Actually, that was a quote about the meaning of justification from evangelical theologian, Dr Wayne Grudem.
Grudem is using 'thinks' in the sense of 'considers', like you are considered guilty or not guilty by a judge in court. This is correct. Justification is a legal entity between the saved sinner and God, the Saviour.
Justification by faith is a legal act performed by God. It is a forensic act by which God acquits the sinner. That's what it means for all Christians. God, as an action in their past, has considered their sins acquitted.
'At-ONE-ment' does not define atonement, as I showed in my post #49.
Its odd that technically you understand the word "acquitted", but you wont accept the correct and eternal meaning of it as per a believer's righteous standing before and with, Almighty God.
Here is what you are trying to do...OzSpen, you are on one hand agreeing that the Blood Atonement does indeed remove the judgement against a sinner regarding their sin, and you are also agreeing that the method used to atone for sins was God's sacrifice.
But, then....... you reverse your postition when you refuse to accept that the consequence of the Act of Redemption is an eternal consequence, and furthermore you reverse and revert back to the false theological presumption that the justification which allows God to impute His righteousness, can be voided by your behavior any given second.
You seem to be making the critical mistake that so many make who "think'" they understand the atonement, redemption, justification, salvation,... but in realty they dont.
People that are clueless regarding Salvation all have one belief in common....They believe that Salvation is Temporary instead of Completed, and this is why they think they can lose it and then get it back by whatever means they believe will accomplish this for themselves.
Here is how you know, oh ye reader, if you have your salvation theology correct or if its a misfire and a meltdown.
Do you think like this????
"I know im saved as long as i __________".""
"I know im saved as long as i don't. _________""
Now, if those are you, then your understanding of GRACE and SALVATION is not God's and in fact is terribly terribly flawed.
Its really very simple......Ither you commit to the understanding that its all of God and none of you that saved you and keeps you saved, or you are committed to the self righteous practice of trying to save yourself by your deeds or your works or your confessing or your clinging to a particular few verses that you have used to prove to yourself that what God started on the cross....... you have to complete for it to be completed, OR KEPT.
And This is why, Oz, that you say a born again Christian "is not sinless", yet you will claim they are justified.
Sorry, but you cant have it both ways, tho you do try and no doubt will continue.
See, all people who reject the truth = the "eternal" consequence of redemption as it is directly applied to maintaining the salvation and eternal security of a person always sound like this...
"Yes, God saved me but then i have to ........Keep myself saved by, ....._______________... """"""
Let me a tell you a truth Oz...
If God's
BLOOD and sacrifice and imputed righteousness .....does not of its own accord and its own merit keep you "sinless", then you are not sinless, and you are Lost.
Therefore, you are righteous as God says you are based completely on what He did and provided for you, , or you are sinful as you claim you are, OZ.
But you are not both.
So when you write on Christian forums that "Christians are not sinless", then you are claiming they are sinful, sinners, and those "types" are not in relationship with God, as only the currently sinless - &- the currently righteous, have personal access to the Righteous One.
There is no other possibility.