I thought I answered that question, but yes I did experience loss in the past year, plus other personal things. That's as much as I'll say.
I'm sorry you've experienced tragidy. I personally know what it feels like to experience great loss, and the light in the tunnel is just another train coming to run over what's left of your broken shell.
Solomon wrote that there is a season for everything. A time for laughing, and a time for suffering. Life has its seasons and it can kick the snot out of you at times. But in all, it's still good.
When we are wrought in pain and suffering from loss, we overlook the beauty that surrounds us and darkness can consume us. It's at these times we have to search for the good, and claim it. Find the beauty around you, and appreciate it, let it put a warmth into your heart.
Jesus said where your treasure is, your heart will also be. Your heart is drawn to your treasures. Find treasure in the tenderness of others. Open a door for somebody, help when and where you can and enjoy their smile as they tell you thank you.
Jesus also said that He would never leave or forsake us. That means your not alone. He said if you build your home upon the rock, when the rain comes, you'll still be standing. He didnt promise your days would be filled with blue skies. They wont. Treasure this, and know God is doing something great in your life. Your in a season of suffering, but a season of rejoicing is near, but you need to seize it, and treasure these things. But most of all, make God your treasure, and you will find rest for your weary soul.