thinking back to how my life changed from nothing good/unanswered prayer to good things/prayers answered here is the timeline/process:
1. i was angry thinking i deserved better treatment from God - i saw how He answered other people's prayers yet didn't answer mine
2. i walked away from God and discovered that God had always been with me - that caused me to be no longer angry at God
3. now i was ashamed of myself for walking away from God - i was still confused as to why God answered other people's prayers but not mine - yet out of shame i decided it no longer mattered - i now knew i deserved nothing so i dropped the whole idea of deserving something from God
4. gradually my life got even worse - my health was failing rapidly - i was backed into a corner again - a new and different kind of hell - i already knew not to get angry with God - but i wanted to know what was going on
5. so i asked God to tell me straight out what His will was for my life - did He want me to be an invalid living in constant pain? - i just wanted to know the truth so i respectfully but persistently pestered Him all day and night to tell me if this was His will for me
6. God led me to a conference on the Covenant we have with God - this gave me information i never knew about - it caused me to start pestering God to tell me what to think and believe - i now realized that my hellish life was not God's doing - it was my lack of knowledge - Hosea 4:6
7. after learning about Covenant God led me to faith and dominion - Genesis 1:26 - Mark 11:22-24 - and this is where i learned how to think - how to pray - and how to be blessed to be a blessing as
StoveBolts said - Genesis 12:2
8. i am still growing in this - and my life is getting increasingly better as i learn to be led by God to do what He wants - John 16:13 - John 5:19 - John 12:50 - 1 John 5:14 - John 16:13
9. God wanted better for me than i even knew - but i had to go to zero in Christ so Christ could live through me as my ALL in ALL - John 3:30 - Philippians 4:13 - Philippians 2:13 - John 15:5 - Ephesians 3:20 - Jeremiah 29:11 - Proverbs 4:18
10. this process of changing my mind about why bad things happen and how to walk out of hell and into God's will for my life is a lifetime adventure - that started when i persistently started asking God to show me the truth
11. the key was finding out GOD is for me - He is not withholding - it is my lack of knowledge that created my hell (Hosea 4:6) - was that my fault? - not really - i only knew what i was taught as a child - but God is the ANSWER - He is the One who wants to teach us the truth (John 16:13) - which results in an increasingly better life in Christ (John 10:10 - Jeremiah 31:13 - Proverbs 4:18)
i'm not sharing this to tell you what to do - you are a unique and special person as we each are
i'm sharing my testimony to encourage you that God has something good for you too - God loves you and is with you and is there for you - Jeremiah 31:3 - Jeremiah 29:13
i am committed to praying for you to come out of misery and into all the good things God has for you - Jeremiah 29:11
praying for you my dear friend