How many words can we form from Christianity?

(about 9 more words that start with the letter 'a' to go):)

24. airs
BBC airs it at 4 of the clock
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26. airy
she just did a tasty dish for her husband...who only responded with an airy 'pshaw!' :angry
27. arty
He appears too arty for my liking...yet he can't draw an ugly 'circle'
30. antics
He is such a striker known for his antics to score a goal.
33. airths
The Scotsman pointed in many airths but said, " you ca't get thair from 'ere."
34. anticity

I have more than one friend who loving the countryside hold an anticity viewpoint.
35. aitch
I don't really care about making a sentence with 'aitch' :shrug
I think 'a' has been well emphasised. Over to 'c':D

36. can
can you help me with the can?
37. Cans
Get me those cans before these crazy dogs contaminate them :angry