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[__ Prayer __] Hard Times Ahead Again


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Member I got word that once my client...(my younger sibling who happens to have disabilities) turns eighteen, my work hours will be cut whereas my folks will be paid to keep her within the home.
So with my hubby still not having found a solid concrete job....and use having a new baby....we have rough days ahead.

Please pray that one or both of us is able to find something in which to provide for him. We are really needing to have something done by January/February when my sibling's birthday comes up and the budget changes.

Our son is everything to us. A real gift from Heaven, and I doubt God would give us him only to have him taken away. Not that I think he will be, but we want nothing more than to be able to provide for him....thank you.....
LostLamb said: I got word that once my client...(my younger sibling who happens to have disabilities) turns eighteen, my work hours will be cut whereas my folks will be paid to keep her within the home.
So with my hubby still not having found a solid concrete job....and use having a new baby....we have rough days ahead.

Please pray that one or both of us is able to find something in which to provide for him. We are really needing to have something done by January/February when my sibling's birthday comes up and the budget changes.

Our son is everything to us. A real gift from Heaven, and I doubt God would give us him only to have him taken away. Not that I think he will be, but we want nothing more than to be able to provide for him....thank you.....
prayed a few moments ago, it's not easy but hang on, God will work it out.

I'll pray for your husband to get that break he needs. It's no fun looking for work. If we are diligent, that's when the Lord can direct us easiest. Having a family is a tremendous responsibility. I don't have one, but I think I would probably be busting my butt every day, to support the family. Good luck with your efforts.
P.S. It might help to take something that's not the top pick for now, just to get the money coming in. Nothing says you couldn't keep checking elsewhere at the same time.
I appreciate your dilemma and I'm praying you'll find something suitable, for the sake of your family and child. Sometimes I wish life was so easy, and just came to us, without even trying...unfortunately, we are required to go to the limit of our endurance sometimes. Some of us get silver platters...most of us have to bust our butts. :ohwell
Just prayed for you Danielle and family. :pray.

Remember that the Lord uses suffering to make you stronger in Him - use your hard times to have more faith on the Lord and come out of it with a stronger relationship with Him - He is in control. :)

No fear, just keep trusting that God will provide a way. The Lord bless you, and I am praying.
Just thought I would throw in a real quick update. Have heard back from one or two of them ironically being a position I applied for at Job Cor.....they are in need of a desk clerk and now only require my high school diploma. Not sure if this means anything at the time, time alone will truly tell. It is selfish of me perhaps...but I am not as excited as I should be. In truth, I do not want to leave my current job. I am only doing so, so that way I will make the hours I need. Think what it really boils down to is....I am scared of messing this up. Not to mention....I am going to really miss my baby boy during my shifts.

The hubby will be looking after baby Bob should I get this job. At the same time...we are working on getting him a license to sell alcohol and even a bartending license this way more doors to fine dinning and the like may be opened. In hopes that perhaps one or both of us might find something and be able to work things out to better provide for our little guy.....
God please help this family who is in need of Your help.God Your wish is the best for us and I am sure you have only things for us in the long vision of Yours.Maybe this family will struggle but Your presence will make their life a joy even in the hardest times.Help this family to fight and move ahead.Help them to give everything their kid wants.Help them to make them realise their true potentials by others and themselves.Help them in finding new ways in life.Help to forgive others and let others forgive them.

God please help this family.May Your Blessings Enlighten their life.
Know this will likely quickly earn some judgement hubby will be begining bartending school at the end of October. With how scarce jobs are becoming and how fruitless his search has been, we decided to try to broaden his horizons by getting his alcohol selling license and bartending license to open the playing field. I, myself, am also currently seeking some form of employment in day care facilities and the like with the hope that I will be able to bring my son with me to work if the need be. For my current job as much as I do enjoy it....has also become exceedingly unhealthy for me. Which is why I understand why so many discourage people from working with family. But I will not yet venture to go into details on that. Just please keep the prayers coming. We have a lot going on this next month and we are hoping the money we have put together to open up these doors for my husband, truly are ones that pay off.
LostLamb, you won't receive any judgment from me. :) I think the most important thing is to seek God's will in our career choices. Because if it is His will and part of His plan, then He will bless it. :yes

I continue to pray for you and your family. Hang in there! God is good and is faithful to protect and provide for His children. God answered a huge prayer for me this week and I am rejoicing in His care. Trust Him to take care of your financial needs and to lead you and your hubby to just the right place. He will! :amen
Lost Lamb,

May I suggest, since you have been such a help with your brother that you seek other employment in that area??? I'm sure there are other folks like your brother who need you expertise. I'm not sure how you worked with your brother, but maybe there is some sort of foster care license or special needs license you could get that would allow you to stay with your precious baby. Sometimes it can take awhile to get one of these licenses, so while you are waiting for your brother's birthday you could be preparing for another "client"???

Please don't think I am judging you when I tell you that your wonderful marriage could be in jeopardy if your husband becomes a bartender. I know I was one, and that environment is not good for a marriages. I know you and your husband feel that nothing could tear you apart, but the devil is so prevalent where there is drinking, and he is so seductive. :verysad

I know, that I know, that I know, I am absolutely certain He will not abandon your family. Sometimes He takes us to the very edge of the cliff to increase our faith, to show you He is your rock.

Each of us has to struggle to follow Christ and our lives will not always be easy. But I want you to know Jesus knows exactly what you are going through. He was a human and He is God. A human Jesus, a struggling Jesus, helps us to face life head on and not to turn away from being uncomfortable. That’s why we must do what Jesus did, follow His example. When you have those times of struggle, get alone with him, fall to the ground, pour out your heart to Him. He may not take the pain away, but He will strengthen you for it, like He did Jesus. Let Him do His work, don’t try to do it for Him.

It always puzzeled me when I would read about when Jesus was on the cross dieing and God turned away, Jesus cried out to God, “why have you forsaken me.†I couldn't figure out what was happening? Why would God abandoned Him?

I think that Jesus became a man to experience all things man experiences. I believe when He was tempted in every single thing man is tempted with, including overeating, lying, cheating, even homosexuality, and pedophilia. Just because you are tempted does not mean it is a sin, it’s the second thought that makes it a sin. And even though Jesus is God, I believe it was the plan that He would not know all things. I believe He had to learn through the Word what His role was, just like we do. I believe He had perfect understanding of the Bible, but I don’t believe he automatically knew all things. I come to this conclusion because Jesus Himself said He was not all knowing, when He said in Mark 13:32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

So when He cried out, God why have you forsaken me, I don’t believe God had really forsaken Him, I believe Jesus felt forsaken, just as sometimes we feel forsaken when we are waiting for God to do something and He doesn’t show up when we expect Him to. Jesus was waiting to die, and felt betrayed when He had to wait for an answer.

He knows exactly how you feel, He has experienced it to the maximum degree. Fall on your face before Him when you are in a struggle, trust Him, it will not always be easy, but if you follow God’s will it will be best for you and your family. Give Him all He asks, die to self, be a living sacrifice. Die to ego, Die to desires, die to phobias, die worry. Fall on Him, and He will catch you... Trust.

Love, Kelli
Kelli said:
Lost Lamb,

May I suggest, since you have been such a help with your brother that you seek other employment in that area??? I'm sure there are other folks like your brother who need you expertise. I'm not sure how you worked with your brother, but maybe there is some sort of foster care license or special needs license you could get that would allow you to stay with your precious baby. Sometimes it can take awhile to get one of these licenses, so while you are waiting for your brother's birthday you could be preparing for another "client"???

Please don't think I am judging you when I tell you that your wonderful marriage could be in jeopardy if your husband becomes a bartender. I know I was one, and that environment is not good for a marriages. I know you and your husband feel that nothing could tear you apart, but the devil is so prevalent where there is drinking, and he is so seductive. :verysad

I know, that I know, that I know, I am absolutely certain He will not abandon your family. Sometimes He takes us to the very edge of the cliff to increase our faith, to show you He is your rock.

Each of us has to struggle to follow Christ and our lives will not always be easy. But I want you to know Jesus knows exactly what you are going through. He was a human and He is God. A human Jesus, a struggling Jesus, helps us to face life head on and not to turn away from being uncomfortable. That’s why we must do what Jesus did, follow His example. When you have those times of struggle, get alone with him, fall to the ground, pour out your heart to Him. He may not take the pain away, but He will strengthen you for it, like He did Jesus. Let Him do His work, don’t try to do it for Him.

It always puzzeled me when I would read about when Jesus was on the cross dieing and God turned away, Jesus cried out to God, “why have you forsaken me.†I couldn't figure out what was happening? Why would God abandoned Him?

I think that Jesus became a man to experience all things man experiences. I believe when He was tempted in every single thing man is tempted with, including overeating, lying, cheating, even homosexuality, and pedophilia. Just because you are tempted does not mean it is a sin, it’s the second thought that makes it a sin. And even though Jesus is God, I believe it was the plan that He would not know all things. I believe He had to learn through the Word what His role was, just like we do. I believe He had perfect understanding of the Bible, but I don’t believe he automatically knew all things. I come to this conclusion because Jesus Himself said He was not all knowing, when He said in Mark 13:32 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

So when He cried out, God why have you forsaken me, I don’t believe God had really forsaken Him, I believe Jesus felt forsaken, just as sometimes we feel forsaken when we are waiting for God to do something and He doesn’t show up when we expect Him to. Jesus was waiting to die, and felt betrayed when He had to wait for an answer.

He knows exactly how you feel, He has experienced it to the maximum degree. Fall on your face before Him when you are in a struggle, trust Him, it will not always be easy, but if you follow God’s will it will be best for you and your family. Give Him all He asks, die to self, be a living sacrifice. Die to ego, Die to desires, die to phobias, die worry. Fall on Him, and He will catch you... Trust.

Love, Kelli

It is my sister I worked with. Not my brother.....honestly, working with young ones or even those eighteen or older with disabilities is very hard work. Not to mention, it is highly unlikely due to the enviroments in which a number of these individuals are in as well as the medical issues or temperments they have that any would be a safe enviroment for my son. When it came to my sister, I was or am for now working in my parents home. So to find another job as convient as that in this field would be really hard as well as an exceedingly rare blessing. Which is why I would rather venture to work in a child care department area. For I do still have some experience there too, I once before marrying my husband worked in a nursery and thought myself good at it.

Bartending yes, may be a bit shady...but if we are approach everything in life that could lead to sin with the attitude of turn tail and run...we might as well be running from ourselves. This is something we have been praying about....and oddly husband has a nack for food and drink. So until we can afford the thousands it would likely cost us not only to pay for him to go to culinary school but for the tools....this is likely our best bet. With my hours being cut short and me not yet having any luck with my job seems a decent avenue to take. God is one I trust...even when the decisions my hubby and I make might not make much sense to others around us.

My current job...if I were able to...I would leave....for reasons I will not share here. In short....things that should not be happening are happening and the stress level is just too high for me to maintain my health.

I thank you as well as everyone else that has offered their prayers.
Quick update: Well...I have an interview on Thursday for a possible job at the La Petite Academy. Hopefully for a position with infants. Not sure how things will turn out or if it is going to be a job that will provide the hours I need.

Hubby starts bartending academy on the 31st. So we have much going on.

Praise: My cousin just got married to a good man.
Just prayed for you.

remember to trust God with and in all things.
Interview Outcome: They want me....but I am going to have to turn them down. In the costs me more than it would benefit me.

Keep praying....that I find something not only close enough to home, but something that can work to benefit both the company and my family.
Lord I lift up this couple in Jesus name and ask by the Power of your Spirit and in the name of Jesus Lord be their Provider. You said if you take care of the birds of the air, how much more would you take care of us. Thank you Lord for having them in the shadow of your wing.. We also loose protection over the baby and the entire family in the name of Jesus.. Amen


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