Deceivers use Christian forums to practice how to deceive. They love to find a real believer and gang up on them.
They think this is "funny".
I was talking to the owner of a very big online christian forum.......talking to him for 2 yrs in PMs and on the forum...... as he was allowing the worst type of Cross denying legalist heretics to just park and preach.
When i left that forum 18 months ago, that had ended because by my persistence along with 2 other Mods helping me to stay there.... finally caused the owner to realize that a forum is a online Church that has to be respected and not given over to Legalists whose only reason to be on it, and in many cases these are the Mods.....their only reason to be there is to try to teach you that you can lose your salvation.
They are a one trick heretic pony led by the devil, thinking they are teaching the truth.
Like this.. for example....
"well, over here it says, castaway""".....And what does that mean? """ummm, well, my commentary and the other mods here says it means...."lose your salvation""". But Jesus said you will never Perish........""."Um well, what if you walk away from yer faith""""...... Well, Faith isnt the Savior, God is.... and, Jesus said that no man can take you out of His hand, and that includes the person who is saved and trying to take themselves out of His hand....
(The heretic reloads after consulting commentary)...
""""now mean that DEMAS is not in hell like our Pastor told us last Sunday"..... Thats right....."""but he has to be, My Pastor would know.. as Demas didnt keeps commandments and didnt continue to obey the Lord".... Yes thats true, and yet, Paul does not say he went to hell, he just said he left.. So, that means that He was born again... """""now are one of those eternal security people that Believes that you can never perish and that God's blood keeps you saved tomorrow, just like it kept you saved yesterday, based on God's Grace and not your works"........ Yeah....thats true as that is Pauline Theology, ever heard of that?
So, these types....They chop down the Cross with their Grace denying Gospel of "do THIS to stay saved", and the harm it causes real believers, can be LIFE LONG....... if they can influence them for the devil.
Why do denominations exist?
Its because there is no union of theological mind.
Denominations exist based on this ONE idea....>"here is what WE BELIEVE". = Our Denomination.
And Forums exist for the same reason.....
I go to forums, and i discern the problem.
As they all have one. Its usually a cult of legalism, but not always.
So, whatever is the spiritual issue, the theological misfire, i Thread and Post the cure.
A real born again Teacher who is teaching truth, finds out what is missing or what is wrong in the belief system, and pursues that till its solved.
Let me show you what i mean.
Lets say that Bart is keeping commandments to try to stay saved, because he was taught by theologically devil led liars that the blood of Jesus is only as good as his behavior....So, as he knows he messes up, he had been taught that he has to correct this by works and self effort and trying to keep commandments, and by confessing sin.
Bart is doing all that, because he has been taught NOT TO BELIEVE that Salvation is Jesus Himself,...vs BART trying to keep himself saved.
So, when i find these thousands and thousands of Barts in classes and in church, i teach and teach and teach the message of "the GIFT of Salvation". "The GIFT of righteousness", and on Forums i write Threads that offer deliverance from self saving broken faith mentality, that some Barts will come to SEE and they find Real Faith in Christ.
Its not all of them, but that is just how it goes, as even the Cross does not bring everyone to Christ.
What matters is that the Lighthouse is shining so that the Barts can come to SEE the Truth.