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hypostatic union


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Yes! As I have stated already the very fact that the NT has verses that clearly show he is human and verses which clearly show he is God, point to the HU. In order to be able to be able to say he is truly God and truly man, they cannot be one nature.

Why not? Why they cannot be one nature?
The Bible mention one spirit. It does not mention a second spirit.
If you can demostrate that there is not 3, 4 or many spirits, I will demostrate that there is not 2.
No. You made the claim that Jesus is one nature and now you need to provide evidence.

Actually, before you even do that, you need to provide evidence that man and God have the same nature. Without providing evidence for both of those claims, you have no argument against the HU.

God is spirit and you know it. Men are spirit and you know it. An exégesis of all verses where the spirit is mentioned does not reveal any different between one spirit and any other spirit.
What you askme is not procedent. Can you prove that Jesus was crucified only one time? Can you prove that Christ resurrected only one time? The Bible mention one crucifixion and one resurrection... enough. There is not any reason to suspect of a second crucifixion or resurrection.
Again, you made the claim that Jesus is only one nature, so you need to prove it. But you first need to prove that man is spirit.

Quite apart from that, it is simply fallacious reasoning to say that since God is spirit and man is spirit that therefore they are the same nature. As I pointed out already, you are completely ignoring all that the word "nature" means. To say that we have the same nature as God is to make us Gods. But that is a very serious error.

One thing is getting clear, that the Hu haas no better argument that saying that others are wrong. All along the history, the HU was defended solely on criticicing other christologies.
And yet you have given no evidence and only have said the HU is wrong.
I don't want to prolong this, but, again, the One Who was born at Bethlehen and died at the Cross for sinners is truly God in his nature and also truly man in his nature, sin apart; these natures are distinct in one glorious Person: Philippians 2.7-9; Hebrews 1.3 : clearly these passages show that He did not cease to have a divine nature when he took on a human nature.

Those pasages are not mentioning two natures. Simple like that. No biblical evidence at all.

Try from verse 5 of Philippians 2. Philippians 2.5-9

Also, the Hebrews passage, Hebrews 1.3, shows that the Lord Jesus is the brightness of God's glory, while also the One Who as a man, purged our sins, says the writer to the Hebrews.

We aal know that Jesus was God and man. This is not disputed at all. Where do you read that being God is one nature and being man is a different nature. That is a pagan concept that was enfasised by the gnostics. In all the Bible we dont found any text declaring men of a different nature of God.
Your position is the one that is Gnositc. Gnosticism teaches that matter is evil and all that matters is the spiritual. You are denying that man has a different nature than God, saying that man is spirit. You are denying that man's nature includes his physical being. That is essentially Gnostic.
I don't want to prolong this, but, again, the One Who was born at Bethlehen and died at the Cross for sinners is truly God in his nature and also truly man in his nature, sin apart; these natures are distinct in one glorious Person: Philippians 2.7-9; Hebrews 1.3 : clearly these passages show that He did not cease to have a divine nature when he took on a human nature.

Those pasages are not mentioning two natures. Simple like that. No biblical evidence at all.

Try from verse 5 of Philippians 2. Philippians 2.5-9

Also, the Hebrews passage, Hebrews 1.3, shows that the Lord Jesus is the brightness of God's glory, while also the One Who as a man, purged our sins, says the writer to the Hebrews.

We aal know that Jesus was God and man. This is not disputed at all. Where do you read that being God is one nature and being man is a different nature. That is a pagan concept that was enfasised by the gnostics. In all the Bible we dont found any text declaring men of a different nature of God.

I think it's necessary to look carefully at the Philippians 2.5-9 passage. The Lord Jesus indeed has the nature of God and the nature of man, which He assumed.

I think you said the difference between the spirit of God and the created spirit of man was 'trivial'. It's not trivial.

Also, I think that you're saying that Biblical Christianity believed over centuries where it has been declared that in the Lord Jesus are the divine and human natures, is pagan.
Parental spirit, is the same as the Mesianic spirit and the Holy spirit. Can you demostrate that all 3 spirits is the same spirit???

Can you demonstrate there are 3?

Thanks. I cant demostrate that there are 3 spirits. It means that the Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit have the same one spirit.
You can not demostrate that there are 2 spirits. It means that God and men have the same one spirit.
The Bible mention one spirit. It does not mention a second spirit.
If you can demostrate that there is not 3, 4 or many spirits, I will demostrate that there is not 2.

Scripture please for your one spirit ref.

1 Corinthians 15:45

King James Version (KJV)

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
Despite all the insults and false acusations I am recieveng, nobody has proven the existence of two spirits. And in the supose of the existence of two spirits nobody have prove that they co-exist in Christ independently.

The HU survives in bas of two fundaments from the very statement. It survive in bae of imposition, prohibitions and acusations. And it survive in demostrating that others are wrong. Nobody in the las 15 centuries have provided a single text supporting the HU.

This is my proposal: I am a young christian that is attending christian school. You have to teach me the Hypostatic Union. Me, as a student dont need to demostrate a thing. Is you the teachers who have to show me the scriptural base for the HU. Go ahead.
Now is your time to show the two natures of Jesus. We know he is God and he is man. Now demostrate that being God is one nature and being man is a different nature. Can you?
Does God eat? Drink? Manifest visibly? Speak audibly? Touch physically? Hear and respond tangibly? Sleep? In His spiritual form, no. But it is undeniable that Jesus did these things, and more, being "made in the likeness of men." And since it is impossible to deny His deity in His human form, it is beyond question He had both natures within Him. Then there is this:
Luke 23 NASB
46 And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT." Having said this, He breathed His last.
Tell me: What was the nature of the spirit which He surrendered? Was it the Holy Spirit? Or was it His human spirit? Before you answer, consider: Did the Holy Spirit indwell Christ, who is God?
Now is your time to show the two natures of Jesus. We know he is God and he is man. Now demostrate that being God is one nature and being man is a different nature. Can you?
Does God eat? Drink? Manifest visibly? Speak audibly? Touch physically? Hear and respond tangibly? Sleep? In His spiritual form, no. But it is undeniable that Jesus did these things, and more, being "made in the likeness of men." And since it is impossible to deny His deity in His human form, it is beyond question He had both natures within Him. Then there is this:
Luke 23 NASB
46 And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT." Having said this, He breathed His last.
Tell me: What was the nature of the spirit which He surrendered? Was it the Holy Spirit? Or was it His human spirit? Before you answer, consider: Did the Holy Spirit indwell Christ, who is God?

I am sorry, I am just a student. Dont ask me difficult questions. I am in these class room becaose you are supose to teach me the HU.
One thing I dontn get: It is beyond question that Jesus was God and man... but why are you stating that being God and being man are two different natures?
Despite all the insults and false acusations I am recieveng, nobody has proven the existence of two spirits. And in the supose of the existence of two spirits nobody have prove that they co-exist in Christ independently.

The HU survives in bas of two fundaments from the very statement. It survive in bae of imposition, prohibitions and acusations. And it survive in demostrating that others are wrong. Nobody in the las 15 centuries have provided a single text supporting the HU.

This is my proposal:
I am a young christian that is attending christian school. You have to teach me the Hypostatic Union. Me, as a student dont need to demostrate a thing. Is you the teachers who have to show me the scriptural base for the HU. Go ahead.

This is my proposal:
I am a young christian that is attending christian school. You have to teach me the Hypostatic Union. Me, as a student dont need to demostrate a thing. Is you the teachers who have to show me the scriptural base for the HU. Go ahead.
... why are you stating that being God and being man are two different natures?
Why are you of the opinion they are not? Man cannot be God.

I dont need to demostrate a thing. I am not even aserting that they are not. I am asking you what scritural base you have for your statements. You stated that men and God had different nature. Do you have any scriptural support for what you are aserting?
Despite all the insults and false acusations I am recieveng, nobody has proven the existence of two spirits. And in the supose of the existence of two spirits nobody have prove that they co-exist in Christ independently.

The HU survives in bas of two fundaments from the very statement. It survive in bae of imposition, prohibitions and acusations. And it survive in demostrating that others are wrong. Nobody in the las 15 centuries have provided a single text supporting the HU.

This is my proposal: I am a young christian that is attending christian school. You have to teach me the Hypostatic Union. Me, as a student dont need to demostrate a thing. Is you the teachers who have to show me the scriptural base for the HU. Go ahead.
You haven't been insulted. :gah And yes, you most certainly do need to provide proof of your claims. Any claims to truth need evidence or they are just opinions.
The HU survives in bas of two fundaments from the very statement. It survive in bae of imposition, prohibitions and acusations. And it survive in demostrating that others are wrong. Nobody in the las 15 centuries have provided a single text supporting the HU.

This is my proposal: I am a young christian that is attending christian school. You have to teach me the Hypostatic Union. Me, as a student dont need to demostrate a thing. Is you the teachers who have to show me the scriptural base for the HU. Go ahead.
This is my proposal: I am a young christian that is attending christian school

You are attending a Christian school, I suggest you ask your professors to explain it to you. It is hard to explain things in writing sometimes and have all who are reading it understand what the intent is.

I will make an attempt to explain the reasoning behind the two natures but this is just my understanding and there are others here who may correct me!

The first man, Adam, was created sinless. By his own free will he chose to give in to temptation and to sin against God. From that point forward man's nature was defiled causing him to be separated from God. In order for man's relationship with God to be restored a man had to live, overcome temptation. Jesus' Father was God. Only the blood of God, pure and undefiled, was in Jesus, thus the Divine nature. He mother Mary being human gave birth to a man that was human in every way and had the original undefiled nature as Adam did before he sinned. Jesus overcame the temptations of satan and lived a sinless life. He chose to do the will of His Father. He followed the Divine nature, which could not be tempted, overcoming the man nature which could be tempted.

If I am messed here guys please correct me!
This is my proposal: I am a young christian that is attending christian school

You are attending a Christian school, I suggest you ask your professors to explain it to you. It is hard to explain things in writing sometimes and have all who are reading it understand what the intent is.

I will make an attempt to explain the reasoning behind the two natures but this is just my understanding and there are others here who may correct me!

The first man, Adam, was created sinless. By his own free will he chose to give in to temptation and to sin against God. From that point forward man's nature was defiled causing him to be separated from God. In order for man's relationship with God to be restored a man had to live, overcome temptation. Jesus' Father was God. Only the blood of God, pure and undefiled, was in Jesus, thus the Divine nature. He mother Mary being human gave birth to a man that was human in every way and had the original undefiled nature as Adam did before he sinned. Jesus overcame the temptations of satan and lived a sinless life. He chose to do the will of His Father. He followed the Divine nature, which could not be tempted, overcoming the man nature which could be tempted.

If I am messed here guys please correct me!

I am not attending a christian school. We are pretending I am. The proposal is for you all to teach the HU to a new students.
The first obstacle you teachers have is to demostrate that there is two natures: the divine nature and the human nature.
Since the HU have been teching for 15 centuries, and since it is teach in every christian deniomination, it will be a peace of cake to answer my questions. There is hundreds or thusands book where to seek for help. The question is very easy and it should be answered millons time before me:
What biblical evidence is on the natures of god being different of the nature of men? Or is it just a pagan and gnostic concept?


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