Some of the above I agree with. Some is emotion as with your previous post prior to this one. Mt. 5 and Gal.5 etc. are plain, simple and easy to be understood.
From the surface, perhaps. But not together as a doctrine that puts additional burdens on established families who are trying to live Godly lives.
In Matthew 5, Jesus is speaking to a Jewish crowd who understood marriage at a much deeper level than the gentiles. They understood the sanctity of marriage and it's covenant as reflected in the harmonious union of Adam and Eve during creation. Gentiles understood marriage in a very different way, much like a legal transaction as seen in our current secular society.
As such, if you have a man and a woman who are married, but do not understand the sanctity of their marriage, let alone how God wants them to live, then the home can become very chaotic to the point where divorce could occur. What is worse, divorce, or living in a home where abuse can occur to both the spouse and the children which has a high probability of producing dysfunctional children that are at a higher risk of abusing their spouse and children?
Each society has a way of thinking culturally. When Jesus speaks on divorce in Matthew 5, he is speaking against two cultural ideas being taught. One my Hillel which stated you could divorce your spouse for any reason, and the second which said only for Adultery, which was from Shamia. Jesus sides with Shamia in this case. My point is this, the culture was already familiar with God, and how a marriage should work.
It's a different story when it comes to the Gentiles. They don't have the same cultural understanding of marriage as the Jews. As such, divorce was a legal transaction and did not focus on the sanctity of the marriage or the family. From this perspective, I believe Paul is writing to the Galatians where adultery was widely accepted. In other words, a man could sleep around on his wife with little to no legal consequence. As such, Paul is addressing a much different issue.
We see this clearly in Acts 15:28-29 For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; That you abstain from anything offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled,
and from fornication: from which if you keep yourselves, you shall do well. Farewell.
Now then, we know that fornication is sleeping with somebody your not married to. This covers those married, and those not married. For those married, this we call adultery.
In summary, Paul, in Galatians is speaking to having sex to those outside your marriage, which in some social circles was acceptable within societal norms. Paul is addressing this issue.
I didn't write it, God did. I didn't choose it, God did. I'm not the judge, God is. I can only attempt to "speak where the Bible speaks". I do not claim to be right, God forbid. God is always right. God is God, you and I are not.
For the record, I reject this form of conservative church of Christ hermenutic's.
Again, I ask you to produce the scripture which teaches forgiveness without repentance. Again, I ask if the thief is to be saved, what must he do? If the drunkard is to be saved, what must he do? If the liar is to be saved, what must he do? If the adulterer is to be saved what must he so?
I cannot produce a passage that teaches forgiveness without repentance. What I have shown is that willful sin and sin done in ignorance are handled two different ways. I have also shown that Paul was forgiven for the Chrisitans that he murdered, because he stopped killing them, and then started preaching for them.
In the same way, I believe that a woman who divorces her husband for irreconcilable differences can show repentance toward her new husband by living a Godly life with im and raising holy children devoted to God. It's about the journey. John puts it this way.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
For those baptized in Christ, they need do no more than confess that sin.
I would only add that those who continue to live in adultery, that is having sex outside their current marriage will not see the kingdom of God, for there is no repentance shown.
No emotion please, its "what saith the scripture" Rom.4:3.
Respectfully, you'll have to tolerate any emotion that I put forth. I've heard that preached at the pulpit so many times it's plain nonsense. God created us sentient beings, we are not Spock. Divorce and Adultery are emotional events in ones life. To pretend otherwise, or to forbid speaking of the emotional side of this subject is to deny the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.