In order for us to survive physically, we must prepare spiritually FIRST, without being spiritually prepared, then what would be the point.And if you find yourself without food. And one of your children die. Or your wife dies. Then, will you stay true to the commandment of God, and the faith of the Lord, and not take the mark so that you can just get one loaf of bread? If you see no physical assistance, will your faith still stand? If your mother or father die a slow agonizing death from a disease, will your faith still stand? Or will you receive the mark in order to get medical care? Are you prepared, in your faith, to watch your loved ones die a physical death?
He has promised to supply all our needs. The simple fact is that our needs are purely spiritual. He has supplied them, and will continue. There is no need to repair that which is dying, UNLESS it is for a specific purpose. Which I believe happens. But if He does not have a purpose then you must understand that He may very well allow your outer shell to waste away.
I do not know why you are asking me if I would take the mark? Of course I would not take the mark. Would you? I personally do not want to live an eternity outside of His presence.
You and I both may die in tribulation, it's not a guarantee that both of us won't be shot or hung for our faith. Did you hear about the guy in Afghan who was caught with a Bible and he's going to be shot, he may have already been shot.
The Word does not promise we will not suffer, in fact, it says we will and in that suffering we are being purified, we are dying to ourselves so Jesus will be conformed in us, suffering is a huge part of our Christian walk.