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At first I thought no, no way, this is somebody's idea of a sick perverted joke and then there it was.
I just sat there in disbelief thinking I'd open my eyes then poof it was all a dream, no poof no dream!
Parents need to know as quickly as possible, anyone you know from prayer groups etc. to all with ears to hear and eyes to see. The wolf that started this could be anyone, or maybe an organization don't be surprised the wolf isn't. I had to post it, something needs to be done and that would be to get out and preach the gospel like you meant it, the enemy means it!..

In His Service,
turnorburn said:
Just when I thought I knew it all I saw this. It would appear its focused on our children, whomever its focused on have a look see, many roads lead into hell but none leading out!

In His Service,

Which just goes to show the total lack of understanding of what 'basphemy of the Holy Spirit is'. Anyone who says, "3 months I was a Christian but now . . ." never was born of the Spirit of God.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not something verbalised against the Holy Spirit. It is this:
When a person is born again, they receive the Spirit of life. This gift of life is a deposit given to those who will inherit eternal life. Now the Spirit was given by the Father, in order to lead us into all truth. When we walk according to the leading and guiding of the Spirit, we walk in faith and in the knowledge that God, our father is supplying all of ours needs.
The man who walks in the Spirit is aware that though he is a sinner, he can live in the righteousness of God that comes by faith in Jesus if he remains in faith. And if he does remain in faith he will always be humbled by Gods grace thus remaining in the arms of Jesus and producing fruit in keeping with the vine.

On the other hand there are those who after receiving the Spirit do not remain in faith. The self righteous man who lives according to his own definition of right and wrong, become puffed up and full of arrogance, initiating a train of thought that leads him to become a self proclaimed spiritual judge, saying this one will go to heaven and that one will go to hell.

You see, this man has blasphemed the Holy Spirit. The Spirit which was given in order that he might attain the righteousness that is in faith in Christ has now been made of no effect because he is attempting to measure and attain righteousness by what he does.

So, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not an utterance of the mouth. It is a belief that righteousness can be achieved by what we do rather than by a work of the Holy Spirit. As Paul in his letter to the Galatians said, “Who has bewitched you? After starting with the Spirit, are you now trying to achieve your goal by human effort?â€Â

This is not saying that a person in this position can never be redeemed or return to the Father. But it does mean that if a person remains in this position, believing that they can achieve their goal, or be made righteous by what do or say or do (human effort) they can never achieve an eternal reward with the King of righteousness.
You really didn't need to write a letter this size, mine is smaller, "What's your point"

mutzrein said:
turnorburn said:
Just when I thought I knew it all I saw this. It would appear its focused on our children, whomever its focused on have a look see, many roads lead into hell but none leading out!

In His Service,

Which just goes to show the total lack of understanding of what 'basphemy of the Holy Spirit is'. Anyone who says, "3 months I was a Christian but now . . ." never was born of the Spirit of God.

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not something verbalised against the Holy Spirit. It is this:
When a person is born again, they receive the Spirit of life. This gift of life is a deposit given to those who will inherit eternal life. Now the Spirit was given by the Father, in order to lead us into all truth. When we walk according to the leading and guiding of the Spirit, we walk in faith and in the knowledge that God, our father is supplying all of ours needs.
The man who walks in the Spirit is aware that though he is a sinner, he can live in the righteousness of God that comes by faith in Jesus if he remains in faith. And if he does remain in faith he will always be humbled by Gods grace thus remaining in the arms of Jesus and producing fruit in keeping with the vine.

On the other hand there are those who after receiving the Spirit do not remain in faith. The self righteous man who lives according to his own definition of right and wrong, become puffed up and full of arrogance, initiating a train of thought that leads him to become a self proclaimed spiritual judge, saying this one will go to heaven and that one will go to hell.

You see, this man has blasphemed the Holy Spirit. The Spirit which was given in order that he might attain the righteousness that is in faith in Christ has now been made of no effect because he is attempting to measure and attain righteousness by what he does.

So, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not an utterance of the mouth. It is a belief that righteousness can be achieved by what we do rather than by a work of the Holy Spirit. As Paul in his letter to the Galatians said, “Who has bewitched you? After starting with the Spirit, are you now trying to achieve your goal by human effort?â€Â

This is not saying that a person in this position can never be redeemed or return to the Father. But it does mean that if a person remains in this position, believing that they can achieve their goal, or be made righteous by what do or say or do (human effort) they can never achieve an eternal reward with the King of righteousness.
turnorburn said:
I just keep thinking about how Jesus describes it, "a place of outer darkness which I feel in this case is a dank smelly hell hole, then weeping and gnashing of teeth and etc.

That's fine and dandy. Howver, tell me if you could, can these situations occur here on earth or is what you describe only in regard to the afterlife?

I suggest that how we live can bring a piece of heaven to earth, or it can bring a piece of hell to earth. Ultimatly, both Hell (Hades) and death will be destroyed and after that, Heaven will come down to earth.

I can recall one time in the teaching of Jesus where God was so mad at a person, that He took the mans life that very evening. (Luke 12:13-21). Why was God so upset with this owner? Because at at that time, people were starving and this landowner was so selfish, he actually brought (or rather allowed) a piece of hell to earth by letting those without food starve.

St. James says, "If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm and eat well,†but you do not give them what the body needs, what good is it? "

St. Paul says, "Now is the day of Salvation" (Please read 2 Cor. 5 and the first part of 6), yet we know that "Heaven" comes in the "Afterlife". If salvation is "Now", then what exactly is one "Saved" from?

The second question is this. Why is one saved?

I'll await your response. After all, it the Good News is really "Good News", then for it to be truly good, wouldn't it have to be good for everyone?
This talk reminds me of a picture I saw once... I think it expresses the precarious nature of our life fairly well:

Its not difficult to bring a piece of hell into this life, just try living in the flesh again after being saved. Bringing a piece of heaven is easy just walk in the spirit as he commands You asked why are we saved? The grace of God made it so by design his design, that he knew before creation began.How do you feel about that in your life, come on stove bolt I showed you my idea. Then I
forget, the purpose of this thread was to show us if we haven't realized there is a place that burns with fire and brimstone, like this unbeliever here. and time marches on tick tock tick tock..
I understand what you are saying, and only wish to expand on the perception of Hell since this is the theology forum.

I’m not so sure that walking in the spirit is as easy as your suggesting, nor do I believe that living the Christian way of life is easy either. This can easily been seen in Romans 7 and the first part of Romans 8 and Romans 12.

First off, Jesus himself says “But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it.†When we look at the life Jesus, he certainly didn’t have it easy. The same goes for all the Saints.

But to those that don’t find it, to those that take the wide road, what does this insinuate? It insinuates the easy route. Take for example the command to love your enemy. First off, it’s easy to hold a grudge. Not only that, it’s easy to talk bad, to gossip, to put down and to generally spot out the bad things about somebody else. This, I believe is the wide road. This is the easy road. The narrow road, also known as the difficult road might look like this. We have a bad guy who has done much wrong. Can we look at this “Bad Guy†and find God’s divine fingerprint in this person and be a blessin to this person, or are we quick to write them off and condemn them?

St. Paul states, “when we are slandered, we answer kindly.†This is a hard thing to do consistently.

As far as a place that burns with brimstone and fire, one only needs to experience the anguish of a fatal choice here on earth to have the fires of hell tormenting a soul. When one allows Christ into their life, Christ can heal the broken hearted and release one from the sins of bondage that holds so many today in a living hell. Through Christ, we have a new hope that we can experience today as Christ heals the wounds that so many are tormented by day by day by day… and this includes Christians as we walk with Jesus.
turnorburn said:
You really didn't need to write a letter this size, mine is smaller, "What's your point"

You posted a link to a web site which I accessed and am responding to content I viewed on it. It is specifically to do with hell, which Christendom appears to say is the consequence of a certain utterance.

So, I ask, why is it that Chrsitendom has conveyed the message that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is something uttered with the mouth, the consequence of which is eternal hell fire?
mutzrein said:
Yes I did notice that too Vic - but of course the font was smaller :D
LMBO. Ed, thanks, I needed that! :lol: ...and Turn, we are just lightening things up a bit. No one's picking on you. :)
Hey Stove - I appreciated your last post. May I ask, do you see hell as the final destination for all those who are not 'saved'?

mutzrein said:
Hey Stove - I appreciated your last post. May I ask, do you see hell as the final destination for all those who are not 'saved'?


Hi Ed! It's good to hear from you again! Peace and Grace friend!

Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

Revelation 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

I know to some this may seem like nit picken... but I'd have to say that they eventually end up in the lake of fire. As a side note, did you notice that both the sea, death and hell (hades, not gehenna) delivered up the dead?
I know to some this may seem like nit picken... but I'd have to say that they eventually end up in the lake of fire. As a side note, did you notice that both the sea, death and hell (hades, not gehenna) delivered up the dead?
That's not nit pickin'. That's what Rev says happens to those whose names are not found in this Book of Life. Plus, the correct translation is Hades, not hell. Aah... semantics. :-D

Vic is backing out now before this turns ugly. 8-)
Vic come back, maybe I should have made the subject "Heaven" not a lot of experts there,
and surely that couldn't get ugly :oops:
vic C. said:
I know to some this may seem like nit picken... but I'd have to say that they eventually end up in the lake of fire. As a side note, did you notice that both the sea, death and hell (hades, not gehenna) delivered up the dead?
That's not nit pickin'. That's what Rev says happens to those whose names are not found in this Book of Life. Plus, the correct translation is Hades, not hell. Aah... semantics. :-D

Vic is backing out now before this turns ugly. 8-)

Ugly? I'm not coming across harsh or arrogant again am I? I'm trying to come across concise and trying to spur a pleasant conversation where maybe we can all learn a bit of scripture (including myself), and what's behind the scripture.

For example, Hades is actually a Greek god of the underworld, much like many other pagan myths or epics with their god's and similar views of the underworld.

What I find exciting about Hades is the fact that a Jewish Apostle (John) and a gentile disciple (Luke's account of Peter's words in Acts 2) use Greek mythology to drive a universal truth home. I believe Romans 1:18-32 (emphasis on vs 20) makes a point that God has made himself known to all mankind and none of us are exempt from knowing of His attributes. Paul later uses this knowledge while speaking to the people at Mars Hill in Acts 17 and even goes as far to quote one of their poets (an interesting study). It seems to me that we are all aware of YHVH God, we just fail to recognize Him if that makes any sense.

For me, this bit of understanding explains the many different cultures and their similar myths and epics in regard to the underworld in relation to their many different gods. It also serves as an example where an obscured universal truth is known by those that don't know YHVH, and is used to relate that truth in a manner which is comprehensible to the culture being written to. I believe this line of reasoning is consistent with the translators of the KJV, where they used the Norse god Hela to depict a particular image and understanding when portraying “Hell†with the exception that Gehenna should have never been associated as deeply with Hela as it was within particular doctrines.
Set this clock up to the "now" mode and look at the shear numbers of people leaving on their
trip to eternity and the innocent children headed there also thanks to abortion :crying:

I don't know how you feel but I want to get sick. "These aren't fetuses folks, they might have
been our brothers and sisters in Christ. And to think we sit on our sofas talking about Hitler
and how evil he was. Hell? lets talk about hell, a place made for the devil and his angels. Now the children...

In Christ,
I believe that there is great value in learning from the past. Heck, the Bible is full of history...

As far as children burning in hell, especially those aborted, I expect you to provide scripture to back up that claim... good luck, and peace be with you.