DO you mean that you don't believe that the scriptures were inspired by God?
Did I suggest that I did not believe scripture to be inspired by God?
Of course I do.
I asked; "
What do you mean by that?
Certainly God didn't take pen and paper, write them, and then hand them to men."
The inspiration of the scriptures is an entirely different subject.
Can you answer the question you were asked?
He may not have had pen and paper in his hand, but every single letter, punctuation, spacing and everything was literally dictated to the authors to write. I presume that His Holy Spirit came over the authors and guided their mind into the exact transcription that He wanted.
OK. THAT is an answer.
It also reveals that you did not know that there is no punctuation or spacing in the Greek.
So, if I understand you correctly, you see the writing of scripture as the Holy Spirit taking control of the writer's mind to write exactly what God wants written.
Do you have any scripture to support that view?
And are you aware that, unless you are fluent in the original languages and are reading the scriptures in those languages, you are using a translation into English. There is no such thing as an exact translation from one language to another. The farther the two languages are separated by time and culture, the more difficult it is to transfer the original content.
So, consider that your favorite English translation reflect the language of a culture that is 2000 to 3500 years removed from the original language and based on the usage in a culture that is also removed by time and space from the origin.
So, what we have in our Modern English translation (or Late Middle English KJV) is very far removed from the original scriptures in which "
every single letter, punctuation, spacing and everything was literally dictated to the authors to write" in languages that are no longer spoken on this planet.
This was written and saved in the scrolls. That's why it is important for us to go back to the original language in our studies and to study things out. You can even go online and look at pics of the original scrolls themselves if you want, because I've done it.
And are you fluent in the ancient Hebrew, Chaldean and Koine Greek of those ancient scrolls and do you also have expert knowledge of the culture in which they were written? If not, then they are just a curiosity but cannot significantly enhance your understanding. (It's a door that most of us cannot open.)
Do you think that Abraham couldn't use a cell phone if you handed it to him? It sounds like you do not have much faith in God's Word.
That doesn't eve make sense.
And your judgment of my faith in God's word is based on abject ignorance of me personally and an exaggerated opinion of your ability to judge the faith of others.
That's a bad position, Brother. God's powerful enough to get a good copy in your hand, and then give you revelation as you read.
If either of us were to have an exact perfect copy of the original texts in the original languages, neither of us would be able to read them.
We do not have "copies."
We have "translations" of copies of copies of copies of copies.........
So the idea that what we have in our hands today is the exact copy of what the Holy Spirit dictated to men some 2000 to 3500 years ago in Ancient Hebrew, Chaldean, and Koine Greek is patently absurd.
We have translations that are somewhere between very good and excellent but, they are still translations.
And what we do have is IMHO the inspired word of God which is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16-17)
iakov the fool