Good questions Orion!
The bones being out of joint is not specifically stated in the Crucifixion accounts in the gospels that I know of. But, there are many articles on the effects of crucifixion on the body, and one of the many effects is that the force of gravity on the body often causes bones, especially the shoulders and elbows to be pulled out of joint. Also, the greatest cause of death in crucifixion was asphyxiation. In order to breathe, the victim had to often push himself up on either the nail at the feet, or from a little platform that was often placed either at the victims feet or groin area. The pushing up on the stressed joints was another reason why so many suffered bone and joint damage. Keep in mind that death by crucifixion was not (I should say isn't, because believe it or not there are still some countries that practice this barbaric custom) an experience that had a set way about it. Many died from asphyxiation, but some also died from heart failure (most probable in the case of Christ), blood loss, dehydration, exhaustion, the list goes on. It could take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days and there are many varibles such as the physical condition of the victim, the weather, and the method of crucifixion.
Regarding the casting of lots for the clothing, this is something that all four of the gospel writers agree happened. John adds the detail that Christ's tunic was seamless and therefore the soldiers didn't want to tear it. Why did they want His bloodied clothing? The Bible doesn't give us the specific reason for why they did what they did. There are a number of plausible explanations though. It could be anything from the very practical reason that Roman soldiers weren't paid all that much and clothes were clothes and could be washed to the gruesome habit of people from all times and cultures to collect 'souvenirs' and offer them up for sale. We could only speculate.