I do listen!!! God works in ways we can't readily discern.
You are correct, sorry. I was speaking of listening to the apostles and the Church that continues, as Jesus established it.
Was my confirmation a seed sown that sprouted later? I cannot deny this is possible in my own case. But what of the others?
Adullam, we cannot say when that seed will sprout. For me, it took several decades. I think of the parable of the prodigal son. From this story, we are told that God will continue to wait for us. There is that possibility that there will not be a return. There is no magic involved, any experience of Christ does not override our free will decision to reject it and continue in the life of sin... That would include any sacrament, bible reading, prayer, etc... As you know, God places value in our faith in Him, thus, He doesn't force us or override that "faith in things unseen".
There are just so many conundrums when it comes to the church...what it is! Can the church be any one of a number of institutions that claim to be the bona fide representation of the church?
I'm looking more at history and the promise that Christ would not allow that visible community to fail. It still stands, covering the world. Is every one devout? Of course not. God's seed is not always going to bear fruit. He allows that.
Or rather are we confronted or presented with a variety of churches (as per Revelations) each having strong and weak points.
The local churches of Revelation had one faith, one belief, one Eucharist. I do believe that my ecclesiastically separated brothers are united to us in some mysterious way, but not enough to consider us united at the level of the churches in Turkey.
However, if we take a more broad view, I can see what you are saying regarding "strong points" and "weak points". But this is a function of ecclesiology, not the Church proper. There is only one Bride of Christ.
The early church was directly instructed and "instituted" by the apostles (not made into institutions...that came later). After Constantine the waters are muddied to a large extent...taking the small flock of disciples into a mass "conversion" where everyone was now a Christian. Or so it was said.
People willingly were baptized, the "mass conversion" was a result of not having to risk one's life to become Catholic. I suppose this idea you make above is whether you expect the Church to be "perfect" in this world or not. I view the Church as a hospital, and there are a lot of sick people out there, spiritually speaking. Some are at different stages of "disease". God's "arms" are open to them, and I don't think He is waiting for a person to be "really, truly devout" before He Wills to have the Church minister to them.
If one narrows the "Church" down to the really righteous, devout, followers of Christ, I can understand your view. But I don't view the Church in that way - i believe God's plan is more broad, esp. when He desires all men to be saved.
Are we saved by belonging to a church?
The Church is the Body of Christ, correct? Must we not abide in Him and He in us to be saved?
Or rather, are we being saved together within the church, each sharing the gift he has received from God!
I don't see the need for the "or" in that statement. We are saved by being part of the Body, sharing our gifts received by God.
Blessings Joe!!!
And you too, brother