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- #181
Do you say these things to test my “Christ likeness and fruitsâ€Â. You are the fruit tester? It appears we have fruit detectors, fruit inspectors, and fruit testers on this board. Cast your pathetic fireballs some place else if you want to have a discussion with me.
What I had before was what you have today. Your opine is meaningless when spoken out of ignorance. Tell me why my belief in Jesus Christ is apostate? You have accused me of being Satan and apostate, now back up your childish rhetoric with facts. Make your list of what I must believe about Jesus Christ in your opinion to be saved then let us compare before you call me Satan incarnate or apostate.
What are you blabbering about? Most of my posts are trying to get coy and evasive Protestants to answer simple questions on the Christian faith. I can’t get past the surface to find anything deep. I don’t know who you think Jesus is or what you think his gospel is because I am to busy dodging fireballs. Maybe this is your motive… keep me on the defensive so you can avoid direct questions.
Now what are you talking about? You said you read my posts. Did you see the one where I said I accepted Jesus Christ 36 years ago? The only way to grow is to have “parents†that teach you and nurture you. The protestant faith produces orphans and widows not many Christians with maturity. You for example are a perfect representation of a spoiled self raise “Christian†brat. Casting your fireballs willy nilly around like you were Jesus Christ Himself. You have no authority what so ever to cast spit balls much less fireballs. You pal are a little child that needs a good spiritual spanking.
Speak for your own version of Christianity, son. You have been alive for centuries? Where? In the good ol USA? Christianity is an eastern religion not “made in Americaâ€Â. Orthodoxy is alive and well. Orthodoxy was around long before your mommy put a bottle in your mouth and wiped your butt, certainly long before you met your phantom jesus. You maybe lacking but the Orthodox Church is not. Judge yourself not the Orthodox Church. Take the board out of your own eye then maybe you can remove the orthodox splinter. I submit you know nothing about the Orthodox Christian faith. Can you recall any history prior to Luther’s rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church in 1517 ad? I am certain your knowledge of the Orthodox is base solely on your hate for anything Roman Catholic. The veil of God is working perfectly to keep the light of Glory seen in the Orthodox Church from your eyes.
I was dry and lacked any water when I was a protestant like you. I was searching for God in a land of dry shallow wells with no life. You are correct Protestantism is a lost cause. No family, no community, no fellowship, no guidance, cut off from the body, on the outside looking in. Lonely? Yes, lone ranger Christianity of the protestant faith is lonely desolation. I never knew whom I was worshipping with if and when I ever entered a “churchâ€Â. I couyld trust no one in the protestant faith to be truthful about what they “believed†exactly. One thing is for certain in the Orthodox faith…. I know what people like James believes. I do not know James personally but I know the fundamental Christian faith resides in him. I can say I will die for his Orthodox faith and I believe he would die for mine. I know what James believes and I have never met the man. I know the man in Japan that worships in the Orthodox Church, even though he may speak in a totally different language, believes and confesses the one faith as I do and worships the same One God. When I was in the protestant faith I could not go from one non demonational church to another and know for certain what anyone truly believed and when I questioned this problem most times I am told “it doesn’t matter as long as you “know†Jesusâ€Â. When I would confront the silly doctrines floating around concerning the nature of God in the protestant faith I was told “my fruit is not goodâ€Â. Bad fruit doesn’t question the nature of God or His confession of faith. Rodneykingism reigns. There was no agreement in the protestant faith that I could tell when I was investigating a community to fellowship in faith and unity. I call it “Burgerkingism†Each individual reads the bible and like burgerking has jesus their way and God is obligated to accept each man’s worship based on the fact they say the name Jesus Christ and in a mysterious way “believeâ€Â. Can you define “believe†in the heterodox faith? I found belief in protestant Christianity to be a moving target, ever changing. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, no change nor shadow of change about Him. His body is the same and undivided.
Yes. Utterly and totally dependant on the “fullness of Jesus Christâ€Â, The Church, according to the Scripture. You do believe the Scripture correct? Ephesians 1:22-23 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the CHURCH, Which is his BODY, the FULNESS of HIM that filleth all in all. You are free to be dependant on parts of the fullness if you wish.
Now you say what is the Church and how can I identify it on the earth. And the orthodox say one way is this:
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 1 Corinthians 1:10.
Like I have said… I don’t need to ask James what he believes because we are this above verse without saying a word. James and I basically speak the same thing, there is no division between us, we have the same mind and same judgement through the Church. I know James will say things based on the Scripture and the understandings of the Church or he will find out before he speaks. Of course the Holy Spirit fills James with an ability to express the understandings of this one mind better than I yet I agree with him and the Church.
Yes. The protestant faith, when I began searching for “a church†to lead and guide my new family because it was no longer me alone with my Jesus and my bible, turned out to be cold, uninviting, shallow and misguided. Yes, I was rather depressed to find out no persons in the protestant faith seemed to know truly who God was nor how to worship Him. It appeared to me after years of my own version of Christianity that others only had their own versions also. Burgerkingism. The “you have your Jesus and I have my Jesus†syndrome. I came to believe that God does not have to accept my worship in what ever manner I place before Him, rather He is the one that dictates His form of worship and if I want to “partake†of this divine worship I need to do it His way, the age old, time tested way, in His Church. I have kids to teach the ways of the Lord. I am responsible for their souls. I wanted to make sure my children were getting the truth. Thus began my search for “the Churchâ€Â. Before my journey began I prayed this prayer:
Father God through your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to show me your organic body on the Earth. Lead me to your community that is your Body. Lord I cannot seem to find anyone that can agree on anything about the Christian faith. Please lead me and guide me into your will. Consume me with your Holy fire. Purify me. Cleanse me. Teach me. In Jesus name Amen.
Well not long after this prayer God place certain men before me that opened the door to the Orthodox Church. 4 years ago after ago 5 years of intense study for I was a protestant, proud of my biblical knowledge and prowess, my family (wife roman catholic, Son and Daughter) converted and were baptized into the historical, time tested, authentic Christian Faith. I had studied every protestant Christian sect over 36 years, the demon heresies of Arianism and sabellianism, mormons, JW’s and Pentacostals. The Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Baptist, and nearly every main stream protestant group, you name it I investigated it. I thought I knew it all. Except for history, something the Protestants leave out, ignore or distort with a roman twist. History is completely ignored in the protestant faith and if the protest has any grasp on historical events, they do not go past 1000 ad. They flippantly will say history of Jesus Christ’s Church is meaningless to the Christian walk. It is quite sad. Orthodoxy is virtually unknown because the protestants have been told we are “part of the Roman Church†“a left lung†a “cut off memberâ€Â, and a “sister churchâ€Â…. all deceptions to keep the protestants from investigating the historical Christian faith found in the Holy Orthodox Church. The great delusion. A great duping of the protestant faith. Why you say? Because nearly all these main stream protestant groups to a letter confess and proclaim the Roman Catholic Creed of 1054 ad. Even as a protestant I knew dual procession of the Holy Spirit was an out right heresy but blew it off as not important because everyone said it did not matter.
You mean when he went to Jerusalem in Acts 15 out of obedience to Christ’s command to “tell it to the Church†when disputes arise in the Church? One must be clear on this…. many walk away from the faith, many walked away from Jesus Christ in John 6, many walk away from the Christian faith but it does not change the Church. The Church remains the same and has not changed in 2000 years. People come and go but the Church is eternal. When a dispute arises what did Jesus tell the Church to do when the “loser†of the debate refuses to listen to the Church? Matthew 18. Who pray tell is refusing to listen to the Church in our little debate?
I was at this point which if you had really read my posts you would have seen I was ready to give up on the Christian religion altogether, I can see why agnostics and atheist are born …. the chaos and disunity of the protestant Christian faith is a complete and utter joke, laughable. The fact is I was not spirit filled as a protestant. I was ready to become an agnostic geologist, ready to say “I don’t knowâ€Â. Jesus existed in time this much is sure. He is God but if He did not leave a physical and tangible Church on the earth that a person can have a real personal relationship with then there is no Christianity, no Jesus Christ. What a cross roads! Is that all Christianity is about a “invisible church†that no one could identify except to say “we believe†and that makes “us†the Church no matter what anyone believes! Oh if only the Yankees would let anyone be a Yankee in this manner! A turning point for me was this: as a protestant we confessed the Roman Creed of 1054 ad at communion one time and the pastor, a good protestant Christian you all would have liked, says “you don’t need to say the “one baptism for the remission of sins†part of the Creed. When I queried him about this he stated that part is neither scriptural nor needed in any way for salvation. Acts 2 I said to him. My point is that he single handedly changed the confession of the Christian faith with no authority. It was like he removed part of the US Constitution. As we all know no one man can change the Constitution of the USA! Why do we treat the confession of the Christian faith with such malice yet the man made document of the USA is revered almost as a holy document? I have a problem with flippantly changing doctrines to fit our own understanding. When I read the Roman Church changed the document of the Church in 1054 ad I knew my whole existence, as a protestant, was a fraud because the protestant faith stems from the Roman Church. (Thankfully I never accepted the roman addition, I did as an ignorant protestant confess this addition to the statement of faith, but I was told over and over it did not mean anything and we are one Christian happy family. God will sort all our beliefs out! Fact is not much truth is told in the protestant world about the Orthodox faith. Most is fear of anything Roman Catholic that is twisted to make the Orthodox look like weak step children. The Orthodox if anything are maligned worse that any Roman Catholics just for the fact protestants mistake us for Romans!
According to the Scripture the fullness of Jesus Christ is found in the Church. Jesus Christ is the Holy Orthodox Church. When you see orthodoxy in its fullness you see the face of Jesus Christ. Can I be more clear on this point? Jesus Christ and His Church are one and the same, no division. This is the mystery Paul spoke of concerning the Church. Ephesians 5:23-25,32, The great mystery is the complete submission, unity and inseparable oneness of Jesus Christ and His Church. The head cannot be amputated off from the body at the whim of each individual that claims the name Jesus Christ. When Jesus said “I will send the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, He will lead YOU into all truth†The YOU in this verse is a PLURAL. Jesus Christ is speaking to 12 men, His disiples, a group of men is lead by the Holy Spirit. These men represented the Church at that time. The Holy Spirit leads the Church. Each individual to be lead by this spirit must be a “partaker†of the divine nature found in this spirit lead group, the Church.
People that confess with one voice the same Christian faith with one mind, one heart, and one judgment. No division.
No, because the heterodox are full of pride and commit the sin of Adam by leaning on their own understanding. Evil according to the Bible.
Yes and the Church is His physical presents on the Earth today. The Holy Orthodox Church lives the life of Christ. His daily movements are seen in the Holy Traditions of the Church. Traditions are His life. Traditions are how we live His Life. Why must you see the Church Jesus Christ is eternally building as a failure? All the apostles went apostate and failed Jesus Christ? What are you smoking?
Your wisdom it appears. It seems the Apostles were missing you. The question is what are you missing. Silver and gold the Church has none. Why have you sold your inheritance for a bowl of soup?
The parts blocked out or the parts you read? They were missing leprosy?
Who is in rebellion? I told you “I believe†why are you treating me as a non Christian? Tell me what about Jesus Christ I don’t believe that you condemn me for? Do you know what the word “protestant meansâ€Â? Many protestants will place before me that Jesus was a protester of the roman empire to justify their fight against the Church. Who do you suggest I obey and submit? You? A book? You want me to obey and submit to a book? Where in the Scripture am I commanded to obey and submit to a book? Tell me where Jesus designated a book as my final authority? Give me one scripture where Jesus Christ is heard saying “Father I send this book out in the same manner you sent me†or “tell it to “the Bible†or “I chose this bible and ordained itâ€Â. I cannot find one verse where Jesus gives a book all the authority of His Father, even the forgiveness of sins. Help me with that would ya.
Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
You obey who? Ask a protestant who he is submitted to and he will say in consternation “Jesus Christ is the only one I submit to, I submit to no man!†Yet the heterodox ignore this verse that plainly tells a Christian to obey and submit to “those that rule over youâ€Â. “Those†is a word that means people as well as indicating more than one!
Ephesians 5:21, Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
If you read your bible it says there were appointed and ordained men in every city as overseers of the Church. The laying on of hands and prayer as recorded in Acts and other scripture passed this on succession of the faith to future generations to this day. The Apostles appointed bishops and elders to each and every city. Does it not stand to reason each “believer†in each city must have an overseer to be called a Christian? If not then why appoint men to these positions? Why doesn’t the protestant church operate under the guidelines set forth by Jesus Christ? Jesus picked, ordained and sent out, just as the Father sent Him, men to be His authority on the Earth, not a book and not you.
Who is your overseer? My bishop is Bishop Tihkon, Diocese of the West. Every Christian has a bishop. Your bishop is?
You judge my obedience to Jesus Christ? Who appointed you judge? Judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgment. Fact is Jesus commands the Church to pray thus the Church prays. Jesus commands the Church to fast thus the Church fasts. Jesus commanded the Church to give alms thus the Church gives alms. Jesus Christ commanded the Church visit the poor, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, visit those in prison, etc… the Church does all these things and more. I am obedient to the fullness of Jesus Christ, the Holy Orthodox Church, fullness of Him that filleth all in all.
The delusion within the delusion.......... oh what a web Satan weaves.
Do you say these things to test my “Christ likeness and fruitsâ€Â. You are the fruit tester? It appears we have fruit detectors, fruit inspectors, and fruit testers on this board. Cast your pathetic fireballs some place else if you want to have a discussion with me.
Orthodoxy, you've simply given up one form of apostasy for another.
What I had before was what you have today. Your opine is meaningless when spoken out of ignorance. Tell me why my belief in Jesus Christ is apostate? You have accused me of being Satan and apostate, now back up your childish rhetoric with facts. Make your list of what I must believe about Jesus Christ in your opinion to be saved then let us compare before you call me Satan incarnate or apostate.
After reading your last post I was moved to go back and read some of your previous posts and in doing so I saw something that I hadn't before. Lord Jesus,..... forgive me, sometimes we become more narrow than we should be and thus miss important things.
What are you blabbering about? Most of my posts are trying to get coy and evasive Protestants to answer simple questions on the Christian faith. I can’t get past the surface to find anything deep. I don’t know who you think Jesus is or what you think his gospel is because I am to busy dodging fireballs. Maybe this is your motive… keep me on the defensive so you can avoid direct questions.
Orthodoxy, you want to know Christ. Amen, its the only way to grow in God, the only growth of God.
And this is the Lord's mercy, for none come to Him of their own accord. It is Jesus who has turned you towards Himself.
Yet there is more, as what the Lord desires is our cooperation from the inward parts of our being, as this is where His work begins.
Now what are you talking about? You said you read my posts. Did you see the one where I said I accepted Jesus Christ 36 years ago? The only way to grow is to have “parents†that teach you and nurture you. The protestant faith produces orphans and widows not many Christians with maturity. You for example are a perfect representation of a spoiled self raise “Christian†brat. Casting your fireballs willy nilly around like you were Jesus Christ Himself. You have no authority what so ever to cast spit balls much less fireballs. You pal are a little child that needs a good spiritual spanking.
There is a terrible lack of Christ in the corridors of Christianity. And it has been this way for centuries. In fact, the slide away from Christ began back in the first century, even from the time when Paul was still alive.
Speak for your own version of Christianity, son. You have been alive for centuries? Where? In the good ol USA? Christianity is an eastern religion not “made in Americaâ€Â. Orthodoxy is alive and well. Orthodoxy was around long before your mommy put a bottle in your mouth and wiped your butt, certainly long before you met your phantom jesus. You maybe lacking but the Orthodox Church is not. Judge yourself not the Orthodox Church. Take the board out of your own eye then maybe you can remove the orthodox splinter. I submit you know nothing about the Orthodox Christian faith. Can you recall any history prior to Luther’s rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church in 1517 ad? I am certain your knowledge of the Orthodox is base solely on your hate for anything Roman Catholic. The veil of God is working perfectly to keep the light of Glory seen in the Orthodox Church from your eyes.
This is what I believe you sense in your being, a lack, a dryness,.... and this is a good thing, for we must become desperate before we become truly dependant. And Christ can only be received by one who is utterly dependant on Him.
I was dry and lacked any water when I was a protestant like you. I was searching for God in a land of dry shallow wells with no life. You are correct Protestantism is a lost cause. No family, no community, no fellowship, no guidance, cut off from the body, on the outside looking in. Lonely? Yes, lone ranger Christianity of the protestant faith is lonely desolation. I never knew whom I was worshipping with if and when I ever entered a “churchâ€Â. I couyld trust no one in the protestant faith to be truthful about what they “believed†exactly. One thing is for certain in the Orthodox faith…. I know what people like James believes. I do not know James personally but I know the fundamental Christian faith resides in him. I can say I will die for his Orthodox faith and I believe he would die for mine. I know what James believes and I have never met the man. I know the man in Japan that worships in the Orthodox Church, even though he may speak in a totally different language, believes and confesses the one faith as I do and worships the same One God. When I was in the protestant faith I could not go from one non demonational church to another and know for certain what anyone truly believed and when I questioned this problem most times I am told “it doesn’t matter as long as you “know†Jesusâ€Â. When I would confront the silly doctrines floating around concerning the nature of God in the protestant faith I was told “my fruit is not goodâ€Â. Bad fruit doesn’t question the nature of God or His confession of faith. Rodneykingism reigns. There was no agreement in the protestant faith that I could tell when I was investigating a community to fellowship in faith and unity. I call it “Burgerkingism†Each individual reads the bible and like burgerking has jesus their way and God is obligated to accept each man’s worship based on the fact they say the name Jesus Christ and in a mysterious way “believeâ€Â. Can you define “believe†in the heterodox faith? I found belief in protestant Christianity to be a moving target, ever changing. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, no change nor shadow of change about Him. His body is the same and undivided.
Are you utterly dependant on Christ?
Yes. Utterly and totally dependant on the “fullness of Jesus Christâ€Â, The Church, according to the Scripture. You do believe the Scripture correct? Ephesians 1:22-23 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the CHURCH, Which is his BODY, the FULNESS of HIM that filleth all in all. You are free to be dependant on parts of the fullness if you wish.
Now you say what is the Church and how can I identify it on the earth. And the orthodox say one way is this:
Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 1 Corinthians 1:10.
Like I have said… I don’t need to ask James what he believes because we are this above verse without saying a word. James and I basically speak the same thing, there is no division between us, we have the same mind and same judgement through the Church. I know James will say things based on the Scripture and the understandings of the Church or he will find out before he speaks. Of course the Holy Spirit fills James with an ability to express the understandings of this one mind better than I yet I agree with him and the Church.
Tell me, when you "left" the Protestant environment were you in a completely defeated state? Were you empty, alone, filled thoughts of "What now,.... where do I go from here?"
Yes. The protestant faith, when I began searching for “a church†to lead and guide my new family because it was no longer me alone with my Jesus and my bible, turned out to be cold, uninviting, shallow and misguided. Yes, I was rather depressed to find out no persons in the protestant faith seemed to know truly who God was nor how to worship Him. It appeared to me after years of my own version of Christianity that others only had their own versions also. Burgerkingism. The “you have your Jesus and I have my Jesus†syndrome. I came to believe that God does not have to accept my worship in what ever manner I place before Him, rather He is the one that dictates His form of worship and if I want to “partake†of this divine worship I need to do it His way, the age old, time tested way, in His Church. I have kids to teach the ways of the Lord. I am responsible for their souls. I wanted to make sure my children were getting the truth. Thus began my search for “the Churchâ€Â. Before my journey began I prayed this prayer:
Father God through your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to show me your organic body on the Earth. Lead me to your community that is your Body. Lord I cannot seem to find anyone that can agree on anything about the Christian faith. Please lead me and guide me into your will. Consume me with your Holy fire. Purify me. Cleanse me. Teach me. In Jesus name Amen.
Well not long after this prayer God place certain men before me that opened the door to the Orthodox Church. 4 years ago after ago 5 years of intense study for I was a protestant, proud of my biblical knowledge and prowess, my family (wife roman catholic, Son and Daughter) converted and were baptized into the historical, time tested, authentic Christian Faith. I had studied every protestant Christian sect over 36 years, the demon heresies of Arianism and sabellianism, mormons, JW’s and Pentacostals. The Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Baptist, and nearly every main stream protestant group, you name it I investigated it. I thought I knew it all. Except for history, something the Protestants leave out, ignore or distort with a roman twist. History is completely ignored in the protestant faith and if the protest has any grasp on historical events, they do not go past 1000 ad. They flippantly will say history of Jesus Christ’s Church is meaningless to the Christian walk. It is quite sad. Orthodoxy is virtually unknown because the protestants have been told we are “part of the Roman Church†“a left lung†a “cut off memberâ€Â, and a “sister churchâ€Â…. all deceptions to keep the protestants from investigating the historical Christian faith found in the Holy Orthodox Church. The great delusion. A great duping of the protestant faith. Why you say? Because nearly all these main stream protestant groups to a letter confess and proclaim the Roman Catholic Creed of 1054 ad. Even as a protestant I knew dual procession of the Holy Spirit was an out right heresy but blew it off as not important because everyone said it did not matter.
You know, even Paul made the mistake of going back into that which he had left, causing God to take drastic measures to counter Paul's actions.
You mean when he went to Jerusalem in Acts 15 out of obedience to Christ’s command to “tell it to the Church†when disputes arise in the Church? One must be clear on this…. many walk away from the faith, many walked away from Jesus Christ in John 6, many walk away from the Christian faith but it does not change the Church. The Church remains the same and has not changed in 2000 years. People come and go but the Church is eternal. When a dispute arises what did Jesus tell the Church to do when the “loser†of the debate refuses to listen to the Church? Matthew 18. Who pray tell is refusing to listen to the Church in our little debate?
On reading your posts I wonder just how "emptied" you were at the point of leaving the Protestant environment, as you seemed to have had some strong concepts/opinions regarding what believers need. But I was not there with you so I don't know. Yet, if you did have concepts and opinions about such things these are what may have lead you into the reliogion of the Orthodox institution,.... and not the Spirit.
I was at this point which if you had really read my posts you would have seen I was ready to give up on the Christian religion altogether, I can see why agnostics and atheist are born …. the chaos and disunity of the protestant Christian faith is a complete and utter joke, laughable. The fact is I was not spirit filled as a protestant. I was ready to become an agnostic geologist, ready to say “I don’t knowâ€Â. Jesus existed in time this much is sure. He is God but if He did not leave a physical and tangible Church on the earth that a person can have a real personal relationship with then there is no Christianity, no Jesus Christ. What a cross roads! Is that all Christianity is about a “invisible church†that no one could identify except to say “we believe†and that makes “us†the Church no matter what anyone believes! Oh if only the Yankees would let anyone be a Yankee in this manner! A turning point for me was this: as a protestant we confessed the Roman Creed of 1054 ad at communion one time and the pastor, a good protestant Christian you all would have liked, says “you don’t need to say the “one baptism for the remission of sins†part of the Creed. When I queried him about this he stated that part is neither scriptural nor needed in any way for salvation. Acts 2 I said to him. My point is that he single handedly changed the confession of the Christian faith with no authority. It was like he removed part of the US Constitution. As we all know no one man can change the Constitution of the USA! Why do we treat the confession of the Christian faith with such malice yet the man made document of the USA is revered almost as a holy document? I have a problem with flippantly changing doctrines to fit our own understanding. When I read the Roman Church changed the document of the Church in 1054 ad I knew my whole existence, as a protestant, was a fraud because the protestant faith stems from the Roman Church. (Thankfully I never accepted the roman addition, I did as an ignorant protestant confess this addition to the statement of faith, but I was told over and over it did not mean anything and we are one Christian happy family. God will sort all our beliefs out! Fact is not much truth is told in the protestant world about the Orthodox faith. Most is fear of anything Roman Catholic that is twisted to make the Orthodox look like weak step children. The Orthodox if anything are maligned worse that any Roman Catholics just for the fact protestants mistake us for Romans!
See, the Spirit gives life, and there is no life to be found in religion, only more death.
Which though can be a good thing in a negative way, for one day you will come to see that for all the forms, traditions, doctrines, and human history, still there is little or no Christ. And you will find yourself as dry and thirsty as you were before.
Tell me Orthodoxy, where does the bible tell us that Christ is found today?
According to the Scripture the fullness of Jesus Christ is found in the Church. Jesus Christ is the Holy Orthodox Church. When you see orthodoxy in its fullness you see the face of Jesus Christ. Can I be more clear on this point? Jesus Christ and His Church are one and the same, no division. This is the mystery Paul spoke of concerning the Church. Ephesians 5:23-25,32, The great mystery is the complete submission, unity and inseparable oneness of Jesus Christ and His Church. The head cannot be amputated off from the body at the whim of each individual that claims the name Jesus Christ. When Jesus said “I will send the Comforter, the Spirit of truth, He will lead YOU into all truth†The YOU in this verse is a PLURAL. Jesus Christ is speaking to 12 men, His disiples, a group of men is lead by the Holy Spirit. These men represented the Church at that time. The Holy Spirit leads the Church. Each individual to be lead by this spirit must be a “partaker†of the divine nature found in this spirit lead group, the Church.
And this Christ, what is found in Him?
People that confess with one voice the same Christian faith with one mind, one heart, and one judgment. No division.
Lets address some of your concerns below,....
Orthodoxy wrote:
Very Good. However, I submit the heterodox world cannot be humble because they will not "obey and submit to those in authority over them".
True,.... but why?
Are you saying its because of the environment they are in? Is it the teaching they are receiving?
No, because the heterodox are full of pride and commit the sin of Adam by leaning on their own understanding. Evil according to the Bible.
And the disciples, were they not in the presence of God on the earth? Shouldn't this have been the best environment possible? Yet, did they not fail to "obey/submit" to Him who had declared God's authority to them?
Yes and the Church is His physical presents on the Earth today. The Holy Orthodox Church lives the life of Christ. His daily movements are seen in the Holy Traditions of the Church. Traditions are His life. Traditions are how we live His Life. Why must you see the Church Jesus Christ is eternally building as a failure? All the apostles went apostate and failed Jesus Christ? What are you smoking?
What were they missing?
Your wisdom it appears. It seems the Apostles were missing you. The question is what are you missing. Silver and gold the Church has none. Why have you sold your inheritance for a bowl of soup?
Tell you what, why not allow the bible to give us the answer.
The parts blocked out or the parts you read? They were missing leprosy?
LEPROSY,...... the outward issue/manifestation of of disobedience/rebellion.
Matthew 8 : 2, "And behold, a leper, coming near, worshipped Him, saying, Lord, if You are willing, You can cleanse me."
The first class of people saved by the kingly Savior to be the people of the kingdom is represented by a leper. According to the examples in the Scriptures, leprosy results from rebellion and disobedience. Miriam became leprous because of her rebellion against God's deputy authority (Num. 12:1-10). Naaman's leprosy was cleansed because of his obedience (2 Kings 5:1, 9-14).
All fallen human beings have become leprous in the eyes of God because of their rebellion. The kingly Savior came to save men from their rebellion and to cleanse them from their leprosy that they might become His kingdom people.
Who is in rebellion? I told you “I believe†why are you treating me as a non Christian? Tell me what about Jesus Christ I don’t believe that you condemn me for? Do you know what the word “protestant meansâ€Â? Many protestants will place before me that Jesus was a protester of the roman empire to justify their fight against the Church. Who do you suggest I obey and submit? You? A book? You want me to obey and submit to a book? Where in the Scripture am I commanded to obey and submit to a book? Tell me where Jesus designated a book as my final authority? Give me one scripture where Jesus Christ is heard saying “Father I send this book out in the same manner you sent me†or “tell it to “the Bible†or “I chose this bible and ordained itâ€Â. I cannot find one verse where Jesus gives a book all the authority of His Father, even the forgiveness of sins. Help me with that would ya.
Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
You obey who? Ask a protestant who he is submitted to and he will say in consternation “Jesus Christ is the only one I submit to, I submit to no man!†Yet the heterodox ignore this verse that plainly tells a Christian to obey and submit to “those that rule over youâ€Â. “Those†is a word that means people as well as indicating more than one!
Ephesians 5:21, Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
If you read your bible it says there were appointed and ordained men in every city as overseers of the Church. The laying on of hands and prayer as recorded in Acts and other scripture passed this on succession of the faith to future generations to this day. The Apostles appointed bishops and elders to each and every city. Does it not stand to reason each “believer†in each city must have an overseer to be called a Christian? If not then why appoint men to these positions? Why doesn’t the protestant church operate under the guidelines set forth by Jesus Christ? Jesus picked, ordained and sent out, just as the Father sent Him, men to be His authority on the Earth, not a book and not you.
Who is your overseer? My bishop is Bishop Tihkon, Diocese of the West. Every Christian has a bishop. Your bishop is?
You judge my obedience to Jesus Christ? Who appointed you judge? Judge not lest ye be judged with the same judgment. Fact is Jesus commands the Church to pray thus the Church prays. Jesus commands the Church to fast thus the Church fasts. Jesus commanded the Church to give alms thus the Church gives alms. Jesus Christ commanded the Church visit the poor, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, visit those in prison, etc… the Church does all these things and more. I am obedient to the fullness of Jesus Christ, the Holy Orthodox Church, fullness of Him that filleth all in all.