Ariel is "code" for Jerusalem. It means The Lion of God.
Don't Get me wrong, tongues were valid from 30AD to 70AD. It is interesting that Isaiah 29 is the siege of Jerusalem. 70 AD.
Isaiah 28 we have the prophecy of tongues(a language) to the Jew(this people) 30AD. Isaiah 29 we have the siege of Jerusalem 70 AD. The end of their client nation status. And the end of tongues......This invalidates tongues IMO.
The point with this verse is that there ARE talking spirits and this spirit in Isaiah 29:4 is OB/OBE or EGGASTROMUTHOS ventriloquist demon. Pseudo-tongues.
So what I am saying, If one believes in tongues and is practicing tongues. One had better be very discerning, because there is a demon that copies it.
I suppose, but I have talked to real devils myself, some sound like a whisper, lots of stories of people who hear voices muttering something to them unintelligible. I never made the connection with a spirits ability to speak, to Tongues not being for believers for today.
It's like me saying it's not God's will to heal and pointing out Jacob hurt his hip and did not heal it. Jesus only healed that "ONE" at the well. God killed David's baby with sickness.
It's going out of my way to not want to believe something with extreme comparisons. If we had scriptures saying beware the devil, for He can mimic the Holy Spirit, then you might have a point there. We are told many False Christ go out saying "I am the Christ" or I am anointed of God to help you (Christ means anointing) They possibly could speak gibberish then interpreter the money out of folks pockets. I can see that. It still does not invalidate the gift of tongues though.
Paul said Despise not prophesying but prove all things, hold to that which is true.
Just like today, many folks claim thus saith the Lord, when the Lord never said a word of it. It gets annoying and old, and folks turn it off and might miss the Real that could have helped.
Tongues is the same way, despite what others believe, does not change the fact tongues are here, they help, it's a form a prayer, and it's for EVERY believer to edify themselves to help others.
If it's real, it proves itself out, but nothing moves concerning the Word unless we believe first. Many want to doubt then have the Word produce, but that is not how it works.
If the Lord speaks to me to go somewhere or do something, I go. I don't sit around wondering if that was God or not. I step out and do it. Sometimes it's not God, or I only got part of the message and added in to fill in the blanks. That is my fault, not God's. It does not mean I don't hear God.