Angels are sons of God, as Adam is a son of God, being created by God Himself.
If angels are sons of God, then that makes God there Father.
Adam was created as God's son and was not born again.
Ok, lets think about a few things.
First of all, you posted an (Angel) scripture from Luke, that says that 1.) Christians dont die, and 2.) are not given to marriage in heaven.
And, in those 2 cases, according to that scripture, our "like angels" affiliation , ends.
So, dont add to that scripture your personal theology and dont use this type scripture to try to prove your theories about salvation regarding Christians.
Consider that Jesus is referred to as the 2nd Adam.
This designates him as human, having the "family tree" of a human.
No "Angel has this linage.
No Angel has a earthly mother.
Consider that No angle is born from a woman, and no Angel, unlike Adam, was created on the earth from dirt.
Angels are spirits, and Humans are living FLESH bodies who are also eternal spirits.
Jesus had a human body, later has a resurrection body, and no angel has this type body.
You bible also says that Adam was created in the "Image of God", and no Angel, according to your bible, was created
in the Image of God.
Do you see it yet?
But here is the distinction that is the main division.
No Angel is a "Child of God", and all Christians are designated by being born again = God's Children.
JLB, did you ever read these scriptures?
Hebrews 1: 5-8:
5 For to which of the angels did the Father ever say,
“You are My Son,
Today I have begotten (fathered) You [established You as a Son, with kingly dignity]”?
And again [did He ever say to the angels],
“I shall be a Father to Him
And He shall be a Son to Me”?
> NOPE< !!
6 And when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says,
“And all the angels of God are to worship Him.”
7 And concerning the angels He says,
“Who makes His angels winds,
And His >ministering servants< flames of fire [to do His bidding].”
8 But about the Son ,.....
So, these scriptures show you the difference between "only begotten" Son Jesus, and "sons of god" who are angels.
There is no equal value, and Jesus is the NOT the brother of angels or the brother of Satan.
And because a Christian is "in Christ", "bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh", "seated in heavenly places" next to GOD, then we have to understand that angles are not related to God as "sons" in the same way that Jesus or "Children of God" (Believers) are designated as "Sons".
Now all of these points, are not just semantics, but instead show us that there is a huge distinction between angels and Human's who are born in the flesh and born again as Children of God their Father.
No Angel has human flesh, because Angels are not born.
Jesus was born in the flesh, as are we.
So, if you want to continue to compare as equal, Angels to Humans, you are making a biblical error.
And if you want to post "angel" scriptures as a means to create the idea that a Child of God can end up in hell, then you are making an even bigger theological error.
And this is why you cant take scriptures that speak about Angelic beings as "sons" and try to overlay those as Doctrines regarding born again Children of God as "Sons".