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Here is how you get eternal life.

Do you want it?

Here is how you get it.

"The Gift of God is eternal Life".

See that?
"The gift of God.... >IS< ....eternal life".

So, to have eternal life, you have to get God's Gift.
You have to possess this "gift", as "Christ in you".

And who is God's Gift?
This Is Jesus.
He is God's Gift, and He Himself is Eternal Life. John 14:6
Jesus tells you that He is the Truth, the Way, and The Life".
So, if He is all that, and you have Him, then what do you have?
You have eternal life.

1.) The Truth that Jesus is the only Way To God

2.) The Way to God, is to Have Him is The Truth

3.) And the Life that you have in you, (if you are born again)......IS because you have Him in you, is ETERNAL.


John teaches that : "you may KNOW that you have Eternal Life."
You dont have to guess.
You dont have to hope for it, and you don't earn it, or work for it, or try to keep it, once you have it.

Eternal life is not a period of time that never ends.
Eternal life is JESUS who is "THE LIFE", and if you have Him inside you, then you are born again, and you have eternal life.

Because you just read that "Eternal Life" is the GIFT of God., And you just read that Jesus Himself IS Eternal Life.
And you just read that you can KNOW you have eternal life.

So, how do you get JESUS< who Himself IS eternal life. ???

Jesus says that to have Him, you must do this..= "You must be born again".
And that is not water baptism, reader.
That is a 2nd Birthday. It is a Spiritual Birth.
See you had one, and you can thank your mother later today.
And to have eternal life you have to have a 2nd Spiritual Birth>day.
"you MUST be born again". That's BIRTH #2.
Its a Spiritual birth that causes your born again SPIRIT to become a "new Creation"..."In Christ".

How do you get that?
God gives it to you as a Gift. "The GIFT of Salvation".
See that GIFT?
That Gift is the promise of God that you will receive the Gift of Eternal life, ("Christ in you") if you are born again.

Again.. "The Gift of God IS eternal life". And this Gift is the result of receiving "the Gift of Salvation", which is the result of possessing "the Gift of righteousness".
Are you born again? If so, then all that has become not only what you possess, but who you have become.
The born again are become..."the righteousness of God, in Christ".

The born again have become....>"As Jesus IS, so are the born again, in this world".

Jesus Himself is all those Gifts, given to you.
If you have Jesus in you, then you are born again, and you have all those Gifts.

How do you "have" Jesus?
= "You must be born again".
And what happens.... is that you're born into the Spirit of God, by the Spirit of God, and that is where your born again SPIRIT exists, ETERNALLY. = Your Spirit in Spiritual Union with God's Spirit as 'ONE WITH GOD".
This is what it means to be "born again".
And why is that "eternal life"?
Its because God is "A" Spirit, who has no beginning and no ending, He is ETERNAL.
This means when you exist as "ONE WITH GOD, in Christ", SPIRITUALLY BORN AGAIN...= you now have BECOME the same eternal LIFE....and that life is Christ in you, which is your Eternal Life.


Not to complain, but you need to use scripture so those who are yet seeking or new babes in Christ can go read that of what you are speaking of. Example below:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Not to complain, but you need to use scripture so those who are yet seeking or new babes in Christ can go read that of what you are speaking of. Example below:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Giving a bible to a new Christian and saying...>"go read it", does not help them.
This is why God gave "teachers".
Its men who want to make money who keep creating "new" versions.

The word of God is closed until its discerned, and just posting verses, even if they are posted in context, amounts to talking in Chinese to a Martain, when dealing with a new Christian.
A new Christian has to start here and live in this verse, for life. Hebrews 13:9

Jesus, who is the WORD, tended to teach in Parables...... and Paul taught seldom using the Torah.
Peter in 2nd Peter, had access to the Torah, but said of Paul's letters that they were equal to the Torah, which proved to be true, as Paul's letters became most of the NT and Church Doctrine, while Peter's didnt.
My Threads and the way i teach classes are designed to reveal GRACE to a new believer, vs, dealing with someone who has their particular theology well worn and rusted shut and can no longer hear anything beyond what they were taught to believe by their commentaries and their denomination.
Here is how you get eternal life.

Do you want it?

Here is how you get it.

"The Gift of God is eternal Life".

See that?
"The gift of God.... >IS< ....eternal life".

So, to have eternal life, you have to get God's Gift.
You have to possess this "gift", as "Christ in you".

And who is God's Gift?
This Is Jesus.
He is God's Gift, and He Himself is Eternal Life. John 14:6
Jesus tells you that He is the Truth, the Way, and The Life".
So, if He is all that, and you have Him, then what do you have?
You have eternal life.

1.) The Truth that Jesus is the only Way To God

2.) The Way to God, is to Have Him is The Truth

3.) And the Life that you have in you, (if you are born again)......IS because you have Him in you, is ETERNAL.


John teaches that : "you may KNOW that you have Eternal Life."
You dont have to guess.
You dont have to hope for it, and you don't earn it, or work for it, or try to keep it, once you have it.

Eternal life is not a period of time that never ends.
Eternal life is JESUS who is "THE LIFE", and if you have Him inside you, then you are born again, and you have eternal life.

Because you just read that "Eternal Life" is the GIFT of God., And you just read that Jesus Himself IS Eternal Life.
And you just read that you can KNOW you have eternal life.

So, how do you get JESUS< who Himself IS eternal life. ???

Jesus says that to have Him, you must do this..= "You must be born again".
And that is not water baptism, reader.
That is a 2nd Birthday. It is a Spiritual Birth.
See you had one, and you can thank your mother later today.
And to have eternal life you have to have a 2nd Spiritual Birth>day.
"you MUST be born again". That's BIRTH #2.
Its a Spiritual birth that causes your born again SPIRIT to become a "new Creation"..."In Christ".

How do you get that?
God gives it to you as a Gift. "The GIFT of Salvation".
See that GIFT?
That Gift is the promise of God that you will receive the Gift of Eternal life, ("Christ in you") if you are born again.

Again.. "The Gift of God IS eternal life". And this Gift is the result of receiving "the Gift of Salvation", which is the result of possessing "the Gift of righteousness".
Are you born again? If so, then all that has become not only what you possess, but who you have become.
The born again are become..."the righteousness of God, in Christ".

The born again have become....>"As Jesus IS, so are the born again, in this world".

Jesus Himself is all those Gifts, given to you.
If you have Jesus in you, then you are born again, and you have all those Gifts.

How do you "have" Jesus?
= "You must be born again".
And what happens.... is that you're born into the Spirit of God, by the Spirit of God, and that is where your born again SPIRIT exists, ETERNALLY. = Your Spirit in Spiritual Union with God's Spirit as 'ONE WITH GOD".
This is what it means to be "born again".
And why is that "eternal life"?
Its because God is "A" Spirit, who has no beginning and no ending, He is ETERNAL.
This means when you exist as "ONE WITH GOD, in Christ", SPIRITUALLY BORN AGAIN...= you now have BECOME the same eternal LIFE....and that life is Christ in you, which is your Eternal Life.


You make some good points here, right up until you say “‘You must be born again’.
And that is not water baptism…”.

How does Scripture say we are born again? Look at Rom 6:1-11, and Col 2:11-14. What do these passages both say? Both say quite explicitly that the old man dies, and the Holy Spirit creates a new spirit in us, when we are baptized.
You make some good points here, right up until you say “‘You must be born again’.
And that is not water baptism…”.

How does Scripture say we are born again? Look at Rom 6:1-11, and Col 2:11-14. What do these passages both say? Both say quite explicitly that the old man dies, and the Holy Spirit creates a new spirit in us, when we are baptized.

Water follows salvation, it does not cause it.

See, if water could save you, then Jesus didnt have to die on the Cross.

You noticed that the dying Thief on the Cross, who is in heaven right now, was not water baptized.

You noticed that Jesus never water baptized anyone.

You noticed that Paul, who wrote most of the NT< said...>"Christ sent me not to water baptize".

Being born again, happens to the SPIRIT, and water touches only the body.....It has no magic power, and it has no sin redeeming ability.
Water gets you wet. The blood of Jesus ALONE and ONLY pays for your sin.
They are not the same.
Believe it.
Water follows salvation, it does not cause it.

See, if water could save you, then Jesus didnt have to die on the Cross.

You noticed that the dying Thief on the Cross, who is in heaven right now, was not water baptized.

You noticed that Jesus never water baptized anyone.

You noticed that Paul, who wrote most of the NT< said...>"Christ sent me not to water baptize".

Being born again, happens to the SPIRIT, and water touches only the body.....It has no magic power, and it has no sin redeeming ability.
Water gets you wet. The blood of Jesus ALONE and ONLY pays for your sin.
They are not the same.
Believe it.
That is a misrepresentation of the truth. The thief was forgiven and promised paradise before the death of the “testator” (the Lord Jesus) (see Heb 9:16-17). Before He died, Jesus could change his instructions at His sole discretion. But after His death, His Testament is immutable.

As for Paul, he mad it a point to baptize IMMEDIATELY all those who believed his teaching on the spot. But his reference to not baptizing was not to downplay the importance of baptism, but to be thankful that he was not a greater stumbling block for the Church; he was not fuel for the divisions that were occurring in the Church at Corinth.

Being born of the Spirit occurs ONLY when we are obedient to the Gospel. Notice in Heb 5:9, that Jesus is the author of salvation only to those who obey Him.

Let me ask you, in everyday, practical language, what does Eph 2:8-9 mean?
That is a misrepresentation of the truth. The thief was forgiven and promised paradise before the death of the “testator” (the Lord Jesus) (see Heb 9:16-17). Before He died, Jesus could change his instructions at His sole discretion. But after His death, His Testament is immutable.

As for Paul, he mad it a point to baptize IMMEDIATELY all those who believed his teaching on the spot. But his reference to not baptizing was not to downplay the importance of baptism, but to be thankful that he was not a greater stumbling block for the Church; he was not fuel for the divisions that were occurring in the Church at Corinth.

Being born of the Spirit occurs ONLY when we are obedient to the Gospel. Notice in Heb 5:9, that Jesus is the author of salvation only to those who obey Him.

Let me ask you, in everyday, practical language, what does Eph 2:8-9 mea

Saying i misrepresented the truth, is not actually proving it, is it.
Keep in that in mind, next time.


1.) The dying Thief is in Heaven now.....and he was not water baptized.

2.) Paul wrote most of the New Testament, and Paul said "Christ did not send me to water baptize".

3.) Jesus never water baptized anyone......So, do you think He forgot that water saves you?

4.) Paul was water baptized after He believed, not before. And that is exactly the case of every Salvation that occurs in the Acts of the Apostles. You can start with Acts 8, and notice that Phillip told the Eunuch that "if you have BELIEVED with all your heart, .......see that part? .....Thats the "all who call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved".
So, once the Eunuch did that, then Phillip took him to the water., after He was saved.
Water follows Salvation, as how can the city water supply save you?
Did the baptismal pool die on the Cross for you?
Not quite.

5.) Being "obedient" to the Gospel, is this.... HEAR "the preaching of the cross"....THEN...>"faith comes by hearing".....Then",....."faith is counted as Righteousness".......THEN,.. God gives the "New birth" by His Holy Spirit and not by the city water supply, and the BELIEVER is born again into the Spirit of God, by the Holy Spirit of God having become a "New creation" "In Christ".
Giving a bible to a new Christian and saying...>"go read it", does not help them.
This is why God gave "teachers".
Its men who want to make money who keep creating "new" versions.

The word of God is closed until its discerned, and just posting verses, even if they are posted in context, amounts to talking in Chinese to a Martain, when dealing with a new Christian.
A new Christian has to start here and live in this verse, for life. Hebrews 13:9

Jesus, who is the WORD, tended to teach in Parables...... and Paul taught seldom using the Torah.
Peter in 2nd Peter, had access to the Torah, but said of Paul's letters that they were equal to the Torah, which proved to be true, as Paul's letters became most of the NT and Church Doctrine, while Peter's didnt.
My Threads and the way i teach classes are designed to reveal GRACE to a new believer, vs, dealing with someone who has their particular theology well worn and rusted shut and can no longer hear anything beyond what they were taught to believe by their commentaries and their denomination.
And where did teachers learn to teach from, man or studying the word of God. Have you ever gone to Church and seen a Pastor never use scripture in His sermon? We have to studying to show ourselves approved unto God rightly learning how to divide His word whether we are a babe with little knowledge or being more mature in knowledge, 2 Timothy 2:15-16. When I give someone a Bible I always instruct them to read the book of John first as this will teach them about our relationship with Christ. No one should ever just give someone a Bible without helping to teach them.

You are dealing with many in here that are very knowledgeable in the word of God. We are to use scripture within this forum within our teaching others so they can read what we are saying instead of just taking someone's word for what they speak. This is the problem with religion as so many just take the word of another without studying for themselves.

So please I am asking you to use scripture as the rest of us do as it is only a fools teaching if what they teach is not found in scripture.
Ephesians 2:8 Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus and not by works, which would make water baptism a work towards repentance. John said I must decrease and Jesus increase. John's water baptism was only for repentance as being prepared for the coming of the Lord as the water represented the washing away of sin, or as John put it "prepare ye the way of the Lord". It is not clear in scripture that Jesus ever baptized anyone in water even though He first came to John's water baptism as a fulfillment of prophecy as He had to identify with humanity even though He had no sin. This was the beginning of Christ ministry as the Holy Spirit fell down on Him that day as God gave Him full power and authority here on earth and there after Jesus went about teaching the disciples as it was not Jesus who the Pharisees heard that He baptized more than John did, John 4:1-3 but His disciples baptizing others in water for remission of sin after the death of John the Baptist as all together they would have baptized others in water for the remission of sin then John could at one time. Jesus could not baptize anyone in the Holy Spirit until the day of Pentecost after He ascended up to the Father and the Father sent down the indwelling Holy Spirit, Acts 2.

John 3:5 never mentions the word baptize, but says only by being born of water and spirit, which means water as living water, word of God, that no one can enter into the kingdom of God unless they are Spiritually renewed (born again) by the hearing of the word, which is Christ Jesus and by the Holy Spirit that came on them in the OT and indwells us in the NT. Many do read into the passage a preconceived idea or theology, but baptism is never mentioned in this verse. God's word is living water as described in John 4:4-26; 7:37-39; 12:44-50; Ephesians 5:26; 1 John 5:5-8; Jeremiah 17:13; Zechariah 14:8, 9; Rev 21:6-8; Ezekiel 47:22.

If salvation came by actual immersion in water Jesus clearly could have simply stated, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is baptized by being immersed in water and born of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Further, if Jesus had made such a statement, He would have contradicted numerous other Bible passages that make it clear that salvation is by faith (John 3:16; John 3:36; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).
And where did teachers learn to teach from, man or studying the word of God. When I give someone a Bible I always instruct them to read the book of John

You mean have i ever taught the word of God in Russia, Taiwan, France, Belize, Mexico, the USA, and the middle east?
Yeah, i have.
And i never teach, without using NT verses.
Look at my Threads, posts.......i talk verses.........instead of posting the number and so forth.
I talk verses........look closely, and you might be able to figure this out.
I only teach "Pauline Theology".
Look that up. .... And if you learn what that means, then when you read my Threads in the future, and posts, you'll recognize Paul's its all i teach.

To give a bible to a person, and not disciple them, is a fail.
The bible is not a toy you give to a unbelieving child, fella.
Its a living book, its the Spirit and Truth of God, on the pages, unrevealed to everyone you gave a bible to, who is not born again.
Do you understand this?
Do you think you can?
If you dont know how to teach it, and you just give someone a bible, you have done nothing for them.
Telling them to read John, is like telling them to "Have a nice day".

Do you pretend to be a "greek text authority"?

So, to be a real teacher of the WOG, is not related to what you are talking about,...... for_his_Glory.

And to answer your question.....a teacher, this MINISTRY< this ANOINTING, is a called ministry, same as an Apostle, Evangelist, or Pastor.
You dont decide to become one..... You dont come to a forum, deciding one day that you are now a teacher., as only God calls a person into this Ministry.
Its not for children, and its not for fakirs, and its not to be played with,... as you can ruin a person's life, by being a false pretender, who can post verses, but can't understand them.
You can send a person to hell, by playing that game, fella.
Forum are filled with these fakirs.
New Christians = BEWARE !!

Here is how the fakirs think........."ok, i posted my verses" that must prove it, see, i used all the numbers and the quotation marks, and i posted over 6 of them......!!!!!!
Now, post yours.....>Its your turn now...........and then i will cut and paste mine again.
Isn't this FUN ?????...... I could do this all day"""""........and they do, and some who play this game with God are forum mods and others start denominations.

Know any?
I know a lot of them.
Believe it.
Ephesians 2:8 Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus and not by works, which would make water baptism a work towards repentance. John said I must decrease and Jesus increase. John's water baptism was only for repentance as being prepared for the coming of the Lord as the water represented the washing away of sin, or as John put it "prepare ye the way of the Lord". It is not clear in scripture that Jesus ever baptized anyone in water even though He first came to John's water baptism as a fulfillment of prophecy as He had to identify with humanity even though He had no sin. This was the beginning of Christ ministry as the Holy Spirit fell down on Him that day as God gave Him full power and authority here on earth and there after Jesus went about teaching the disciples as it was not Jesus who the Pharisees heard that He baptized more than John did, John 4:1-3 but His disciples baptizing others in water for remission of sin after the death of John the Baptist as all together they would have baptized others in water for the remission of sin then John could at one time. Jesus could not baptize anyone in the Holy Spirit until the day of Pentecost after He ascended up to the Father and the Father sent down the indwelling Holy Spirit, Acts 2.

John 3:5 never mentions the word baptize, but says only by being born of water and spirit, which means water as living water, word of God, that no one can enter into the kingdom of God unless they are Spiritually renewed (born again) by the hearing of the word, which is Christ Jesus and by the Holy Spirit that came on them in the OT and indwells us in the NT. Many do read into the passage a preconceived idea or theology, but baptism is never mentioned in this verse. God's word is living water as described in John 4:4-26; 7:37-39; 12:44-50; Ephesians 5:26; 1 John 5:5-8; Jeremiah 17:13; Zechariah 14:8, 9; Rev 21:6-8; Ezekiel 47:22.

If salvation came by actual immersion in water Jesus clearly could have simply stated, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is baptized by being immersed in water and born of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Further, if Jesus had made such a statement, He would have contradicted numerous other Bible passages that make it clear that salvation is by faith (John 3:16; John 3:36; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).
The "works" Paul precluded were the works of the Mosaic Law.
It is written..."Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified." (Gal 2:16)
Not repentance from sin, water baptism, confession of past sins, reception of the Holy Ghost, or enduring faithfully till the end.
They are not the works of the Law, but acts of faith.

BTW, Jesus did say this..."He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:16)
And..."Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" (Matt 28:19)
Salvation is by faith, but faith in all that Jesus said.
Water follows salvation, it does not cause it.


Being born of water refers to natural birth.

Being born of the Spirit refers to spiritual birth.

Jesus clearly explains this in His teaching. Words of Christ in red.

Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:5-6

  • That which is born of the flesh is flesh — born of water; natural birth
  • and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. — born of the Spirit; spiritual birth

And i never teach, without using NT verses.
Look at my Threads, posts.......i talk verses.........instead of posting the number and so forth.
I talk verses........look closely, and you might be able to figure this out.
I only teach "Pauline Theology".


Please when we are discussing doctrine that is controversial, please use scripture like I do. I take the time to post scripture for all to see.

BTW, Jesus did say this..."He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:16)

Which baptism do you believe He was referring to?

There are three distinct baptisms with three distinct baptizers.

Should I start a thread on this so we don’t derail this one.

Or will Bethel allow me to proceed?

The "works" Paul precluded were the works of the Mosaic Law.
It is written..."Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified." (Gal 2:16)
Not repentance from sin, water baptism, confession of past sins, reception of the Holy Ghost, or enduring faithfully till the end.
They are not the works of the Law, but acts of faith.

BTW, Jesus did say this..."He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:16)
And..."Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" (Matt 28:19)
Salvation is by faith, but faith in all that Jesus said.
I never disputed it was not by God's grace through faith and not of works :shrug

Some people think if they are good people and help others they will go to heaven, but what did Jesus say..................
John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

John 3:5 never mentions the word baptize, but says only by being born of water and spirit, which means water as living water, word of God, that no one can enter into the kingdom of God unless they are Spiritually renewed (born again) by the hearing of the word, which is Christ Jesus and by the Holy Spirit that came on them in the OT and indwells us in the NT. Many do read into the passage a preconceived idea or theology, but baptism is never mentioned in this verse. God's word is living water as described in John 4:4-26; 7:37-39; 12:44-50; Ephesians 5:26; 1 John 5:5-8; Jeremiah 17:13; Zechariah 14:8, 9; Rev 21:6-8; Ezekiel 47:22.

If salvation came by actual immersion in water Jesus clearly could have simply stated, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is baptized by being immersed in water and born of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Further, if Jesus had made such a statement, He would have contradicted numerous other Bible passages that make it clear that salvation is by faith (John 3:16; John 3:36; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).
You mean have i ever taught the word of God in Russia, Taiwan, France, Belize, Mexico, the USA, and the middle east?
Yeah, i have.
And i never teach, without using NT verses.
Look at my Threads, posts.......i talk verses.........instead of posting the number and so forth.
I talk verses........look closely, and you might be able to figure this out.
I only teach "Pauline Theology".
Look that up. .... And if you learn what that means, then when you read my Threads in the future, and posts, you'll recognize Paul's its all i teach.

To give a bible to a person, and not disciple them, is a fail.
The bible is not a toy you give to a unbelieving child, fella.
Its a living book, its the Spirit and Truth of God, on the pages, unrevealed to everyone you gave a bible to, who is not born again.
Do you understand this?
Do you think you can?
If you dont know how to teach it, and you just give someone a bible, you have done nothing for them.
Telling them to read John, is like telling them to "Have a nice day".

Do you pretend to be a "greek text authority"?

So, to be a real teacher of the WOG, is not related to what you are talking about,...... for_his_Glory.

And to answer your question.....a teacher, this MINISTRY< this ANOINTING, is a called ministry, same as an Apostle, Evangelist, or Pastor.
You dont decide to become one..... You dont come to a forum, deciding one day that you are now a teacher., as only God calls a person into this Ministry.
Its not for children, and its not for fakirs, and its not to be played with,... as you can ruin a person's life, by being a false pretender, who can post verses, but can't understand them.
You can send a person to hell, by playing that game, fella.
Forum are filled with these fakirs.
New Christians = BEWARE !!

Here is how the fakirs think........."ok, i posted my verses" that must prove it, see, i used all the numbers and the quotation marks, and i posted over 6 of them......!!!!!!
Now, post yours.....>Its your turn now...........and then i will cut and paste mine again.
Isn't this FUN ?????...... I could do this all day"""""........and they do, and some who play this game with God are forum mods and others start denominations.

Know any?
I know a lot of them.
Believe it.
It doesn't matter to me nor does it impress anyone of where you have traveled to preaching the word of God. Why do you boast of donating your time to travel to all these places as Matthew 6:1-4 speaks against this.

I see you use the verses, but yet in order for those to go study them we need book, chapter and verse, especially for the younger ones in the Lord, so we can discern that of what you are teaching plus it is also according to the Terms of Service (ToS) you agreed with when you became a member of CF.

2.7 All Bible verses and passages must be referenced (NASB, NIV, etc.) unless it is public domain like the KJV, YLT, etc.

Paul's writings are inspired by God, just like all the writings from the Prophets and Apostles that make up the teachings contained in what we call the Bible. Each letter was compiled by man giving them a book name, Chapter and verse for us to study from and to go back and reference when we teach others.

I agree that we should not just give someone a Bible and just walk away as I also stated that the one giving them out should also follow through with helping them to learn. The Bible is like our school book that we learn from in the infancy of our beginning of learning who Jesus is and our relationship with Him. This is why I tell a new Christian to start with the book of John and if we do not have others that are anointed and called of God to help us learn how to study then it only becomes words on pages.

I have been called of God, anointed of the Holy Spirit and trained in the word of God before I received an Evangelist license for a time and purpose of God's ministry in order to go into the state prisons to teach the word of God many years ago. I am no longer a licensed Evangelist, but yet called and yet anointed by the Holy Spirit to teach that which God gives me to teach others until the day I lay in my grave, or that of Christ coming before I die.

When we do not show others the book, chapter and verse, then it only becomes our self saying what the word of God says as how are we to know you are teaching truth.

I'm asking that you please comply with the ToS 2.7. I'm not saying whether you teach in all truths or not, but how will another know for sure unless they go back and read those scriptures you give.

I do hope you can see what I am saying.
The title of the OP is how to get eternal life.

Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

What is this faith that leads us to eternal life and how do we get there:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Justification is by grace through faith, not from yourself and not by works. It is by faith alone since all human efforts are excluded here, Ephesians 2:8, 9. Ephesians goes on to say that every person who has faith is to produce good works according to God's plan Ephesians 2:10. We know also that faith without works is dead faith

These works, however, are not a cause for forgiveness, but a result of forgiveness. Faith alone justifies, but faith is never alone as it followed by good works. The works of love are the goal of the saving faith, 1 Timothy 1:5.

James 1:16-18 clearly teaches that the recipients of the letter have been justified by God through the saving gospel which is Christ Jesus who is our faith. James also taught in James 2:14-26 that faith is dead within us if not followed by good works as it takes faith and good works to justify us. It begins with faith alone when we first accept Jesus as Lord and Savior entering into a better covenant by God's grace and then we become his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Saying i misrepresented the truth, is not actually proving it, is it.
Keep in that in mind, next time.


1.) The dying Thief is in Heaven now.....and he was not water baptized.

2.) Paul wrote most of the New Testament, and Paul said "Christ did not send me to water baptize".

3.) Jesus never water baptized anyone......So, do you think He forgot that water saves you?

4.) Paul was water baptized after He believed, not before. And that is exactly the case of every Salvation that occurs in the Acts of the Apostles. You can start with Acts 8, and notice that Phillip told the Eunuch that "if you have BELIEVED with all your heart, .......see that part? .....Thats the "all who call on the name of Jesus, shall be saved".
So, once the Eunuch did that, then Phillip took him to the water., after He was saved.
Water follows Salvation, as how can the city water supply save you?
Did the baptismal pool die on the Cross for you?
Not quite.

5.) Being "obedient" to the Gospel, is this.... HEAR "the preaching of the cross"....THEN...>"faith comes by hearing".....Then",....."faith is counted as Righteousness".......THEN,.. God gives the "New birth" by His Holy Spirit and not by the city water supply, and the BELIEVER is born again into the Spirit of God, by the Holy Spirit of God having become a "New creation" "In Christ".
You fail to answer a simple question, but simple restate your opinions without any backup or reference to how you came up with the opinion.

But Simone else answered my question, presumably the same way you would have answered it, so I reply to his answer below.
Ephesians 2:8 Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus and not by works, which would make water baptism a work towards repentance. John said I must decrease and Jesus increase. John's water baptism was only for repentance as being prepared for the coming of the Lord as the water represented the washing away of sin, or as John put it "prepare ye the way of the Lord". It is not clear in scripture that Jesus ever baptized anyone in water even though He first came to John's water baptism as a fulfillment of prophecy as He had to identify with humanity even though He had no sin. This was the beginning of Christ ministry as the Holy Spirit fell down on Him that day as God gave Him full power and authority here on earth and there after Jesus went about teaching the disciples as it was not Jesus who the Pharisees heard that He baptized more than John did, John 4:1-3 but His disciples baptizing others in water for remission of sin after the death of John the Baptist as all together they would have baptized others in water for the remission of sin then John could at one time. Jesus could not baptize anyone in the Holy Spirit until the day of Pentecost after He ascended up to the Father and the Father sent down the indwelling Holy Spirit, Acts 2.

John 3:5 never mentions the word baptize, but says only by being born of water and spirit, which means water as living water, word of God, that no one can enter into the kingdom of God unless they are Spiritually renewed (born again) by the hearing of the word, which is Christ Jesus and by the Holy Spirit that came on them in the OT and indwells us in the NT. Many do read into the passage a preconceived idea or theology, but baptism is never mentioned in this verse. God's word is living water as described in John 4:4-26; 7:37-39; 12:44-50; Ephesians 5:26; 1 John 5:5-8; Jeremiah 17:13; Zechariah 14:8, 9; Rev 21:6-8; Ezekiel 47:22.

If salvation came by actual immersion in water Jesus clearly could have simply stated, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is baptized by being immersed in water and born of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Further, if Jesus had made such a statement, He would have contradicted numerous other Bible passages that make it clear that salvation is by faith (John 3:16; John 3:36; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5)
Allow me to restate what I think you are saying: There is no physical action that is possible, let alone required, for us to receive the gift of salvation.

Would that be an accurate interpretation of what you are saying?

Please when we are discussing doctrine that is controversial, please use scripture like I do. I take the time to post scripture for all to see.

Plz be honest and stop saying that i "dont" post scriptures.
