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[_ Old Earth _] How well do you actually know The Theory of Evolution?

This thread isn't about Genesis being literal or allegorical.

They wanted to know what a TE believes and I told them.
Belief in the Theory of Evolution requires Genesis as allegorical.
Is any correction or clarification needed concerning that statement?
You think all evolutionists, theistic evolutioinists, creationists or old earthers agree on the same things among their respective beliefs?
I'm in the crosshairs and anything I say, good, right, off base or otherwise will be set upon to prove something against what I believe now.
If you care to explain your slant on the Theory of Evolution, in detail, that's fine and I'll sit back and throw the darts.
This thread is created for the purpose of Creationists explaining the Theory of Evolution, not for Evolutionists to explain it. Per section 2.4 of the Terms of Service, we are not to deviate too far from the Original Post in which I have created it for a very specific purpose.

You assume that I am just seeking to critique Creationism, but I actually don't care about talking about Creationism as this is a thread only about Evolution. I was hoping for an honest dialogue that was perhaps educational.

There are differences among those who accept Evolution, but it can still be predominately summarized without going into those distinctions.
They wanted to know what a TE believes and I told them.
Belief in the Theory of Evolution requires Genesis as allegorical.
Is any correction or clarification needed concerning that statement?
This thread isn't about Theistic Evolution, it is about Creationists explaining the Theory of Evolution.
This thread isn't about Theistic Evolution, it is about Creationists explaining the Theory of Evolution

Then we agree.
Neither care to explain it.
That's good. The darts can be put away and peace prevails.
Outside this site and this particular forum you may get that meaningful dialogue you want. Advertise a seminar and if people want to attend and discuss then all is well.
But I've seen this attempted many times during the past ten years from both sides, all sides and it never works due to the antics that went on before in other discussions that didn't end so well. Outside this forum people have a choice and will not be pushed to attend or otherwise take flack if they don't.
But that's not the case here. Creationists are not going to trust those who have confronted them before or feel safe in doing so letting their guard down. Kick me once, shame on you. Kick me twice, shame on me.
Look at the very first page and you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.

As expected no dialogue, but one "go see this creationist video." Pretty much like trying to learn about capitalism by watching "re-education" films from North Korea.

If you don't understand the video well enough to present the ideas here, what makes you think it's right? The thread nicely shows that people who don't like science, don't know much about it.
This thread is created for the purpose of Creationists explaining the Theory of Evolution, not for Evolutionists to explain it.

I'm a creationist and the only explanation for the theory of evolution is that it's a hoax. A complete lie thrust upon the children of God by the father of lies.
No brother. You need to get fair here. All you're doing is asking questions and then telling people that they're wrong. I think it's very fitting that you do a little explaining about why you believe what you believe.
You did not really give a sincere effort to explain it, so no real dialogue could be established. Also, this thread isn't about me explaining anything. It is about Creationists explaining the Theory of Evolution.

See? Here you go. Perhaps you can go into detail about how well you understand it and how (to you) that evolution fits in with scripture without conflicting with it. The way you're doing it is sorta trollish if you don't plan to lay some of your cards on the table too.
Perhaps you can create a thread on that. This thread is about Creationists explaining the Theory of Evolution. No one is forcing you to participate.

Whether or not Genesis is allegory or literal has a lot to do with this thread. You're stating to the world that you're Christian, and stonewalling when you're asked questions.
This actually has nothing to do with my OP, you can create another thread if you want to discuss that with someone.

Do you or do you not, believe that the bible is the inspired Word of God?

1 Peter 3:15
15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:/(KJV)

How about it, Christian brother?
I believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
Then we agree.
Neither care to explain it.
That's good. The darts can be put away and peace prevails.
I have no problem explaining the Theory of Evolution. However, this thread isn't about me explaining, it is about Creationists such as yourself explaining it.
To be clear again...

This thread is not about the following.
1. If Evolution is consistent with Scripture.
2. If Evolution is true.
3. What Evolutionists have to say about Evolution.

This thread is for Creationists to share what they know about the Theory of Evolution and summarize it. This does not require one to believe in Evolution, but rather for one to understand it.
I have no problem explaining the Theory of Evolution. However, this thread isn't about me explaining, it is about Creationists such as yourself explaining it.

And if I don't care to do so then what? Will I then receive respect in my decision or will my decision be challenged with reprisal and coercion?

Bottom line:
Your argument for what you want is not with me but with human nature.

If anyone here cares to participate that's their choice and prerogative. I then expect civil response. From All. If they choose not to participate then that decision deserves the respect due without reprisal.

And if I don't care to do so then what? Will I then receive respect in my decision or will my decision be challenged with reprisal and coercion?
If you don't want to demonstrate what you understand about the Theory of Evolution then that's fine, there is no coercion and you will have made your own decision.

This thread is posed as a question, not a command.

Bottom line:
Your argument for what you want is not with me but with human nature.

If anyone here cares to participate that's their choice and prerogative. If they choose not to participate then that decision deserves the respect due without reprisal.
What reprisal? I'm just asking people to if they are participating in this thread, that they do so by means of the topic at hand. Per section 2.4 of the ToS, derailing threads with off topic comments is against the rules. I wanted this thread to have a singular focus, and will call out posts made that are not relevant to the OP.
Just let me add I'll not play favorites DI. One creationist has already lost his access here due to a derogatory comment in this thread.

If anyone here cares to participate that's their choice and prerogative. I then expect civil response. From All. If they choose not to participate then that decision deserves the respect due without reprisal.


Is this agreeable?
That's your opinion of the Theory of Evolution, that is not what I asked for.

No, that is fact. There is absolutely zero evidence in the fossil record to support evolution's slow gradual transition from one form to the next. It's just not there.
"slow gradual transition from one form to the next"

Gary declares he actually knows it well enough to make that one statement. But proceeds to voice an opinion.
That doesn't suggest that's all he knows.

One step at a time for this discussion is good.
Any correction or clarification to the statement of:
"slow gradual transition from one form to the next" ?
No, that is fact. There is absolutely zero evidence in the fossil record to support evolution's slow gradual transition from one form to the next. It's just not there.
It's your opinion, stating it's a fact without supporting the proposition only demonstrates that it being a fact is also your opinion. It is your expressed opinion which could be right or wrong.

It is also irrelevant to the Original Post, which is for Creationists to demonstrate how much they know about the Theory of Evolution by explaining it to us.

Slow gradual transition is not a primary aspect of Evolution and is actually internally debated among Evolutionists, Gradualism versus Punctuated Equilibrium.
To be clear again...

This thread is not about the following.
1. If Evolution is consistent with Scripture.
2. If Evolution is true.
3. What Evolutionists have to say about Evolution.

The main focus of this thread may not be what is listed there, but to have an honest discussion those areas need to be broached.

1. If Evolution is consistent with Scripture: This is a Christian environment and nowhere in scripture will we find any mention of evolution or even a hint of it's existence. We would be remiss if we were not to bring this to the attention of the readers. Especially children and those who are new in their walk.

2. If Evolution is true: This has to be addressed also, otherwise what's the point? If we can't produce evidence for our views, it just turns into a one sided conversation.

3. What Evolutionists have to say about Evolution: There are evolutionists who are becoming creationists. This also should be made known. If a hardcore evolutionist suddenly changes their stance, it would be interesting to know why.

This thread is for Creationists to share what they know about the Theory of Evolution and summarize it. This does not require one to believe in Evolution, but rather for one to understand it.

I'm a Creationist and everything I know about the Theory of Evolution points to it being false. Lack of fossil evidence.
"slow gradual transition from one form to the next"

Gary declares he actually knows it well enough to make that one statement. But proceeds to voice an opinion.
That doesn't suggest that's all he knows.

One step at a time for this discussion is good.
This ignores the debate among Biologists regarding Punctuated Equilibrium and Gradualism as I already noted and has been previously discussed somewhat recently on this forum. This is not a key aspect of the Theory of Evolution, and thus not a good summation of the overall Theory.