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What do you find that disgusts you and who is the religiously fanatic nut case? I'll admit hell is disgusting, a place created for the devil and his angels that's by choice that one go there. The gift of God or hell, the choice is ours..

wavy said:
that disgusts me. another religiously fanatic nutcase.

Yes, hell is real. However the guy who runs Jesus-is-lord is, to put it charitably, an idiot. He can't even tell the difference between the Orthodox and Catholics in his bashing of them on that site. Not to mention that he has not even a basic understanding of the things he trashes. He's like Jack Chick with photographs instead of Nazi-style propaganda cartoons.
Who are these people who are "going to Hell of their own choice"? No one, who knew exactly what Hell is would ever want to go there. Rather they will be there outside of their choice. They will be sent there against their choice.

One often heard statement is that "God will not drag people 'kicking and screaming' into Heaven, if they don't want to be there, . . . it would be worse than Hell for them". . . . . . which is an increadibly ridiculous statement.
Orion said:
Who are these people who are "going to Hell of their own choice"? No one, who knew exactly what Hell is would ever want to go there.

It's not so much that they choose hell, but that they reject God, which in the end is the same thing. Have you ever read The Great Divorce by CS Lewis? It does a wonderful job dealing with this, the plot is that there is a bus from hell where people can go visit part of heaven for a day. Of course, most of them just find heaven so repulsive that they go back to Hell even though they could have gotten to stay if they had just wanted to. A good book on how to understand how people could want to go to Hell.

Then you have the Satanists, who really and truly want to go to Hell. But they are a special case.
darkwater said:
Orion said:
Who are these people who are "going to Hell of their own choice"? No one, who knew exactly what Hell is would ever want to go there.

It's not so much that they choose hell, but that they reject God, which in the end is the same thing. Have you ever read The Great Divorce by CS Lewis? It does a wonderful job dealing with this, the plot is that there is a bus from hell where people can go visit part of heaven for a day. Of course, most of them just find heaven so repulsive that they go back to Hell even though they could have gotten to stay if they had just wanted to. A good book on how to understand how people could want to go to Hell.

Then you have the Satanists, who really and truly want to go to Hell. But they are a special case.

I reject the notion that, just because someone chooses not to believe in that which they can't see, and that has no evidence (empiracal) of, that it means that they choose Hell, by default. There are many out there who genuinely have no knowledge of God, OR because of their culture, were raised to believe Kali as their God (or one of them). Many have no idea of the Hebrew/Christian God. The Muslim FIRMLY believes that the Hebrew God is their God, and that THEY are following the right religion. I would say, let these people get to Heaven and find out for real what it's all about, then if they are stupid enough to reject it, then allow them to exist in some other realm. Hell is just a concept to "scare people into your religion". It's a great marketing tool to get them in, then you scare them with "if you don't give 10%, you're robbing God", thus funds for the church.

I also disagree with the idea (in that book) of "people finding Heaven repulsive". However, IF it were possible, you would HAVE to ask the question, . . "what are they finding in Heaven that would be repulsive to them"? What do YOU think they would find repulsive?
Here’s a crazy thought on one of many aspects of Hell.

Gehenna (translated hell) is an actual piece of real estate just south of Jerusalem. Gehenna is actually a place noted the OT as a city called Topheth, which is in the valley of Ben Hinnom. This city was a key trade route in ancient times and was fought over many, many times. Jeremiah 7:30 to the end gives an account of hell, and who will be there and I would recommend a quick read of Jeremiah 7 before proceeding.

Now, in the days of Jesus, Gehenna was known for the many battles that took place there where many people were slaughtered in the wars (and it was turned into a garbage dump). I believe that Jeremiah 7:30-34 describes the type people that engaged in those wars, and ironically, they were from the House of Judah. Additionally, Gehenna was were human sacrifices (even children) were burned alive to the pagan god Molech.

I believe that Jesus echo’s this idea when he says in Mt 24, “Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers†to those who earlier stated, “On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do many powerful deeds?â€Â

Jesus also said, “But woe to you, experts in the law and you Pharisees, hypocrites! You keep locking people out of the kingdom of heaven! For you neither enter nor permit those trying to enter to go in!â€Â

Which begs the question, If one is not in the kingdom of heaven, then where are they?

Jesus also states in Mt. 10:28“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.†Sure, most people go straight to the doctrine of Satan on this verse, but what if we were to put this in perspective? The most prominent thought that comes to my mind is Hitler (though you are free to come to your own thought, such as an abusive spouse, X or just a mean person in general). In the case of Hitler, one man had such an influence on so many people, that millions of men, women and children were not only killed, but they were stripped of their humanity through cruel, inhumane treatment before they reached the gas chambers. Yes, these types of people are to be feared.

I’m a firm believer that Heaven and Hell are present realities and we can either bring a piece of hell to earth, or we can bring a piece of heaven to earth, after all, Jesus did say, “Luke 17:20 Now at one point the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God was coming, so he answered, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed,nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is in your midst. (Net Bible:)

The KJV translates "in your midst" as "is within you." Thus, if the the Kingdom of God is truly within us and it is in our midst, then those who are capable of bringing the reality of Hell here on earth are to be greatly feared as we compensate by bringing the reality of heaven, to those that are within the reality of hell.

In the case of Hitler, a little piece of heaven came to the women in the concentration camps in the form of lipstick… it's about humaity.

An extract from the diary of Lieutenant Colonel Mervin Willett said:
The liberation of Nazi death camp, Bergen-Belsen

I can give no adequate description of the Horror Camp in which my men and myself were to spend the next month of our lives. It was just a barren wilderness, as bare as a chicken run. Corpses lay everywher, some in huge piles, sometimes they lay singly or in pairs where they had fallen.

It took a little time to get used to seeing men women and children collapse as you walked by them and to restrain oneself from going to their assistance. One had to get used early to the idea that the individual just did not count. One knew that five hundred a day were dying and that five hundred a day were going on dying for weeks before anything we could do would have the slightest effect. It was, however, not easy to watch a child choking to death from diptheria when you knew a tracheotomy and nursing could save it, one saw women drowning in their own vomit becasue they were too weak to turn over, and men eating worms as they clutched a half loaf of bread purely because they had had to eat worms to live and now could scarcely tell the difference.

Piles of corpses, naked and obscene, with a woman too weak to stand propping herself against them as she cooked the food we had given her over an open fire; men and women crouching down just anywhere in the open relieving themselves of the dysentery which was scouring their bowels, a woman standing stark naked washing herself with some issue soap in water from a tank in which the remains of a child floated.

It was shortly after the British Red Cross arrived, though it may have no connection, that a very large quantity of lipstick arrived. This was not at all what we men wanted, we were screaming for hundreds and thousands of other things and I don't know who asked for lipstick. I wish so much that I could discover who did it, it was the action of genius, sheer unadulterated brilliance. I believe nothing did more for those internees than the lipstick. Women lay in bed with no sheets and no nightie but with scarlet red lips, you saw them wantering about with nothing but a blanket over their shoulders, but with scarlet red lips. I saw a woman dead on the post mortem table and clutched in her hand was a piece of lipstick. At last someone had done something to make them individuals again, they were someone, no longer merely the number tatooed on the arm. At last they could take an interest in their appearance. That lipstick started to give them back their humanity.
An extract from the diary of Lieutenant Colonel Mervin Willett Gonin DSO who was amongst the first British soldiers to liberate Bergen-Belsen in 1945. Source: Imperial War Museum.

Posted by kevin slavin

Just a few of my random thoughts on Hell, though not articulated in their entirety…
Have you signed on to be a Missionary, or a Pastor etc. for those that haven't heard of the gospel?
Somebody has to go, I signed on or rather gave my life to Jesus for a new life even if it meant killing me. You have to be prepared, remember the early church, Jesus said before you go out
you must receive power from on high.

Orion said:
darkwater said:
Orion said:
Who are these people who are "going to Hell of their own choice"? No one, who knew exactly what Hell is would ever want to go there.

It's not so much that they choose hell, but that they reject God, which in the end is the same thing. Have you ever read The Great Divorce by CS Lewis? It does a wonderful job dealing with this, the plot is that there is a bus from hell where people can go visit part of heaven for a day. Of course, most of them just find heaven so repulsive that they go back to Hell even though they could have gotten to stay if they had just wanted to. A good book on how to understand how people could want to go to Hell.

Then you have the Satanists, who really and truly want to go to Hell. But they are a special case.

I reject the notion that, just because someone chooses not to believe in that which they can't see, and that has no evidence (empiracal) of, that it means that they choose Hell, by default. There are many out there who genuinely have no knowledge of God, OR because of their culture, were raised to believe Kali as their God (or one of them). Many have no idea of the Hebrew/Christian God. The Muslim FIRMLY believes that the Hebrew God is their God, and that THEY are following the right religion. I would say, let these people get to Heaven and find out for real what it's all about, then if they are stupid enough to reject it, then allow them to exist in some other realm. Hell is just a concept to "scare people into your religion". It's a great marketing tool to get them in, then you scare them with "if you don't give 10%, you're robbing God", thus funds for the church.

I also disagree with the idea (in that book) of "people finding Heaven repulsive". However, IF it were possible, you would HAVE to ask the question, . . "what are they finding in Heaven that would be repulsive to them"? What do YOU think they would find repulsive?
Orion said:
I reject the notion that, just because someone chooses not to believe in that which they can't see,
and that has no evidence (empiracal) of, that it means that they choose Hell, by default.

The only logical conclusion of this fact is that no one goes to hell, which means you are calling Jesus and John the Baptist a liar. Remember, the lord said (Matt. 25:41) "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Hell is where Jesus says that the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:47-48). It is eternal and people go there.

There are many out there who genuinely have no knowledge of God, OR because of their culture, were raised to believe Kali as their God (or one of them). Many have no idea of the Hebrew/Christian God.

And we aren't talking about them. Can they go to Hell, sure. But they may also be saved by Christ just as we are. Paul says somewhere in his letter to the Romans that just as the Jews had the Law of Moses, the Pagans before Christ had their consciences. The Bible also says that to those who are given more, more will be expected. God does not hold the fact that he placed some people in places where we have not spread the Gospel to them yet, he is just and merciful. They may still obtain heaven, but it is not their religion, of course that saves them. They are still members of the Church and are saved through Christ even if they do not know it.

Millions are falling into hell. They fall like snowflakes into a fire.

I also disagree with the idea (in that book) of "people finding Heaven repulsive". However, IF it were possible, you would HAVE to ask the question, . . "what are they finding in Heaven that would be repulsive to them"? What do YOU think they would find repulsive?

It depends on the person, but to someone who has totally rejected God by their choices in life, then they have formed their soul in a way that is anti-God. They will not submit to God's will, they find that repulsive. Just look on Earth at those who even though they have homosexual tendencies refuse to accept that they are called to either overcome those tendencies or to live a life of celibacy. They instead do what is bad for them,they wallow in their sin. To them, doing good is so repulsive.

Then you have the Modernists, those who have turned Jesus into a nice guy, basically a proto-hippie. Sin is nothing, everything is relative. Jesus likes you just the way you are and will let you into heaven regardless of what you do or think. Heck, you shouldn't even convert or get others to convert, because all religions are equal. These people set themselves up as their own God. When they are faced with the real God, would they do the thing that they hate most and submit to someone else as an objective judge? Would they ever stomach a place where they must accept something higher than them? Never! In CS Lewis' Hell, we see a Modernist Anglican bishop who has this to say "For me there is no such thing as a final answer." How would they ever get into heaven? They reject its very existence.

What do people get repulsed by? God. What draws them? Sin.

StoveBolts said:
Here’s a crazy thought on one of many aspects of Hell.

Gehenna (translated hell) is an actual piece of real estate just south of Jerusalem. Gehenna is actually a place noted the OT as a city called Topheth, which is in the valley of Ben Hinnom. This city was a key trade route in ancient times and was fought over many, many times. Jeremiah 7:30 to the end gives an account of hell, and who will be there and I would recommend a quick read of Jeremiah 7 before proceeding.

Ever thought that Gahenna was the worst image that could be thought of in the minds of people in Jesus' day. Kind of like the fire and devils with pitchforks or Dante's Inferno? Of course none of these is exactly like hell. They are images.
Now with all of that lets take half an hour and see what Jesus said about it. He mentioned Hell more than any body, he said it was a place in outer darkness, he also said the unbeliever would face being banished to the "Lake Of Fire" Why did Christ come, lets keep it simple, he came to save people from their sins, thus avoiding the everlasting punishment. "Hell" what other reason could there be? to save them from a garbage heap, Jesus left heaven for "us" to save us from what? Now open up the new testament and count the number of times, might as well look in the Old Testament as well
darkwater said:
The only logical conclusion of this fact is that no one goes to hell, which means you are calling Jesus and John the Baptist a liar. Remember, the lord said (Matt. 25:41) "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Hell is where Jesus says that the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:47-48). It is eternal and people go there.

So, Jesus is speaking literally, then figuratively? Do you really believe that there will be eternal worms?
turnorburn said:
Now with all of that lets take half an hour and see what Jesus said about it. He mentioned Hell more than any body, he said it was a place in outer darkness, he also said the unbeliever would face being banished to the "Lake Of Fire" Why did Christ come, lets keep it simple, he came to save people from their sins, thus avoiding the everlasting punishment. "Hell" what other reason could there be? to save them from a garbage heap, Jesus left heaven for "us" to save us from what? Now open up the new testament and count the number of times, might as well look in the Old Testament as well

To save us from that which He created, . . . . a place that, IF it is an actual fire, . . . . a soul wouldn't feel, thus why even their bodies are supposed to be raise incorruptable, so that they can feel physical pain for ALL eternity. Saved from the person who made the place and will cast you in it if you choose not to believe in him. . . . .
Orion said:
So, Jesus is speaking literally, then figuratively? Do you really believe that there will be eternal worms?

He was stating a fact, that hell is real. However, our human minds can't really comprehend the terrible torments of the place. It's much like how he describes the Kingdom of God (another reality) using images aka parables.

I do believe that there are demons who could take the form of giant worms. They will live forever and they torment people. However, worms would seem rather nice compared to some things that demons do.
darkwater said:
Orion said:
So, Jesus is speaking literally, then figuratively? Do you really believe that there will be eternal worms?

He was stating a fact, that hell is real. However, our human minds can't really comprehend the terrible torments of the place. It's much like how he describes the Kingdom of God (another reality) using images aka parables.

I do believe that there are demons who could take the form of giant worms. They will live forever and they torment people. However, worms would seem rather nice compared to some things that demons do.

OOooooookay. . . . . . . . . . . . I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that, too. I choose to see much of this language as figurative. Much of what Jesus said was in parable form, or in other words, . . . . figurative language, not literal.
Orion said:
Much of what Jesus said was in parable form, or in other words, . . . . figurative language, not literal.

Yes, but what he was talking about was something that actually was real. No, heaven isn't a dinner and faith isn't a seed. However, both things really exist.
Hello Turnorburn,

I believe Hell is much more than a garbage heap. But let’s entertain this a bit can we?
This “Garbage Heap†that Jesus spoke about has a physical characteristic about it. First, I’d imagine that it’s extremely ugly from both a distance and from up close. We know that garbage was constantly being burned there, and unlike the sacrificial offerings made to YHWH, I don’t believe that the aroma was pleasing to anyone and if you were to wade through the smoke, I’m sure it clung to your body as did the rest of the stench. From a purely physical standpoint, hell looked, smelled and felt like a pretty bleak place, and I’d assume you’d agree that it wasn’t a fun place to spend the day with your family. Agreed?

Another aspect of the Hell Jesus spoke about was its history that every good Jew knew. First, Judah held many wars there and as God promised, many were slain for their disobedience. Furthermore, Hell was a place where many wars took place, but it’s not just the wars, but why the wars took place. The center of Hell was a city that was at a geographical Mecca for trade as it was central in the trade routes between countries. If you were traveling from one main country to another main country with goods, you had to pass through Hell if you wanted to trade your commodities. In other words, it was lucrative to be in control of Hell as controlling Hell put you in a position of power and wealth since you could charge access through Hell. Wars were fought over Hell based on greed, power and control. Sound familiar yet?

Furthermore, the KJV makes it very clear how children of God were to present themselves.
Leviticus 18:21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

And what did the house of Judah do in Hell?
2 Kings 23:10 And he (King Jehoram) defiled Topheth, (Hell) which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

What is this text saying? It’s saying that Judah (Part of God’s elect) was sacrificing their children to Molech. I won’t go into great detail on how Molech came about, but Molech was a take off from another Sumerian deity. Keep in mind, Father Abraham was called out of Samaria and God’s chosen are still sacrificing their children to the god. Imagine for a moment what it would take to sacrifice your child to god that your God told you to stay away from? First, imagine what it took to kill your own child under the pretense of a God. Abraham was faced with this, and YHVH provided well before the northern and southern kingdoms were split, yet Judah still fell into sin by sacrificing their children to other gods. Ask yourself this, have you ever lost a child, or know anyone who has? It’s heartwrenching and most that have lost a child would have given their own life to save their child. It’s the way God designed us to live. Living outside of how God intended us to live is not only sinful, but it separates us from the reality of God.

So, for the Jewish audience that Jesus was speaking to, I believe that not only these thoughts, but many other thoughts and images arose to those that were in ear shot of His voice.

There is much more that could be written, such as the resurrection, how bodies were prepared before burial (no cremation) and how it was believed by some that if you were thrown into Hell, you wouldn’t receive a resurrection as you would have essentially of been creamated…

My point is this. Hell is a reality both here on earth today, and as a future place. God called us to live a particular way starting today so that we could enjoy and experience His reality today, and if we look at eternity, it includes today. The problem with preaching an eternal hell that puts its main focus on the future, is it focuses mainly on the afterlife, the life to come,.. and Jesus spoke more about today, than any other day… and he spoke about the people that were alive when he was walking around and how their lives could be better today… Shouldn’t we?
I realize that because we each has his own definition when it comes to something like this.
Oh, this is where I got that opening statement..

StoveBolts said:
Hello Turnorburn,

I believe Hell is much more than a garbage heap. But let’s entertain this a bit can we?
This “Garbage Heap†that Jesus spoke about has a physical characteristic about it. First, I’d imagine that it’s extremely ugly from both a distance and from up close. We know that garbage was constantly being burned there, and unlike the sacrificial offerings made to YHWH, I don’t believe that the aroma was pleasing to anyone and if you were to wade through the smoke, I’m sure it clung to your body as did the rest of the stench. From a purely physical standpoint, hell looked, smelled and felt like a pretty bleak place, and I’d assume you’d agree that it wasn’t a fun place to spend the day with your family. Agreed?

Another aspect of the Hell Jesus spoke about was its history that every good Jew knew. First, Judah held many wars there and as God promised, many were slain for their disobedience. Furthermore, Hell was a place where many wars took place, but it’s not just the wars, but why the wars took place. The center of Hell was a city that was at a geographical Mecca for trade as it was central in the trade routes between countries. If you were traveling from one main country to another main country with goods, you had to pass through Hell if you wanted to trade your commodities. In other words, it was lucrative to be in control of Hell as controlling Hell put you in a position of power and wealth since you could charge access through Hell. Wars were fought over Hell based on greed, power and control. Sound familiar yet?

Furthermore, the KJV makes it very clear how children of God were to present themselves.
Leviticus 18:21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

And what did the house of Judah do in Hell?
2 Kings 23:10 And he (King Jehoram) defiled Topheth, (Hell) which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.

What is this text saying? It’s saying that Judah (Part of God’s elect) was sacrificing their children to Molech. I won’t go into great detail on how Molech came about, but Molech was a take off from another Sumerian deity. Keep in mind, Father Abraham was called out of Samaria and God’s chosen are still sacrificing their children to the god. Imagine for a moment what it would take to sacrifice your child to god that your God told you to stay away from? First, imagine what it took to kill your own child under the pretense of a God. Abraham was faced with this, and YHVH provided well before the northern and southern kingdoms were split, yet Judah still fell into sin by sacrificing their children to other gods. Ask yourself this, have you ever lost a child, or know anyone who has? It’s heartwrenching and most that have lost a child would have given their own life to save their child. It’s the way God designed us to live. Living outside of how God intended us to live is not only sinful, but it separates us from the reality of God.

So, for the Jewish audience that Jesus was speaking to, I believe that not only these thoughts, but many other thoughts and images arose to those that were in ear shot of His voice.

There is much more that could be written, such as the resurrection, how bodies were prepared before burial (no cremation) and how it was believed by some that if you were thrown into Hell, you wouldn’t receive a resurrection as you would have essentially of been creamated…

My point is this. Hell is a reality both here on earth today, and as a future place. God called us to live a particular way starting today so that we could enjoy and experience His reality today, and if we look at eternity, it includes today. The problem with preaching an eternal hell that puts its main focus on the future, is it focuses mainly on the afterlife, the life to come,.. and Jesus spoke more about today, than any other day… and he spoke about the people that were alive when he was walking around and how their lives could be better today… Shouldn’t we?
Hi Turnorburn,
I found your reply somwhat odd and wasn't sure how to take it. So, in response, I hope that my reply to you is in line with your response.

turnorburn said:
I realize that because we each has his own definition when it comes to something like this.
Oh, this is where I got that opening statement..

Ok, fair enough. Lets use the 1611 shall we?

Hell = G1067

The word Hell is an interpretation of the original word Gehenna, wich came from a vally Ben Hinnom which I have already gone over (using scripture)

Who translated the 1611? Answer, Europeans.
Thus, the word Hell, is derived from a german word.

So, where did the word Hell come from in the german language? Simple, from Norse (Teutonic) mythology.

The word Hell derives from the word Hela. Here is a snipit of what Hela looked like in Norse mythology.
Now in Hela is the lower-world Thingstead of the gods, where the souls of the dead are judged, and rewards and punishments are meted out by Odin. There is but one road thither from Asgard for all the gods save Thor, and that is over the curved bridge Bif-rost, "the rainbow", which has its foundation beyond the edge of the world of men. The southern span reaches to the fount of Urd in the realms of green verdure that never. know decay.
When the gods come unto Hela they leap from their horses and take their seats in the Thingstead. The dead are then brought before them.

A weary way and long these dead men and women have travelled. Down the valley of thorns they came, and those who were given hel-shoes in their graves, because they had shown mercy to others while they lived, suffered indeed little; but the feet of the wicked were torn and bleeding. Then they crossed a river full of weapons. The just walked over on boards, but the unjust waded, and were sorely wounded and covered with scars, so that their bodies dripped blood.
But those who are condemned are sent to Nifel-hel, the region of torture. They are judged to be unworthy if they injured others by falsehoods or wicked deeds, if they were adulterers, or murderers, or despoilers of graves, or cowards, or were traitors, and profaners of the temples. has this to say about Hela:
(Norse mythology) goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld [syn: Hel]

Click on syn: Hel and it come up with -->
–noun Scandinavian Mythology.
1. the goddess ruling Niflheim: a daughter of Loki and Angerboda.
2. the home of the dead; Niflheim.
[Origin: < ON; see hell]

Click on Hell, and read. Since it's too long to post, here's the derivations.
[Middle English helle, from Old English; see kel-1 in Indo-European roots.]

I point this out simply to say this. When the KJV was translated (interpreted), I propose that they had to find an ideology that the common, european people could understand. This is the same thing that Jesus did when he pointed to Geheena. Where we falter is when we take a European ideology over the original ideology. If we can't see Hell for how Jesus taught it to those he was teaching it to, then we are simply following sombody elses ideology and interpretation of what Jesus actually said and to be honest, Hela, though it resembles Gehenna, it certainly falls short of the fullness of the Hebrew tradition and understanding on Gehenna.

What I find odd about all of this, is that the Sumarians had a goddess like Hela, her name was Inanna... Why didn't Jesus use her instead of Gehenna, (Though there is a place where Jesus uses the greek myth of Hades, which is also translated as Hell) if what he was talking about was more in line with a Norse goddess?

In summary, does your theology on hell look more like European mythology? Or does it look more like what Jesus originally intended for Today is the day of salvation, for Eternity is NOW, it's a journey, not a destination...
:o I just keep thinking about how Jesus describes it, "a place of outer darkness which I feel in this case is a dank smelly hell hole, then weeping and gnashing of teeth and etc. I do know one thing for certain and that's the reports I'm getting world wide, a friend in Finland another in Berlin a few in England and etc, oh Australia, and they all have been in the spirit all of the messages are "Jesus is coming soon very soon" Just think for a moment, this is it the final act, the time for repentance gone forever, just that Great White Throne where everyone will see it all laid out, they are accursed for all eternity, family friends everyone. I don't know about you but I'm so scarred for the lost! really scarred

We all have such a small window in time to spread his wonderful gospel..
