- Nov 5, 2006
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Mysteryman said:dadof10 said:What do you think about the crystal clear declaration by Thomas in Jn. 20:28? It is obvious that Thomas is speaking to Jesus, and Jesus accepts his declaration. You must reconcile ALL of Scripture, not just pet verses.
Hi dadof10
So obviously, this is one of your pet verses, right ?
It wouldn't be if someone would simply give me a logical answer...
What about John 20:17 ? It is a part of the context you know ! And John 20:17 can not contradict John 20:28, nor can John 20:28 contradict John 20:17 --
This is not one, though....
Jn. 20:17 CLEARLY states that YHWH is Jesus' God. It's undeniable. Jesus REPEATEDLY calls the God of Israel, YHWH, His God throughout Scripture.
Jn. 20:28 CLEARLY shows Thomas calling Jesus YHWH because Thomas says "my God", and a Jew's God is YHWH.
So it is clear, that Thomas was talking "about" God, whom raise Jesus from the dead !
So your solution to these seemingly contradictory verses is to bring your bias into the text and explain away one CLEAR verse in favor of another? If you will notice, Trinitarians say BOTH concepts are true. Jesus is both God and man. He has two natures, one human and one divine. We RECONCILE the two passages, we don't accept one and make ridiculous claims about the other.
Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing." 28 Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" 29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." (John (RSV) 20)
It could not be more obvious that Jesus and Thomas are having an intimate, one-on-one conversation. If I read this to any 10 year old, and asked "who is Thomas talking about", his answer would invariably be "Jesus". That's assuming the 10 year old had no preconceived bias.