I haven't found a new church since I moved to a new city for work. I stillfeel the need to talk to other Christians hear their views, and just generally congregate.
I have been checking out many Christian forums, and I must say I amperplexed?
There seems to be a rampant uncivil tone in every single one. Grantedanonymous forums are known to have some of these problems regardless of thetopic, but I must say I don't know what to say about what I am reading onChristian forums. Minor theological disagreements or misunderstanding turn intomud slinging silliness thread after thread. The same topics rehashed over andover only to reopen old fights for the purpose of fighting it seems.
My question would be why?
People don't conduct themselves like this in any church I have ever been to.Why on a message board that is supposed to represent what it means to be aChristian? I find this very disturbingas it is much easier for a non believer to log on to a message board to seekguidance than to walk into a building full of strangers.
I am afraid that the internet and internet forums are turning the message ofChrist into a indecipherable joke where no one can tell what is the truth, andthe only thing a non-believer walks away with is that Christians love fightingand telling others they are going to burn in hell for not having the truth.
This is not an attack on this forum. It seems to be rampant on every singleChristian forum.
Is it the anonymity?
Is it the mixing of different denominations fighting it out?
Can it be fixed?
I have been checking out many Christian forums, and I must say I amperplexed?
There seems to be a rampant uncivil tone in every single one. Grantedanonymous forums are known to have some of these problems regardless of thetopic, but I must say I don't know what to say about what I am reading onChristian forums. Minor theological disagreements or misunderstanding turn intomud slinging silliness thread after thread. The same topics rehashed over andover only to reopen old fights for the purpose of fighting it seems.
My question would be why?
People don't conduct themselves like this in any church I have ever been to.Why on a message board that is supposed to represent what it means to be aChristian? I find this very disturbingas it is much easier for a non believer to log on to a message board to seekguidance than to walk into a building full of strangers.
I am afraid that the internet and internet forums are turning the message ofChrist into a indecipherable joke where no one can tell what is the truth, andthe only thing a non-believer walks away with is that Christians love fightingand telling others they are going to burn in hell for not having the truth.
This is not an attack on this forum. It seems to be rampant on every singleChristian forum.
Is it the anonymity?
Is it the mixing of different denominations fighting it out?
Can it be fixed?