If I had a kid or two, I wouldn't want them in public schools. I'm fairly progressive on most issues, so I'm not frightened of "liberal bias" or whatever, but...whoa. Schools are basically preparing kids to live in an authoritarian society on constant lockdown. the only schools kids I remember who ever got cut any slack in HS (I'm in my early 30s, btw) were the kids from the upper-middle and upper-class families ("good families"). Everybody else...
not so much. And I don't know if going to a private school would have changed that for me, or if it would change it for anyone else, either. Looking back, a lot of my "mental problems" stemmed from public schools. Seriously. My parents were working class when I was a kid, then lower middle class, the middle-middle class....and their upward mobility meant I was in Honors, but I wasn't wanted in Honors. I ended up graduating a year early to get out of HS, and then I was considered "uppity" for graduating a year early, because that was (apparently...) only appropriate for people from "good families." blah.
i remember now...this one dude from a rich family, coming into class stoned into oblivion...the teacher laughing about it. I couldn't even look out the window during math class without being the teacher getting upset with me. others had it worse. this one kid...i remember teachers being hard on him, even in elementary school, for no really good reason (his parents were/are poor, btw). I think I heard he's in federal prison now.
im glad i don't have kids. i never really wanted kids, don't now. but if i was somehow in charge of a child's education, i don't know that id even want to go for a private school, even a christian one. maybe home schooling, networking with other home schooling families, stuff like that.