Help me out here; are you saying that all art is wrong or just spiritual art?
If you are talking about SOME spiritual art you could have a point, even though I don't agree with the extreme view that you are presenting. There is a big difference between appreciating spiritual art and placing it somewhere, lighting candles around it, burning incense or whatever, and bowing in front of it to worship. The artwork is no mediator.
The more I study the question the MORE I am led to believe that ALL art is vanity.
1 Tim 2:5
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Let's talk about one thing in particular, images of Jesus.
We do not know what Jesus Christ looked like, and that may not be an accident. While of course there were no cameras at that time, we do know what many people of 2,000 years ago looked like from drawings, statues or coins that were made of them. And yet none of the many Christians who actually saw Jesus Christ ever produced such an image of Him that we can see today. Perhaps it was because it might have been idolized. We are to worship, bow down to, and pray to God,
not to some lifeless picture or statue that is not God or His Son.
If the REASON that there were NO REAL images of Christ HOLDS TRUE, then How could one POSSIBLY believe that a 'false image' of Christ could be ANY DIFFERENT. You have already shown UNDERSTANDING in the question that you posed. You gave yourself YOUR OWN ANSWER. And one NEED NOT literally 'bow down' in order to offer 'worship'. You can 'bow' in your heart through simple submission.
I still believe however that the first three commandments can be better understood if read together. Three by the way is another number in the bible that is meant to indicate completeness or perfection. There are ten commandments. The first three complete our commandments of worship to God. The remaining seven, (another completeness number), perfects our commandments to interact with other human beings and our deeds.
Numerology holds no 'water' here. It SOUNDS good but the 'truth' is that the JEWS understood the commandment PERFECTLY. And the MAIN reason that there are NO 'real' pictures of Jesus is that the JEWS KNEW that the commandment forbid the 'making of graven images'. Study the Jewish and their 'view' of 'art'. Study their 'ancient art'. You'll find that ONLY when returning from the 'captivity' of 'others' had they 'veered' from the commandments. Having LEARNED pagan ways from their captives. And EACH time God sent his prophets to WARN the people to COME BACK to Him. To abandon their IDOLS and 'graven images'. To CEASE to follow in the footsteps of their previous captors and masters.
Thought, word, and deed, complete the sum of human capability.
OK, Now where is 'creativity' in this equation? Creativity is a 'tool' of the DEVIL. For we have ONLY ONE TRUE CREATOR. And for US to attempt to BE 'creators', that is to offer to BE our OWN Gods.
Let me ask this: Is there ANYTHING wrong with 'birth control'? Is there anything wrong with 'cloning humans'? How about abortion? Now, I know that your answer will alighn with TRUTH. But do YOU know WHY these things are WRONG? It's NOT about 'murder'. It's MUCH deeper and much MORE SIMPLE than that. The REASON is that for US to attempt these things is to ATTEMPT to usurp the AUTHORITY of God. To BE OUR OWN GODS. Ignoring WHAT we were 'created' FOR and insert OUR OWN will into the equation. WHO 'gives' life? Even NOW? God gives life. EVERY conception that takes place IS THE WILL OF GOD. Without His WILL there would BE NO LIFE. So WHO 'becomes' God when we decide to 'take control' of this function?
Three denotes divine perfection;
Seven denotes spiritual perfection;
While I agree that 'numbers' are POWERFUL symbols, I avoid the study or 'belief' in them for we are NOT priviledged with the maturity to fully comprehend what POWER they actually hold. They can be used NEGATIVELY as well as POSITIVELY. And you know what happens when we strive to BE more mature than we actually are; Just as EVE brought about the knowledge of Good AND EVIL, so too are we able to 'open cans of worms' that we are UNABLE to control when we begin to dwelve into that which we DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND.
Just a thought.