- Aug 10, 2006
- 7,793
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Imagican said:Re-Invent Himself? Not hardly.
Actually, that is what you are saying.
The first Christians are told God is a Trinity. That Jesus is Divine. Now, 1900 years later, the "spirit" tells you something different. Nothing personal, but you are not believable on this.
Imagican said:But what we have evidence of is that He RE INTRODUCED Himself OVER AND OVER throughout the relationship. For men had a 'tendency' to FORGET WHO God was OVER AND OVER.
And some men never knew Him...
Imagican said:Choosing to follow 'gods' of their OWN creation ...
Yes, you took the words out of my mouth...
Imagican said:I believe THAT is what we witness today. That it has been SO LONG since men have SOUGHT the 'true God' that it IS TIME that we 'start OVER' with TRUTH instead of 'created truth'.
Baloney. Men have constantly sought after God. There is no interruption of man's desire to know God. This is just more fantasy to justify your position.
Imagican said:NO, ALL have NEVER been led astray. But we can certainly see, time and again, where MOST were. A 'reminant' have ALWAYS existed. Even counting Noah in HIS time. Lot in his time. Abraham in his time. Moses in his time, etc, etc. And even the 'time of Christ' PLAINLY shows that men had VEERED from 'the truth' and Christ was sent to 'set things right again'. But ALWAYS a 'reminant' remained. Even IN THE END, a 'reminant' will REMAIN.
The idea that you are the "remnant" is not convincing to anyone.
Imagican said:Fran, Let me offer this: 'Straight is the gate and narrow the way that leadeth unto life and FEW there be that find it.
Not speaking of doctrinal truths, but faith working in love. Dying to self. Being humble when a "spirit" is telling you that you have a direct pipeline to "God"... THAT is the "narrow way". Read the context of the pericope.
Imagican said:An 'oranization' for the SAKE of 'organizing' does NOT 'truth' make. Only in the sense that an 'organization' is ABLE to create it's OWN truth.
I'm just going by what the Scriptures say. It says to follow my leaders placed over me by the Lord. It says that certain men have the power to forgive sins in the name of the Lord. I guess I missed that chapter that says "follow yourself, as you godlings"
I would suggest you do a serious study on the role of authority in the Bible. Both OT and NT. Not whether it was abused, but for what reason GOD HIMSELF assigned an heirarchy within the Church and for what purpose. Read about what happened in Scriptures when people flouted the concept of authority placed over them (read Numbers or 1 Corinthians, for example.) It appears to me that you have ignored that aspect of Sacred Writ to keep your "system" of false gods afloat...