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How's your weather today, where you live?


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More of the same from last night, when we won 9-8. The Tigers are good, no doubt, but over the last month, the Royals are the hottest team in baseball. Shame we got started so late, but look out next year! Tonight, I say its worse. If we can chase Verlander in 5-2/3 innings, we're gonna chase Anibal Sanchez by the 3rd while Bruce Chen continues his hot streak. Final: 7-3, KC. See ya mañana.

You are on! I will be rooting here in Detroit...;)
Kansas City: Sunny & 98. (Number is wondering if the drought and heat will end before Christmas).

BTW, BornAgain, how did you like the game last night? :lol

For others, Royals won, 1-0, four-hit shutout for Chen and Eric Hosmer's broken bat bloop infield single over the pitcher's head in the 4th for the only run of the game.
Kansas City: Sunny & 98. (Number is wondering if the drought and heat will end before Christmas).

BTW, BornAgain, how did you like the game last night? :lol

For others, Royals won, 1-0, four-hit shutout for Chen and Eric Hosmer's broken bat bloop infield single over the pitcher's head in the 4th for the only run of the game.

Do I hear you right or are you rubbing it in??? lol! We still have 1 more game...don't get your broom out too fast. :lol
Do I hear you right or are you rubbing it in??? lol! We still have 1 more game...don't get your broom out too fast. :lol
Rubbing it in?? Perish the thought! Never ...

Royals 1-0.Royals 1-0.Royals 1-0.Royals 1-0.Royals 1-0.Royals 1-0.Royals 1-0.Royals 1-0.

Why would you think I would do such a thing? :biglol
In Kansas City, it's a ...

View attachment 3233

... but I'm sure your Tigers will get over it, BornAgain, but apparently without any help from The Detroit News.|topnews|text|Sports

On the weather front, remnants of Isaac arrive in Missouri tonight and tomorrow. Cloudy and 88 at noon, falling off to 83 and rainy by five. Works for me!

It is hot and sunny here...90 today.

Ok, that was a sad game last night. :sad It's off to the White Socks now. But, here is my humble gift to you!

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