I won't presumptuously slap the label "oedipus complex" on you, even though I'm under such impression, but first ask yourself, are you seeking an equal partner in life, or a substitute of your mother? You know, it is written, "man shall leave his parents and join his wife, and the two shall become one flesh," that doesn't only mean that you move out, so that you're spatially separated from your parents, but you also need to be emotionally and financially separate from your parents. Your union with your wife is supposed to be a rite of passage for you and your wife, you know, a transition from a child to an adult and a potential parent. If you can accomplish this transition, you can properly parent yourself without her ordering you around, and you keep your financial and emotional independence without relying on your wife, then submitting to her in travial matters is fine, no harm, no foul.