What do you mean by "over-intellectualize"?
Almost missed this. Over-intellectualization can be (to me at least) described almost like...anti-faith. Where one uses rationalization and reasoning to to block the need for faith. The conscious mind will seek to throw off the unconscious emotional stresses and mental conflict that are involved in taking something in faith...in taking a leap of faith. There's a mental confrontation that takes place in the mind to turn something over to faith. A choice has to be made which is uncomfortable because it is something that we do not see. So in order for a person to get out of it, and not have that confrontation...he will over-tellectualize it and seek to explain it "logically". Then, (usually) a very excessively intellectual and abstract explanation is given, and, Voila'! No need to confront faith, and I have explained it and proved it to be or not to be, such as the topic was. Over thinking it.
It's purported that wise men will reason it out according to logic. But the Bible doesn't really support this that I can see. It says to believe and have faith. Very much of what we are being asked to have faith in can not be seen, and many times defies logic. It's my belief that God wrote the scriptures in such a way that one would not be able to understand the meat of it, without the (unseen) Holy Spirit to help us. The Bible is clear, that putting your belief and faith first, before reading it, then the Holy Spirit comes and let's you see it. Believing is seeing...
rather than, seeing is believing. It's not, well if I can understand it then I'll believe it, because it doesn't work that way and will remain a sealed book until you approach it correctly. Many people have too much pride to be able to do that. I'm smarter than that...Lol.
Reason and logic do work well with the milk of the Word, but it wont hang with the meat of the Word.
So the short answer is that over-intellectuallize is a defense mechanism!
They've got so many people so scared of the spiritual realm through horror movies and parnormal stuff that people do not want to confront faith, because it's spiritual and can not be seen.
So they over think it. A defense mechanism, yep.