.
Probably because you have heard too many people repeat this rhetoric of what they have been taught from the pulpits without them actually taking time to figure out what was said was indeed the truth?
It seems to me like your bible does indeed describe your god as all-powerful, all-knowing, invisible, immutable, and so forth.
It’s not atheists who scare me from Christianity. They actually make me re-evaluate my positions and my values as a Christian. Keep me seeing and not let me be like stagnant water. It’s actually people like pat robertson who will actually drive me away from it if at all.
Good to hear.
True. Like saying creationism should be taught in school. But will they let evolution be taught in bible school/study? I enjoyed talking with you. Your questions help me not be satisfied with what I know but dig deeper. That’s the only way I can grow in or out of what I currently believe in.
Good talking to you as well.