Faith is a peculiar thing and, far to often abused by pretenders. As per the Barna Christian researchers, few in the Church, actually, from the heart, believe and fully rely on Jesus to save them, they appear to Walk the Walk but that is because they have become very familiar with the rules and are every bit as good as the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes. All or, at least, the largest part of them appear to be genuine to most people.
But the issue is with self perception. On the Personal Level, I suck and I know this, primarily because of my study of the scriptures and the summary found in Romans 3:10 and 23.
It is natural for any man to want to better themselves and that is found as the measurement used for success in most American Churches of the day, but it is a false measurement. God demands that we humble ourselves and to follow Him, not that we formulate a stance and then lead in that direction. It is counter intuitive from the surface to the heat of a man, but tat is the requirement that Faith requires.
I am proud I can sit in my wheelchair and tell younger men that when I was a Contractor, I drew Top Dollar because of the quality of the work I, and my men produced. When I could no longer carry my load in the company I founded I sold, gave it away to my partner, out and went to Driving, swearing never to carry any liquid loads.
Caution: Never tell God never!
My last load was 10 yards of Ready Mix, #4 Concrete. It is not only fluid and sloshes around with every movement of the truck, every s3cond to three seconds it drops five thousand, or more, pounds of the load from near the top of the Drum to the left side of the truck. If the Driver makes a Right Turn at a Red Light at any speed over Twelve Miles Per Hour, that forty to fifty thousand pound Drum will land on the top of that car full of kids sitting at the Red Light that are trying to get you to toot the Air Horn, killing them, one thing any man of war never wants to see, let alone be guilty of.
I drove that Mixer with a great deal of faith and God saw to it that I never harm anyone nor anything but He did let a couple of very expensive cars to total themselves against the rear end.
But that is not the faith that is important here. That Faith is described/defined in the Old and in the New Testaments. Biblical Faith cannot be tested and proven by anything physical because it is a 100% Spiritual Matter and Spirits are not visible to the natural eye and few are they that can even visualize such a thing, they do not have the Saving Faith!
That is a harsh, though, accurate statement and Modern Forms of the Christian Faith must learn cease to live avoiding making. We are not and never will be called to lie to people about their condition, That the World has invaded the Sanctuary with it's fa;se interpretation of Matthew 7:1 and have, incorrectly made it a key verse should be well known and well preached over and examined and rejected in every Church in the World.
What do I mean by that? There are several forms of context surrounding this one verse. Te first, naturally, is it's Local Context, it is the first sentence of the chapter seven so how does that connect into the entire chapter and before we go to the most important context, it is the opening statement of the first paragraph.
How do the other five sentences in that paragraph modify and/or reflect on the sentence that has been cruelly ripped from it's context? You will find the World as raped the Bible to get the desired translation they desired. Jesus is teaching here that w are to, in the process of becoming a Holy People, devoted to Him and His service, not Judge from our unrighteousness but to clean our own lives up before trying to help another along on their journey and except you judge something, you will never be qualified to help, even yourselves. You cannot grow that faith that saves because you remain trfapped in this world that is Temporal.