Can I just answer a few of the points raised:
No, I didn't go to Woodstock.
No, I wouldn't call myself a hippie, it was just the style at the time.
No, the majority really were not into sex & drugs (some were but that has always been so). Most saw Jesus as a great example, not only of hair-style but attitude as well - "PEACE", "LOVE".
No, not everyone was work-shy and lived on maintenance.
No, I never lived in a tent, I loved the ideal of hippiedom but worked hard and rose to the top of my profession without cutting off my beard and long hair until I was 40. My main house is worth about $1million and the same applies to many of my long haired friends from those days. None of us were work-shy.
Yes, we were idealists, fed up with wars, aggression and unthinking pollution and destruction of the planet. Ecology and conservation were just as important as love and peace.
Yes, many people vilify and over-simplify what they don't understand.