It is this type of reasoning and rigidity that is void of any type of understanding (Deuteronomy 4:6) that I have never bought into. You may rest your case, and even feel justified. But I am in no way yoked by your line of reasoning anymore than you are to mine.
As far as instrumental music, I have never agreed with the church of Christ doctrine on the matter as it is based on man made reasoning, much in alignment with your above reasoning which only views scripture in narrow terms while avoiding the totality of scripture.
That being said, I do not think it's wrong to not have instruments and I have never advocated them within the church of Christ. It is your tradition...
Now, I have answered your questions, give me the same respect. What should be done where under your understanding, a man marries a woman and by your doctrine, is an adulterer? What does repentance look like?