Why do some get healing, while others wait upon theirs but it never comes. They have the same faith, the same belief and stand on the same scriptures. Why do some put down others saying they do not have enough faith or patience or even the possibility of harboring unforgiveness. Can we judge why one is sick while another is healed, no. Is there a possibility that God is trying to bring about something in another's life by how we deal with our own sickness. So many questions and so many unanswered questions. All we can do is trust that God has his own reasons and purpose for everything under heaven that we may never understand. That is not a cop out or a lack of faith on our part or even that of harboring any unforgiveness when we know in our heart we have forgiven others and our faith is very strong as Christ is our faith as we believe in all that he is.
We can go round and around questioning why, why, why and have various answers thrown at us by others, but are they God! Do they know what the things of God are in our own personal life, no. My faith is very strong. My knowledge in the word of God is very strong through the Holy Spirit. I have no unforgiveness towards anyone so I ask the question why, where is my healing and what I get in return is this is flesh and flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God. The flesh will get sick and sometimes will heal and sometimes will only worsen. All in all it doesn't matter what happens to this flesh as what is more important is where we are in spirit. Am I coping out of ever being healed, no, but if I do or if I do not I will always praise the name of Jesus.
It can't be they have the same faith, revelation, or level of obedience. It can't be that. Why do some wait, but it never comes, why some right away. This is a easy to answer question.
I gave you some answers already, but if someone does not receive, then bingo, that is why they stay in their condition.
Lets go through some things that stop getting healed.
1) Love walk. Number one reason. Love works faith (Gal 5:6) any strife in our life can stop the power of God.
2) Obedience. Do we do what God says do? Do we respond when something is on our heart?
3) sin, and things allowed in. Has the Lord been dealing with us on sin in our life and we ignoring him.
Those are 3 things that even the strongest faith won't over ride. The last and least important is faith for healing. Mind you it takes faith to stay obedient, walk in love when our flesh says kill them, and it takes faith to walk away from sin. Grace and faith still apply to the above 3.
Faith to be healed though? If it's not the 3 above, then it's this here.
It's pride to say, I had faith, I obeyed God and I did not get healed. That is of the devil, it's prideful, it's an attitude that you believe you have come to perfect knowledge about everything, and did everything perfect. It also implies that your not healed because God decided not to heal you.
Pure garbage.
Any time we get in mind it's God's fault, His choice, we are done. Devil scores, we loose.
He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
(Psa 107:20)
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases;
(Psa 103:3)
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up;
and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.
(Jas 5:15)
according to the Word, forgiveness and healing are together. If you get one, then the other is also there. If you are only forgiven and do not get healing then it's you missing something, it's not God.
Disciples: (Be Like them)
The disciples went out to cast out devils, they had been given the authority to do so, and had good success, until they came to this one case. A boy possessed was acting out and throwing himself into the fire and doing things in a unsafe and scary way. The father brought out the boy to the disciples and they could not cast the devil out of him.
The best prayer warriors and men of God on the planet at the time could not do a thing to help. God's best, could not succeed.
This is why it's so prideful to say all had the same faith, but some get healed and some don't. According to scripture, what faith worked for most situations, needs to be stronger for other situations. It's has nothing to do with what God wants, God wants the devil out. Men fell short, not God.
The father comes to Jesus and ask if "HE" can do anything. He doubted Jesus could help because the Lord's own trainee's could do nothing. They did not represent him very well here.
And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out; and they could not. He answereth him, and saith,
O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me.
(Mar 9:18-19)
Jesus is not happy with two groups here. The father, and his disciples. The disciples had great success up to this point, but get a bigger and badder devil involved and things went a bit different.
God's will had nothing to do with it here. It was the lack of faith. Jesus said faithless generation............... How long shall I put up with this?
The Father did not believe, but more wrapped up in the symptoms being very descriptive of what was bothering his son. The disciples tried and failed, the best of the best with the authority given by Jesus himself to cast the devil out.
And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him:
but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us. Jesus said unto him,
If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
(Mar 9:22-23)
What did Jesus say? Now, Now, I am the Lord, and nothing is to hard for me. Move back everyone, and don't try this at home.
Some thought He should have said that..........
What did Jesus say? Well, now, now. Some get healed, some don't. You just never know because nobody understands it. My disciples had my ability and failed, so it must be a mystery of my Father.
Some thought Jesus should have said that.......
What did Jesus say? If you can believe, YOU, YOU, YOU, then all things are possible to them that will believe.
who has to believe?
Disciples are smart!!!
Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them,
Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
(Mat 17:19-20)
They disciples did not say we had faith and it should have worked, they wanted to find out why it was not working because they were not confused on the will of God.
The father, instead of just giving up with some religious nonsense about spiritual things are more important than flesh, and bla, bla, bla, asked for help with His unbelief. He went to God and was honest, that He needed help believing.
Your statements about your own healing are full of unbelief. Some I pointed out already. So instead of saying how can some all have the same faith and not get healed, you ougt to be saying, Help me see it better, and understand faith better.
If your content with far below what God would like to do, and help you grow and see stronger principles of believing to help others, then go ahead and continue believing as you do. Not advised.