I will start with yes. Yes. And even yes again. Absolutely correct.
I told a little story a bit while ago about something to do with medicine men/shamen in this area, a place loaded with pagans. Long story made short it involved one of them nearing the end of life and finally figuring out that the spirits that "helped" him weren't actually helping him at all. Truth. The man recognized a truth. That didn't mean you sat in front of that man to learn anything he had to say about God. You don't think that Paul saying stuff like that was more to let his own people know about how far they had gone in being wrong? Sorta like "Hey these people don't even know who God is and they can still act properly when it comes to (insert matter here) and you can't?"
Wasn't the whole theme of this that he didn't actually know what he was saying and was simply used by God? Another person it would be unwise to sit down in front of and learn about God. I see these sorts of roles are all throughout the Bible though, people getting used by God and clueless it's happening.
There are probably loads of theories on that. The only facts I see on the matter in place are Romans 11:25 coupled with the absence of John 16:13. There could be more, I don't know.
Like I said, different standards. We both have understanding that we can each pick up "pieces" of God littered about.
I understand everything went off topic and as bad or as good as it was this sort of stuff wasn't really what I was on about. A quip came in to do with Jews saying there are 70 meanings to every passage. The statement was mostly endorsed without proof. Of course proof isn't required because it's just a false statement but had a culture attached to it to justify. There is absolutely no way there are 70 meanings to Luke 24:42. It's clear to see there is an almost romantic infatuation for some with the culture. It kills impartiality. This is the basis for asking why this stuff always has to come up. And not only come up, but be treated by a segment of the board population as if it's mystically untouchable because a Jew or Jewish culture said it, whether one or they actually did or not.
just a few questions/thoughts:
1. were the jews in the OT filled/motivated/speaking by the Holy Spirit?
2. if yes - then how can any of us know for sure who is moved upon by the Holy Spirit?
3. if no then how can you read and trust most of the bible - 3/4 being written by jews before Jesus?
i have read jewish commentary - and i get excited to see the words of Jesus and the other NT writers are affirmed by jewish sages who lived before Jesus -
so what does that mean? - God was speaking to jews before Jesus came to earth - all writers of OT and some sages quoted in talmud - like gamaliel who was paul's rabbi before he met Jesus - the same gamaliel who told the jewish religious leaders to leave the disciples alone - Acts 5:39
this fact is recognized by jews when they finally read the NT for themselves - they are stunned to find what Jesus and NT writers said is very jewish - and the NT as the freshest best jewish wisdom - and most amazingly jews easily recognize Jesus as the long awaited Messiah all on their own - without anyone preaching to them - because they have studied talmud and recognize Jesus when they see Him in the NT
so jews studying talmud sets them up to believe and receive the NT when they get around to reading it
christians who find jewish gems can use it to better understand Jesus and the OT/NT writers - AND reach out to jews in greater biblical wisdom than most christians possess
to tell the truth the NT makes way more sense and comes so vividly alive for me when i see the historicity recorded in talmud
Jesus said wisdom comes out of the mouth of babes - Matthew 21:16 - the bible says God's wisdom came out of the mouth of a donkey - Numbers 22:28 - and the mouth of king saul - 1 Samuel 18:10 - and out of the mouths of many OT jews - Hebrew 1:1 - 2 Peter 1:21
if you want to limit the Holy Spirit and say He can't speak through jews who have not YET accepted Jesus as their Savior i can understand why you say it but i do most definitely disagree as per scriptures quoted
i appreciate your desire to keep the purity of the Holy Spirit and God's Truth - i feel the same way
i just think you are missing the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of people who have not yet received Jesus as Savior
iow the Holy Spirit can move on and through anyone He wishes to - saved or not
just as saved people can be moved on by the flesh and be carnal and speak apart from the Holy Spirit - 1 Corinthians 3:1 - 1 Corinthians 3:3